In line with the global challenges of life, education is a very important thing because education is a matter of determining the progress of a nation, and the determinants of human resource capacity in the country. Where during the current progress of a nation is not seen from the wealth of natural resources but it is also seen at the time of the capabilities of human resources how to utilize the natural resources that exist in the country. But the problem today is that many students who lack education especially love is the most highlighted Math. Most school Students saturated with math because there is no one thing that can arouse the interest of school students for subjects like math even for just reading and flipping through the book is concerned with mathematics.
Learning math is not all that difficult, because virtually every lesson learned for sure is we want everything to be readily accepted and understood, but most of the students always assume that mathematics is a very frightening specter.
 Associated with excessive a priori sense of the mathematics found several causes of saturated math students include that includes an emphasis on memorization alone, the emphasis on speed or numeracy, authoritarian teaching, the lack of variation in the process of teaching and learning mathematics, and an overemphasis on individual merit . Therefore, to overcome this, the teacher's role is very important. Because of the importance of the role of teachers in students overcome math saturated, then the teaching of mathematics must be changed. If earlier, focused on teaching mathematics only a matter of arithmetic, so this time, the teachers have to improve students' skills in reasoning using mathematical logic. Therefore, mathematics is no longer a matter of arithmetic, but a wide range of topics and issues that are familiar with the day-to-day life.

Research issue to be discussed in scientific papers are:
· Overcoming Burnout Studying Mathematics Subjects.
· Factors Contributing to Burnout Studying Mathematics Subjects.

Scientific activities of this preparation has a very important purpose, namely:
· General Purpose: Generating interest in students to pursue education, especially in mathematics, eliminating saturation students in learning math, and realize that mathematics is not just activity of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication as of today must applicable and in accordance with the needs of modern life.


· Students are taken to observe and understand the problem first. Further introduce some important definitions that must be understood so that students have the provision to understand the phenomena that they find in the field.
· Encourage students to explore, experiment, and let them see what happens. Here there will be a process of bring creative ideas that may be unexpected teacher. This is where a creative form. Students will better enjoy their lessons.
· Allow students to make a hypothesis / conjecture on what they are doing.
· Teacher discusses with students the activities performed. Provide opportunities for students to present their observations. Then new process of verification, straighten what has been done so that it appears the formula or formulas or models that can be used as a reference when students find a similar problem.
· One thing that is also important is the appreciation process. If the hypothesis is taken by students was less precise then the teacher should continue to appreciate. With that way, then the student will remain motivated motivation.


            Learning is a process of conscious behavior changes as a result of interaction between learners with resources or learning objects, either intentionally designed. or unintentionally designed yet utilized. The learning process is not only due to the interaction between learners and teachers, but can also be obtained through interactions among learners with other learning resources.
Learning of mathematics, one among the aim is to equip students with the ability to think logically, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative, as well as the ability to cooperate.
To achieve these goals is not easy. Initial perceptions of the students towards mathematics, have established a diverse attitudes. Anyone have a high interest in mathematics, but not the least is to be saturated with mathematics. This is certainly due to the learning experience they had ever felt.
One of the factors that most negatively affects the perception of students toward mathematics is due to boredom they experience while studying mathematics. Saturated attitude that they feel could be due to their inability to work on any given problem, or because they are difficult to understand the material being taught. This saturation is also often caused by teachers teaching. Because teachers lack the skills and master the methods, strategies and approaches to learning can make learning fun atmosphere and generate interest.

As for measures to deal with saturation learn mathematics is:

The teacher's role is to raise a very fundamental motivation for learners to be more active learning. There are two types of motivation, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation or encouragement and excitement arising from the learners themselves, for example, want to benefit from the practical lessons, want to get an award from a friend, especially from teachers, wanted to get a good value as evidence of "can do". Extrinsic motivation refers to the external factors that have promoted the emergence of a passion to learn, such as the social environment that builds in the group, the physical environment which gives a comfortable atmosphere, pressure, competition, including adequate learning facilities and generate interest.
In mathematics learning, motivation is very important. To evoke intrinsic motivation, students are reminded of the importance of learning mathematics to solve problems of daily living, such as calculations, measurements and so on. Moreover, if the student wishes to continue studying to a higher level again, then the math will continue to be obtained, so that the understanding and control of matter at the early stages will help to later stages. Extrinsic motivation can be conditioned by the teacher, such as giving compliments, gifts and so on. The following steps are also a form of extrinsic motivation.

a fun atmosphere can be created by teachers avoid a rigid, tense especially daunting in learning, insert a fresh humor and educate, not provide the questions were too difficult, and others.

Dpat fun learning environment affects student attitudes. Create a comfortable classroom atmosphere, study table decorated with something refreshing and encouraging to the student, classroom walls are plastered with pictures or decorations are of interest to them.

To eliminate boredom, boredom and fatigue in learning, students are given a refreshing atmosphere, how can the music included in the study room, giving the games simulations with the learning material. At certain times, ask students to learn outside the classroom, such as in parks, on the ground and so forth.

                  Formal mathematics instruction generally begins in school. Meanwhile, mathematics in schools is still a daunting lesson for the students. Among the various factors that trigger this thing is a learning process that is less fun and interesting. Learning models that are often encountered in mathematics learning is the learning process patterned "teacher centered", ie teacher-centered learning. So that teachers become the main character and presence to be very decisive. Learning can not be done without the presence of a teacher. Students tend to be passive and do not play a role during the learning process. So the process that appears is "take and give". In stringing learning, teachers are generally familiar with the standard model, namely learning stems from the formula, memorize it, and then applied in the example problems. Such learning model does not provide space for students to make observations (observed), exploration (dig), inquiry (investigating), and other activities that allow them to engage and understand the real problem. Models such as this which resulted in a collection of mathematical formulas that creepy tub, difficult to learn, and seem abstract.


For example, in learning about trigonometry comparison. Learning trigonometry often feared because the surface is visible to the symbols and formulas are abstract. The meaning is rarely raised and to students. Comparison of actual trigonometry came from the real issues. Here's one alternative teaching to do:

    Teacher first explain the important definitions in preparation for them to conduct field observations.
    Furthermore ask students to measure objects such as tall flag pole, tree, building class, and others. let them find their own way. Of course there will be sisni proposed various ways for students to measure the height of these objects. In this case the teacher on duty to accommodate a variety of responses emerged, guiding, and directing the students try not to be too out of the region as a goal.
    Next the teacher can direct students to apply trigonometry in comparison to these problems. For example, the high will be measured tree P. Ask for one of his students, say student A, standing in a certain distance to the object you want measured height. Suppose the distance x meters. With the help of a clinometer can know the magnitude of the angle formed by a student with a tree P, say is the angle formed?. By using the tangent rule, will easily obtain a high tree P. namely: High tree P = x tan (?)
    Ask students to compare the effectiveness and the ease various ways gained through these activities. From here will specifically indicated that mathematics can facilitate comparisons of trigonometry to solve the problems that exist.
    Learning activities can be ended by asking students to write a series of activities carried out until the final results are achieved. With this, most likely students can better understand the concept of comparison trigonometry.


Mathematics is the science of reality, in the sense of the science that originated from real life. Learning should start from the real thing, from the illustrations are close and are able to reach students, and then simplified the mathematical formulation. Teach mathematics is not simply pass the rules, definitions, formulas, or ready-made. Mathematical concept stems should be submitted on the condition or real problems. The following stages of teaching to do:

    Students were taken to observe and understand the problem first. Further introduce some important definitions that must be understood so that students have the provision to understand the phenomena that they find in the field.
    Encourage students to explore, experiment, and let them see what happens. Here there will be a process of bring creative ideas that may be unexpected teacher. This is where a creative form. Students will better enjoy their lessons.
    Let the students make a hypothesis / conjecture on what they are doing.
    Teachers with students to discuss the activities undertaken. Provide opportunities for students to present their observations. Then new process of verification, straighten what has been done so that it appears the formula or formulas or models that can be used as a reference when students find a similar problem.
    One thing that is also important is the appreciation process. If the hypothesis is taken by students was less precise then the teacher should continue to appreciate. With that way, then the student will remain motivated motivation.
                  Having successfully overcome all the saturation learn about math, the students should be in demand to always motivate himself, began to like the teacher who teaches math so the students are expected to also love learning, and begin to create a study group to have more input -input can be from another friend. Similarly, suggestions and criticisms that the authors expect to get better for the next write scientific papers.



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