
Global warming or 'Global Warming' is a term  foreign to our ears. Event caused by an increase in the average temperature of the earth that causes a wide range of forest very big disaster for the prevention of global warming. forest is also one of the factors triggering the global for us to save the forest and our planet! Through this paper will discuss the relationship between forests and global warming.


B. discussion

Global I

International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a group of researchers in the form by the United Nations (UN), to monitor the causes and effects of global warming. Research that has been conducted over the past decade proves that the cause of the increase in Earth's temperature is directly related to greenhouse gases generated by human activity. Most of the greenhouse gases produced by livestock, burning of fossil fuels from motor vehicles, modern factories, deforestation on a large scale, as well as power generation.
Earth's atmosphere consists of various gases that remain in a state keep warm, referred to
kaca.Planet gases we basically need these gases to keep the life in them.

Without the presence of greenhouse gases, the Earth would be too cold to live in the absence of solar heat.
For comparison, the planet mars  thin layer of the atmosphere and does not have the effect average temperature -32 ° Celcius.Kontributor biggest global warming today is:
a.Karbondioksida (CO2),
b. (CH4) is produced by agriculture and livestock (digestive systems of grazing animals), c.Nitrogen Oxide (NO) from fertilizers, used for refrigerator and air conditioning (CFC).

Global warming much bad impact to the world, and the bio-geophysical environment, among other things:

ice in the Arctic and in Greenland that SelatanEs Pole has melted nearly 19 million tonnes! And the volume of ice in the Arctic in summer 2007 just stay there 4 years earlier!
Using data esterbaru, as well as a more accurate predictive models, Dr. H. J. Zwally, NASA climate smake new predictions are astonishing: ES IN ALMOST ALL will disappear BETWEEN NORTH POLE YEAR 2008 - 2012!

Sea Level surface area b. Melting ice in the north pole and south pole direct impact on rising sea levels (chart at right shows the results of measurements of sea levels during the last few years).
Experts estimate when all Sea levels will rise up to 7 feet! submerge the entire beach, the port, and plains worldwide.

The Climate c. or Cuacayang EkstrimPola capricious rainfall can be predicted without causing flooding in one place, but in a place drought, typhoons and tropical storms will be popping up with the new trend of more and more powerful, typhoons in Japan States continues record wind speed, scale, and strength from year to year storm, rainfall and snow storms in China also continues to break new records from year to year. There is no one in this world s who escaped from extreme climate change.

Becoming Increasingly Popular d. Injury Year 2007 was a new record-breaking year for temperature by the usual heat wave hit the United States St. George, Utah holds the record for the highest temperature of 48 ° Celsius. (For comparison, you can imagine the temperature of Surabaya city's famous hot 'only' i between 30 ° -37 ° Celsius). Temperatures in St. George followed by Las VegasNevada which reaches 47 ° Celsius, as well as several other cities in AmerikaSerikat that the average temperature is above 40 ° Celsius. Death Valleydi California area even had time to record the temperature of 53 degree Celsius in the attack takes some casualties (shutting down hundreds of freshwater fish, damaging crops, triggering intense forest fires, and killing farm animals.

Glacier Water-Resources In The World.


Flora and Specific Global warming also result in a serious impact socio-economic society, among others:
-Disruption of the function of coastal areas and coastal cities,
-Disruption of the function of infrastructure such as roads, ports and airports,
-Disruption of settlements,
-Reduction of agricultural productivity,
-Increased risk of cancer and disease outbreaks, etc..

To protect our earth from global warming attacks do things like the following:

climate change campaign of the organization
vegetarian or vegan is the only movement that can be done someone
or riding a bike can reduce greenhouse gas
energy, turn off equipment that is not used
, reuse, recycle.
little water, or to taste
forests, replant forests that have been damaged, etc..

forests (Deforestation)

and Functions

Forest is an area that has lots of bushy plants that contain such trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, etc., and occupy a considerable area has many benefits for us all. Forest-lung world (planet earth) so we need to watch for if will only bring bad impact for us in the future The following is a benefit or among others:
- Forests can regulate the climate
- Forests as the lungs of the world that produce oxygen
- Can collect rain water in the soil-Prevent the salty sea water intrusion-Being regulator groundwater
- Prevent erosion and flooding
- Keeping and maintaining soil fertility
- As the region to conserve biodiversity.

Well, a lot of forest fungi. But people of today have wasted forest. Various activities forests destroyed. Examples of serious human activities causing deforestation include shifting cultivation and illegal logging and illegal. The destruction of forests which should serve as a store of CO2 is also further compound this situation because dead trees release CO2 will be stored in the network to the atmosphere. These activities resulted in forests being deforested, there  various floods, landslides, even though global warming! Humans also lack a wide range of biological diversity, food sources and life in the forest is also missing. This is clearly a very bad impact for humans as well as other Therefore, we must keep our forests, continue to live well.

Some things we have intervenes to protect the forests from global warming and various other adverse effects are:
1.Mencintai our forests from now,
2.Menjaga conservation of biodiversity in it,
3.To carry reforestation on degraded forests,
4.Menghentikan illegal logging and large-scale,
5.Jangan burned forest
6.Berhenti doing shifting cultivation,
7.Menggunakan natural products to taste (do not be wasteful), etc..
By doing the little things above, we can us.


Of paper above it can be concluded that:
-Forests are the lungs of the world that need to be taken care of, let's keep the joint-sma forests, starting from now.
-Global warming is a serious problem that must be Save our earth with our a save lives.

-Age we were teenagers, many ways can we do to save the forest and our planet.
-Save the forest and the earth does not have to wild, but starting from small things like keeping, using enough water and natural resources, and started planting trees around our neighborhood. We als to school, to reduce emissions in the Earth's atmosphere.
-Start all from ourselves.

Presumably paper entitled "Forests and Global Warming" can be useful for all readers as well as reference materials for further papers.


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