In the life of a country , education plays a very important to ensure the survival of the state and nation , because education is a vehicle to improve and develop the quality of human resources . Along with the development of computer technology and information technology , the schools in Indonesia was time to develop its management information system to be able to keep up with changing times .
         Sisko is able to provide the ease of managing its activities and increase the credibility and accountability of the school in the eyes of students , parents , and communities information technology to support the educational process has become a necessity for educational institutions in Indonesia. Use of information technology is needed to improve efficiency and productivity for management education . Success in increasing the efficiency and productivity for management education will also determine the viability of the institution itself. In other words, delaying the application of information technology in educational institutions fluency means delaying education in the face of global competition .
Utilization of information technology designed for performance improvement of educational institutions in their efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources . Teachers and school administrators are no longer preoccupied with operational tasks , which actually can be replaced by computers . Therefore, it can provide advantages in efficient time and effort .
Saving time and speed of presentation of information due to the application of information technology that will provide opportunities for teachers and school administrators to improve the quality of communication and guidance to students . Thus, students will feel more humanized in order to develop the personality and knowledge .
For example, the main thing is that the scheduling system must be done every semester . It usually takes a long time to arrange scheduling , With Sisko can be completed in a short time . To facilitate the administration of the school curriculum , Sisko provide special facilities which are at the core of the school curriculum system that helps in making the scheduling of school subjects can be processed no longer than 10 minutes . Administrators would only include the condition of each of the teachers who will be teaching both in the first week of a teacher can teach few hours , but it can also place an order and placement of public holidays each teacher teaching in a 1 week period . Once all the conditions entered , the system will process all of the data to produce the optimal schedule and can be directly used as the system will detect that there will be no timetable contiguous to each other .
Once all the conditions entered , the system will process all of the data to produce the optimal schedule and can be directly used as the system will detect that there will be no timetable contiguous to each other . After scheduling problem can be handled well , it is no less important is the inclusion of student data ( student assessment ) .
Sisko program has provided facilities for the handling of student assessment that directly enter a value into the report cards and ready to be printed . For student assessment system , which can perform only charging Teachers who teach subjects . The scoring system has been adapted to the CBC ( Competency-Based Curriculum ) so that each teacher can include a narrative description of the subjects . To display the assessment data can be adjusted back to the discretion of each institution whether to display the data value and displays the student's final grades of students each time holding a particular test or assignment .
In addition to the scheduling module and Module Assessment of students , Sisko also provides the facility to finance the administration of the school in terms of student tuition payments . Administration can directly check that students who have delinquent tuition and tuition payments for detailed history of each student can be printed as print books bank accounts that facilitate the work of the financial administration . Financial administration can immediately make arrangements payment data each student according to their needs and can be changed at any time if there is a rise in tuition payments . If students are going to make the payment , the officer can directly enter data . The same can be done for Voluntary Contribution payment data and Leisure Savings .
With existing facilities in the program Sisko , Sisko very profitable application of educational institutions in their efforts to improve efficiency and productivity performance of educational institutions . Therefore Sisko was created to provide convenience for the educational institutions :
• Storage and processing of data of students , staff , finance , and asset schools
• Analysis of the performance of the development of students, teachers , and schools from period to period
• Provision of information about the development of students' studies to Master Guardians and Parents
• Provision of information to support reporting to the Office of the Department of Education related to the National Final Examination ( UAN ) and the Accreditation Board School ( BAS )
• Processing of data into information to support decision making
• Management of cataloging the library including books , book search , the process of borrowing and returning books , books presence status , and the determination of the amount of fines .
Provision in the form of instant messaging communication to their stakeholders by utilizing internet technology and wireless communication technology .


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