INTEREST read so far to be one big problem for the Indonesian nation . Why not, when the Indonesian public interest in reading among the lowest in Asia .

Indonesia only superior over Cambodia and Laos . In fact, the lower the reading habit , ignorance and poverty disease will progress and potentially threaten the existence of the nation . Worse yet , low interest in reading not only occur in the general population , in elementary , junior high , high school , even college students interest in reading was very low . This stands in stark contrast to the conditions in Japan .

Nowadays of course we 've seen how advances in science and technology development in Japan . All of that is because the Japanese government to prioritize the needs of the community reading material , especially school children and college students , so it is not surprising that libraries , especially on college campuses Japan , always crowded with students .

Different from the conditions in Indonesia campus library , university library over not only as a storage and display various collections of books and other reference materials . Even more ironic , the campus library is often used as a place for courtship , not a place to read and discuss .

As a student and aspiring scientists , libraries should be the most sought after , especially in finding a reference to making or completing tasks lectures .
Grow Your Reading Interest
Factors that become lonely library , in addition to declining student interest in reading , as well as the library can not keep up with the times by not meeting the needs of students . To meet the needs of assignments , students often prefer the instant way , ie looking at the internet .

Why the low student interest in reading ? According to ( Arixs : 2006) there are six factors that cause : ( 1 ) learning system in Indonesia has not made ​​a college student should read the book , ( 2 ) the number of places of entertainment , games , and TV shows that distracts them from book , ( 3 ) reading culture had never inherited our ancestors , while still dominant culture than the culture said reading , ( 4 ) a means to obtain readings like other libraries are still a rare commodity , ( 5 ) the uneven spread of reading materials in various walks of life ( 6 ) and boost reading is not grown since  higher education .

Actual library plays an important role for the creation of a culture of reading for students . The library is a bridge to the mastery of science , can provide an important contribution to opening up access to information , as well as providing accurate data for decision reference sources for science . And all of it can only get by reading .

That's why the college library should be designed so that the student and academic community more comfortable there . Libraries must be able to fulfill the thirst of the students who thirst for knowledge in four ways .

First , add the library infrastructure , facilities and networks such as the internet or wi - fi , reproduce discussion space , and improve the reading room . If this can be realized , it will certainly attract the attention of students visit the library.

Second , provide good service , friendly , and welcoming . This is particularly important given the visitors are students educated . So if there is a service of the officers who were poor and unsatisfactory they will protest and certainly less comfortable in using library facilities .

Third , the availability of adequate collection of books . Collection of reading materials ( books or literarur ) is the most important component to the library . Collection should have minimal library is a must-read for every subject taught and the amount should be sufficient . According to Education Minister Decree 0686/U/1991 , every basic subjects and skills courses must be provided two books by the number of copies required at least 10 % of the number of students taking the course .

Fourth , create a reading on campus climate . Conducive academic environment will encourage students to be diligent to the library . It can be done , for example by providing lecturers reading assignments for students .

If the library can provide a good service and provide a range of needs required literature , the student will come to the library a lot . Such an environment can not be created alone by the library , but must work with the entire campus community . ( 24 )

- Fauzul Andim , a former activist LPM Press IAIN Walisongo Tarbiyah Faculty of Education , is currently a teacher at SLB Negeri Unggaran .

LESS over two months the Ministry of National Education will hold stool . Hosting the National Examination ( UN ) for the junior - senior high school . Although these activities routinely carried out every year , but in the process has always caused controversy .

Polemics that often arise in the implementation of the UN every time is a key selling answers . Lots of speculators who sell incorrect answer , the victim certainly parents and students short minded . In addition , the practice of cooperation and cheating is still often done so that students can pass the exam . All that being bad record for MONE in UN .

It is also often exacerbated by the intervention of the concerned parties , especially schools that want their students pass 100 % by opening question first and then worked on the answer distributed to teachers and students .

Such cheating is often color the implementation of the UN each year . Reasons for embarrassment if any relevant school students do not graduate .
Rampant practice in the UN mafia is very alarming . UN should be implemented in ways that are fair and elegant , instead of cheating ways .
Moreover, cheating is very contrary to the spirit of education that teaches the importance of honesty .
modification Problem

Step Events Calendar by adding the number of packets a matter which was originally two parcels into five packets should be appreciated .
With about five different package , it will reduce the practice of buying and selling as well as the response of UN cooperation and minimize the chance of students cheating action when the test took place . Not only that . Exam with modifications , will minimize the intervention of the various parties .

The most important thing at this time there should be outreach to the entire Department of Education at the provincial , district / city , as well as schools with a new system that will be implemented , especially in terms of packet problem .
The goal is that students who participate UN also prepare myself as best as possible in dealing with different issues between students with each other .
Although there are pros and cons to the new UN system , it is reasonable . If the system is successful and can suppress fraud in the implementation of the UN , it would be better , in the hope of increasing the quality of education .


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