Understanding Campaign Is In The Destination Sales Experts
Understanding Promotion is one of the important factors that affect consumer perception . The purpose of the campaign is to inform , influence and persuade , and remind consumers about the company and its products . The purpose of the promotion can be linked to the specific role of each component in marketing . Sales promotions such as exhibitions can be used to achieve a variety of objectives in the promotion mix ( Cravens , 1995) .Understanding Promotion In The Experts - According Swastha Basu (1984 ) is the promotion of information flow in one direction or persuasion made ​​to direct a person or organization to act that created the exchange in marketing .Study Kopalle and Lehmann (1995 ) and research conducted Andrews (1989 ) on the effect of the promotion of the new product quality assessment concluded consumer confidence and the quality can be built with the close relationship between producers and consumers through appropriate promotional strategy approach .Promotion can be measured by the appeal of the promotion , the promotion reach , frequency and effectiveness of promotion campaign . Promotion causing consumers more price sensitive and promotion signals a positive effect on consumer behavior in selecting a product .Mela and Gupta (1997 : 252 ) developed a variety of models parameters that influence the emergence of purchase and quantity of purchase to determine with certainty whether the increased promotion have influenced the decision to buy back the product in the long run . Promotion is done in an interesting way will enable customers to assess a product because consumers are faced with some specifications of the products with the advantages of each .Promotional activities undertaken by a company having a wide variety of purposes , namely :1 . Behavior modificationPromotional activities are expected to create a product image to the public , with products that are well known by the public is expected to influence purchasing decisions for products that people are already familiar .2 . informPromotional activities are also intended to inform the public on the existence of a product , in this case mainly on new products being launched in the market , with the promotion of the community are expected to obtain information about the existence of a product .3 . persuadeEffective promotional activities to the consumer is able to bring the benefits of persuasive ( coax ) so that after consumers get complete information about the products offered are expected to change their ways of thinking and decided to buy the products offered .4 . remindUseful promotional activities as well as a reminder of the company's products that have been circulating in the community but for the lack of attention from the public , this is due to promotional activities are not planned in a strategy Promotion relationship with Purchasing DecisionsStudy Kopalle and Lehmann (1995 ) and research conducted Andrews (1989 ) on the effect of promotion on demand goods and conclude that the confidence consumers' assessment of the product can be built with the close relationship between producers and consumers through appropriate promotional strategy approach .Mela and Gupta (1997 : 252 ) developed a variety of models parameters that influence the emergence of demand and quantity of purchase to determine with certainty whether the increased promotion have influenced the decision to buy back the product in the long term that will increase demand for the product in the market . Promotion is done in an interesting way will enable customers to assess a product because consumers are faced with some specifications of the products with the advantages of each .Understanding Campaign is

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