An Analysis The Genre Of Comedy In William Shakespeare’s Play “The Tempest”


1.1 Background of the Analysis

 The word Literature derives from the Latin ‘Litera’ (‘letter’) that refers to the written or printed works (Wellek, Rene 1965:1). But, not all of the written and printed works can be said as literature because literary languages are different with the other writing text. The subject matters of literature is subjective because its language is connotative, while other writing such as the medical, history, geography, use the scientific language, so they can not be classified as literary works. According to Rene Wellek and Austen Warren (1965:15) literature is creative, and art. Said creative because literature is product of mind; it means that literature comes from the imaginative mind of author who had the talent to create stories. He perceived what was happening around them from natural phenomena to the lives of the people in their community and makes them in a written form. But, the writers did not just tell what had happened, they select the sources or the events they had seen or read and organized a series of related events into a plot and combine them to be an artistic writing. Literature said as art because the language used is beautiful in terms of exaggerate such as the using of figure of speech.
People may perceive a difference between "literature" and some popular forms of written work. The terms "literary fiction" and "literary merit" serve to distinguish between individual works. Critics may exclude works from the classification "literature," for example, on the grounds of a poor
unbelievable or disjointed storyline, or of inconsistent or unconvincing characters. Genre fiction (for example: romance, crime, or science fiction) may also become excluded from consideration as "literature." Elements of drama such as character, plot, theme, dialogue, convention, genre, audience, stagecraft, design (design divided in some other elements such as; theater space, the proscenium theater, the thrust stage, the arena stage, variant forms, the fixed architectural stage, auditoriums, set design, stage facilities, lighting design, costume design, mask, makeup, technical production, sound and sound effects), and conversions. According Emil Sylianteng, “Genre is a term that describes works of literature according to their shared thematic or structural characteristics. The attempt to classify literature in this way was initiated by Aristotle in the Poetics, where he distinguishes tragedy, epic, and comedy and recognizes even more fundamental distinctions between drama, epic, and lyric poetry. Classical genre theory, established by Aristotle and reinforced by Horace, is regulative and prescriptive, attempting to maintain rigid boundaries that correspond to social differences. Thus, tragedy and epic are concerned exclusively with the affairs of the nobility, comedy with the middle or lower classes. Modern literary criticism, on the other hand, does not regard genres as dogmatic categories, but rather as aesthetic conventions that guide, but are also led by, writers. The unstable nature of genres does not reduce their effectiveness as tools of critical inquiry, which attempts to discover universal attributes among individual works, and has, since classical times, evolved theories of the novel, ode, elegy, pastoral, satire, and many other kinds of writing.”
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Comedy (from the Greek, komodia) as a popular meaning, is any humorous discourse generally intended to amuse, especially in television, film, and stand-up comedy. The comedy genres of literature there are, Old comedy is genre of play that having the character of comic that made by Aristophanes in Greek at fourth century B.C. that as a performance of satirical. Distinguish of this drama is majoring of chorus, mimic, dialog that having the characteristic of comic or humorous to satirizing of figure that very recognized by a society. Middle comedy is genre of play at fourth century that more decent than old comedy because the characteristic of satirical that harsh not rise, but the majoring of plot and acting. This comedy genre also lessening usage chorus and changing with dialog. New comedy is genre of play that born one hundred years after old comedy, which is at eighth century B.C. in Roma, made by Menander that emphasizing existence plot and acting. The theme that to be favorite to the period there are three; first, about the rich parent that having the characteristic of cruel, second, the younger that naughty and wild but able to change to be tame when meet with women that make him/her falling in love, third, all ministrant that devoted and obedient.
1.2 Problems of the Analysis
There are some problems in this play which need to find out. The problems that the writer find out as having relation to: 1. How the characteristics, humor and plot described in The Tempest.? 2. What are relations of humor with the serious story?
1.3 Objective of the Analysis
Concerning with the problem above, this analysis is intended to achieve some objectives:
1. To find out describing the characteristics, humor and plot in The Tempest.
2. To find out relations of humor with the serious story.

1.4 Significance of the Analysis

 There is some significance in writing this thesis. The first significance of the analysis is to make writer understand about literary work especially of William Shakespeare’s works. Second, this thesis also will be useful for another reader or people who want to learn or know about comedic genres more large, especially the students of faculty of letters can enlarge their knowledge of English literature. I hope that this thesis will enrich our knowledge about other fields of knowledge.
1.5 Scope of the Analysis
 In writing this thesis, the writer only focuses on analyzing comedy genres. This analysis must have limitation in order to the discussion of this analysis does not too wide. In William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the writer only discusses about comedy genres through the play, which described in this story. But in this thesis, the writer focuses on analyzing the comedy genres can be found from some books and internet. 1.6 Review of the Related Literature To support the ideas of this thesis, the writer has used some books, which are related to this topic. The following books are the main sources in finding data and information to analyze this play, such as:
• Theory of Literature by Rene Welleck and Austeen Warren. This book describes about how literature as a social institution using language as its medium in creating social relationship and the novelist becomes the member of the society.
• An Introduction to Shakespeare’s Comedies by Patrick Swinden. This book describes about Shakespeare’s comedies.
• Shakespeare Made Easy ‘The Tempest’ by Stanley Thornes. This book describes about a complete understanding of the play.
• Shakespeare: The Tempest by D. J. Palmer. This book gives information and explanation about the play.

