We use English everyday but we don’t know it. May be we do not speak English with our parent or our friends but we always read in the books, magazine, papers, movies and etc. every day. So learning English is very important to know far increasing our world.
In English there are four language skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The students must master the four of language skills so they can use English actively and also passively. Writing as a part of the language skills besides listening, speaking and reading, must be taught maximally by the teacher to the student.
Writing is also one media of communication. According to Byrne (1980:24) writing is a primary means of recording speech, even though it must be acknowledged as a secondary medium of communication, so that the writer can conclude that writing is very important as one media of  communication, that can help us to have a good socialization, can express our idea, feeling, and our opinion so that we can have a good interaction with our  society.
We can see the importance of writing in daily life and also in our social life, like in education and business aspect, for example when we write letter or application letter. Writing also gives some other benefits. Besides  being means of communication, writing can also create jobs. In beginning writing, it is just an activity to express our idea, opinion, or feeling in the text. Writing can also be a hobby to spend our time, but finally in this modern life,  people can get money from doing their writing, for example a journalist, novelist or scrip writer.
Although, writing is very important for us, it is a difficult subject especially for the student. The reason is because writing is a mixture of our  idea, vocabulary and also grammar, according to Heaton in his book”Writing English Language Test”(1975:138);
Writing skill are more complex and difficult to teaching, requiring, and mastering not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and judgment, because of the difficulties of  writing, some efforts have been done to solve the problem .The main objective is to make the writing become easier to learn for the students.

From the Heaton’s opinion, the writer can conclude that writing is a very important subject because in writing we must share idea from our   brain, it is not easy to translate concept in our brain to be a written language, and we must also be clever to choose and to combine the vocabulary to create something that is meaningful .We also must pay attention to the grammar, so it is normal if the student think that writing is a difficult subject because they must pay attention to many things (idea, concept, vocabulary and grammar).
Besides that reason, there is another factor that makes writing be the most difficult subject. The other reason is that there are a lot of many kinds of  texts in English, such as narrative, descriptive, recount, spoof and many more. Each text has different characteristics. There are generic social function, structure and lexicogrammatical features. Usually the student can differentiate each text from another and they mix all kinds of texts. This will be a challenge for the teacher to find out how the student can distinguish each kind of text from another.

This paper the writing that writer  want to emphasize is narrative writing because the tense that commonly used is simple past tense and its pattern is not difficult to remember by student. The other reason is because the students usually write about their selves even their experience or sharing the feeling which was felt by them in one event. To make it easy in teaching the media that is used to help writing process is internet. The facility that is used is blog because when the students put their writing in a blog it is meant the other people can give comments directly including teacher or their friends, so they can know about the lack and surplus of their writing. From those comment the students are hoped to improve their writing more and more because the application is very important beside some theories.



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