Examples of Understanding Leadership Management Papers
Leadership Management paper is a paper that discusses the management leadership which in this paper define the what is management a nd what is leadership and definition of the various figures. Leadership is a decision and more a result of the change in character or in a person's internal transformation. Leadership is not a position or title, but a birth of a long process of change in a person.
Management Leaders always be proactive preventive and early Management is not only the leader who began taking acting reactive action when problems occur. Leaders are proactive always act to prevent the emergence of future and difficulties in the future. For more details, please read the paper you see below.
A. Background
Lessons about humility and true leadership can be obtained from the life story of Nelson Mandela. A great South African leader, who brought his people from the racist state, a democratic state and independent. I witnessed this myself in a TV talk show hosted by the famous presenter Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela tells how that suffering for 27 years in prison Apartheid government, it gave birth to a change in him. He experienced a change in character and gain peace within himself. So he became a man of humble and willing to forgive those who had made him suffer for years.
As said by the famous author, Kenneth Blanchard, that leadership starts on the inside and out to serve those they lead. Change of character is everything for a true leader. Without a change from within, peace without self, without humility, without a strong integrity, durability facing difficulties and challenges, and a clear vision and mission, a person will never be a true leader.
Leadership is a decision and more a result of the change in character or in a person's internal transformation. Leadership is not a position or title, but a birth of a long process of change in a person. When someone finds the vision and mission of his life, when there is peace within ourselves (inner peace) and form a solid character building, when every utterance and action began to give effect to the environment, and when its existence encourages changes in the organization, that's when a person is born a leader true. So the leader is not just a title or position is given from the outside but something that grows and develops from within oneself. Leadership is born of internal processes
Quite often a true leader is not known to exist by those they lead. Even when the mission or task completed, then all members of the team will say that they are doing it themselves. A true leader is an encourager (encourager), motivator, inspiration, and maximizer.
The concept of thinking like this is something new and may not be accepted by conventional leaders who actually expect respect and praise (honor and praise) of those they lead. More and even praised cult, the higher the heart and forget am left a leader. Precisely true leadership is leadership that is based on humility.
Discussing about
A leader who according to karaktenya
Effect to the environment, and when its existence encourages changes in the organization
C. Problem Formulation
This paper focuses on
How is that leadership
Apasajakah scope of leadership
How is that being a leader
Many leaders who have the capability of this method of leadership. Because it is never taught in formal schools. Therefore we are often on many occasions to encourage formal institutions to pay attention to skills like this that we call the soft skills or personal skills. In one article on economist.com there is a review titled Leadership Can Be Taught. Clear in the article that discussed leadership (in this case the method of leadership) can be taught so that they complement the character who has a leadership. There are three important things in methods of leadership, namely: Effective leadership begins with vision jelas.Visi is a power or the power to make changes, which led to the devastating explosion of creativity through the integration and synergy of the expertise of the people there within the organization. In fact it is said that nothing motivates change more powerfully than a clear vision.
True leaders focus on spiritual matters than mere worldly success. For him wealth and prosperity is to be able to give and work more. Whatever is done is not to receive the award, but to serve others. And he put a relationship or a loving relationship and appreciation, in comparison to the status and power alone. A true leader always willing to learn and grow in various aspects, knowledge, health, finances, relationships, and so on.
Every day senantiasi harmonize (recalibrating) himself against a commitment to serve God and others. Through solitude (silence), prayer (prayer) and scripture (read the Word of God).
Similarly servant leadership by Ken Blanchard that we think is relevant to the leadership crisis situation experienced by the people of Indonesia. Even according to Danah Zohar, author of Spiritual Intelligence: The Ultimate Intelligence SQ, one measure of spiritual intelligence is servant leadership (servant leadership).
Even in a study conducted by the Gay Hendrick and Kate Luderman, suggests that leaders who successfully brought the company to the pinnacle of success usually is a leader who has a high SQ. They usually are the ones who have integrity, open, able to accept criticism, humble, able to understand others well, inspired by a vision, to know himself well, has a high spiritual, and always seek the best for themselves as well as for others.
A clear vision can be devastating push for changes in the organization. A leader is the inspiration and visionary change, which has a clear vision of where the organization is heading. Leadership is simply the process to bring the people or organizations they lead toward a goal (goal) is clear. Without vision, the leadership has no meaning at all. Vision is what drives an organization to continue to grow and learn, and thrive in maintaining survivalnya so that it can last for several generations.
Servant leader is a leader who can control his ego and personal interests over those of the public or those they lead. Ego control means can control when the pressure and challenges to be so severe. A true leader is always in a state of calm, full of self-control and not easy emotion.
Head of The Serving (Leadership Method) A true leader is not enough to just have a heart or character alone, but must also have a series of methods of leadership in order to be an effective leader. Lots of leaders have the qualities of a first aspect, the character and integrity of a leader, but when it becomes a formal leader, it is not effective at all because it does not have good leadership methods.
An example is the charismatic leader or a leader who became a symbol of the struggle of the people, such as Corazon Aquino, Nelson Mandela, Abdurrahman Wahid, maybe even Mahatma Gandhi, and many more become ineffective leader when he was formally became president. This is because they do not have a method of leadership needed to manage those they lead.
There are two aspects of the vision, the visionary role and implementation role. That is not only a leader can build or create a vision for the organization but have the ability to implement that vision into a series of actions or activities necessary to achieve that vision.
An effective leader is one who is very responsive. This means that he is always responsive to any issues, needs, hopes and dreams of those they lead. In addition it is always active and proactive in finding a solution of any problems or challenges facing his organization.
An effective leader is a coach or a companion for those who lead (performance coach). This means that he has the ability to inspire, encourage and enable his men in planning (including action plans, targets or goals, plan resource requirements, and so on), perform daily activities (monitoring and control), and evaluate the performance of his men .
Hands Serving (Leadership Behavior) A true leader is not just shows the character and integrity, as well as having the capability in the method of leadership, but he must demonstrate the behavior and habits of a leader. In Ken Blanchard's book is mentioned four leader behaviors, namely: Leaders not only satisfy those they lead, but truly have a desire always to satisfy God. This means that he lives in a manner that is in line with the Word of God. He has a mission to always glorify God in all things that be, said and done.
What is the meaning of leadership? According to history, the time of "leadership" emerged in the 18th century. There is some sense of leadership, among others:
Leadership is interpersonal influence, in certain situations, and directly through the communication process to achieve one or more specific purposes (Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961, 24).
Leadership is a personal attitude, which led the implementation of activities to achieve the desired goal. (Shared Goal, Hemhiel & Coons, 1957, 7).
Leadership is a process that affects the activities of the group are set to achieve a common goal (Rauch & Behling, 1984, 46)
Leadership is the art or technique's ability to create a group of people to follow and obey all his wishes.
Leadership is a process that gives meaning (meaningful leadership) and produced in cooperation with the willingness to take the lead in achieving goals (Jacobs & Jacques, 1990, 281).
Many definitions of leadership that describes the assumption that leadership is associated with the process affects both individuals and society. In this case, deliberately influence from person to person in the arrangement of activities and relationships in a group or organization. John C. Maxwell said that the essence of leadership is influence or gain followers.
According to James AF Stonen, the main task of a leader is:
A leader is responsible for working with other people, one with his superiors, staff, colleagues or other superiors in the organization as well as people outside the organization.
A leader is responsible for preparing the task of running tasks, conduct evaluations, to achieve the best outcome. Leaders are responsible for the success of his staff without failure
The process of leadership is limited resource, so the leader must be able to formulate a task with priority precedence. In an effort to achieve the goal the leader must be able to delegate tasks to staff. Then the leader must be able to manage time effectively, and solve problems effectively.
A leader must be an analytical and conceptual thinker. Furthermore, it can identify the problem accurately. Leaders must be able to decipher the entire work becomes clearer and relation to other work.
Conflicts always happen on every team and organization. Therefore, the leader must be able to be a mediator (mediator)
A leader must be able to invite and make compromises. As a diplomat, a leader must be able to represent the team or organization.
A leader must be able to solve the problem.
According to Henry Mintzberg, The role of leader is:
The role of relationships between individuals, in this case functions as an exemplary leader, team builder, coach, director, mentor consultation.
The role of informal function as a monitor, disseminator of information and spokesman.
The role of the decision maker, serves as an entrepreneur, disturbance handling, resource allocation, and negotiator.
Principle, as a paradigm consists of several main ideas based on personal motivation and attitude as well as having a strong influence to establish himself or organization. According to Stephen R. Covey (1997), the principle is part of a condition, the realization and the consequences. Perhaps the principle of creating trust and run as a compass / instructions that can not be changed. The principle is a central or primary source of the life-support system display with 4 dimensions such as safety, guidance, thoughtful gesture, and force.
Heart Serving (Leadership Character) Servant leadership starts from within us. Leadership requires a transformation of the heart and character changes. True leadership starts from within and then move out to serve those they lead. This is where the importance of character and integrity of a leader to be a true leader and is accepted by the people they lead. Return how many we see leaders who claim representatives or public officials, it has no integrity at all, because of what was said and promised in the election campaign when it is not the same as that done when it sits comfortably in his chair.
At least according to Ken Blanchard and his colleagues, there are a number of traits and values that emerge from a leader who has a heart to serve, namely: The ultimate aim of a leader is to serve the interests of those they lead.
The orientation is not for personal interest or faction but instead they lead the public interest. Whether this is a lofty dream or did we not have a leader like this, a clear leader who put the interests of the public is very rare to find in this republic. A true leader would have a desire to build and develop those they lead so many leaders in the group grow.
This is in line with the book written by John Maxwell entitled Developing the Leaders Around You. The success of a leader depends on its ability to build up the people around him, because of the success of an organization is dependent on the potential of human resources within the organization. If an organization or community has many members with leadership qualities, organization or nation will grow and become stronger.
Leadership Management paper is a paper that discusses the management leadership which in this paper define the what is management a nd what is leadership and definition of the various figures. Leadership is a decision and more a result of the change in character or in a person's internal transformation. Leadership is not a position or title, but a birth of a long process of change in a person.
Management Leaders always be proactive preventive and early Management is not only the leader who began taking acting reactive action when problems occur. Leaders are proactive always act to prevent the emergence of future and difficulties in the future. For more details, please read the paper you see below.
A. Background
Lessons about humility and true leadership can be obtained from the life story of Nelson Mandela. A great South African leader, who brought his people from the racist state, a democratic state and independent. I witnessed this myself in a TV talk show hosted by the famous presenter Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela tells how that suffering for 27 years in prison Apartheid government, it gave birth to a change in him. He experienced a change in character and gain peace within himself. So he became a man of humble and willing to forgive those who had made him suffer for years.
As said by the famous author, Kenneth Blanchard, that leadership starts on the inside and out to serve those they lead. Change of character is everything for a true leader. Without a change from within, peace without self, without humility, without a strong integrity, durability facing difficulties and challenges, and a clear vision and mission, a person will never be a true leader.
Leadership is a decision and more a result of the change in character or in a person's internal transformation. Leadership is not a position or title, but a birth of a long process of change in a person. When someone finds the vision and mission of his life, when there is peace within ourselves (inner peace) and form a solid character building, when every utterance and action began to give effect to the environment, and when its existence encourages changes in the organization, that's when a person is born a leader true. So the leader is not just a title or position is given from the outside but something that grows and develops from within oneself. Leadership is born of internal processes
Quite often a true leader is not known to exist by those they lead. Even when the mission or task completed, then all members of the team will say that they are doing it themselves. A true leader is an encourager (encourager), motivator, inspiration, and maximizer.
The concept of thinking like this is something new and may not be accepted by conventional leaders who actually expect respect and praise (honor and praise) of those they lead. More and even praised cult, the higher the heart and forget am left a leader. Precisely true leadership is leadership that is based on humility.
Discussing about
A leader who according to karaktenya
Effect to the environment, and when its existence encourages changes in the organization
C. Problem Formulation
This paper focuses on
How is that leadership
Apasajakah scope of leadership
How is that being a leader
Many leaders who have the capability of this method of leadership. Because it is never taught in formal schools. Therefore we are often on many occasions to encourage formal institutions to pay attention to skills like this that we call the soft skills or personal skills. In one article on economist.com there is a review titled Leadership Can Be Taught. Clear in the article that discussed leadership (in this case the method of leadership) can be taught so that they complement the character who has a leadership. There are three important things in methods of leadership, namely: Effective leadership begins with vision jelas.Visi is a power or the power to make changes, which led to the devastating explosion of creativity through the integration and synergy of the expertise of the people there within the organization. In fact it is said that nothing motivates change more powerfully than a clear vision.
True leaders focus on spiritual matters than mere worldly success. For him wealth and prosperity is to be able to give and work more. Whatever is done is not to receive the award, but to serve others. And he put a relationship or a loving relationship and appreciation, in comparison to the status and power alone. A true leader always willing to learn and grow in various aspects, knowledge, health, finances, relationships, and so on.
Every day senantiasi harmonize (recalibrating) himself against a commitment to serve God and others. Through solitude (silence), prayer (prayer) and scripture (read the Word of God).
Similarly servant leadership by Ken Blanchard that we think is relevant to the leadership crisis situation experienced by the people of Indonesia. Even according to Danah Zohar, author of Spiritual Intelligence: The Ultimate Intelligence SQ, one measure of spiritual intelligence is servant leadership (servant leadership).
Even in a study conducted by the Gay Hendrick and Kate Luderman, suggests that leaders who successfully brought the company to the pinnacle of success usually is a leader who has a high SQ. They usually are the ones who have integrity, open, able to accept criticism, humble, able to understand others well, inspired by a vision, to know himself well, has a high spiritual, and always seek the best for themselves as well as for others.
A clear vision can be devastating push for changes in the organization. A leader is the inspiration and visionary change, which has a clear vision of where the organization is heading. Leadership is simply the process to bring the people or organizations they lead toward a goal (goal) is clear. Without vision, the leadership has no meaning at all. Vision is what drives an organization to continue to grow and learn, and thrive in maintaining survivalnya so that it can last for several generations.
Servant leader is a leader who can control his ego and personal interests over those of the public or those they lead. Ego control means can control when the pressure and challenges to be so severe. A true leader is always in a state of calm, full of self-control and not easy emotion.
Head of The Serving (Leadership Method) A true leader is not enough to just have a heart or character alone, but must also have a series of methods of leadership in order to be an effective leader. Lots of leaders have the qualities of a first aspect, the character and integrity of a leader, but when it becomes a formal leader, it is not effective at all because it does not have good leadership methods.
An example is the charismatic leader or a leader who became a symbol of the struggle of the people, such as Corazon Aquino, Nelson Mandela, Abdurrahman Wahid, maybe even Mahatma Gandhi, and many more become ineffective leader when he was formally became president. This is because they do not have a method of leadership needed to manage those they lead.
There are two aspects of the vision, the visionary role and implementation role. That is not only a leader can build or create a vision for the organization but have the ability to implement that vision into a series of actions or activities necessary to achieve that vision.
An effective leader is one who is very responsive. This means that he is always responsive to any issues, needs, hopes and dreams of those they lead. In addition it is always active and proactive in finding a solution of any problems or challenges facing his organization.
An effective leader is a coach or a companion for those who lead (performance coach). This means that he has the ability to inspire, encourage and enable his men in planning (including action plans, targets or goals, plan resource requirements, and so on), perform daily activities (monitoring and control), and evaluate the performance of his men .
Hands Serving (Leadership Behavior) A true leader is not just shows the character and integrity, as well as having the capability in the method of leadership, but he must demonstrate the behavior and habits of a leader. In Ken Blanchard's book is mentioned four leader behaviors, namely: Leaders not only satisfy those they lead, but truly have a desire always to satisfy God. This means that he lives in a manner that is in line with the Word of God. He has a mission to always glorify God in all things that be, said and done.
What is the meaning of leadership? According to history, the time of "leadership" emerged in the 18th century. There is some sense of leadership, among others:
Leadership is interpersonal influence, in certain situations, and directly through the communication process to achieve one or more specific purposes (Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961, 24).
Leadership is a personal attitude, which led the implementation of activities to achieve the desired goal. (Shared Goal, Hemhiel & Coons, 1957, 7).
Leadership is a process that affects the activities of the group are set to achieve a common goal (Rauch & Behling, 1984, 46)
Leadership is the art or technique's ability to create a group of people to follow and obey all his wishes.
Leadership is a process that gives meaning (meaningful leadership) and produced in cooperation with the willingness to take the lead in achieving goals (Jacobs & Jacques, 1990, 281).
Many definitions of leadership that describes the assumption that leadership is associated with the process affects both individuals and society. In this case, deliberately influence from person to person in the arrangement of activities and relationships in a group or organization. John C. Maxwell said that the essence of leadership is influence or gain followers.
According to James AF Stonen, the main task of a leader is:
A leader is responsible for working with other people, one with his superiors, staff, colleagues or other superiors in the organization as well as people outside the organization.
A leader is responsible for preparing the task of running tasks, conduct evaluations, to achieve the best outcome. Leaders are responsible for the success of his staff without failure
The process of leadership is limited resource, so the leader must be able to formulate a task with priority precedence. In an effort to achieve the goal the leader must be able to delegate tasks to staff. Then the leader must be able to manage time effectively, and solve problems effectively.
A leader must be an analytical and conceptual thinker. Furthermore, it can identify the problem accurately. Leaders must be able to decipher the entire work becomes clearer and relation to other work.
Conflicts always happen on every team and organization. Therefore, the leader must be able to be a mediator (mediator)
A leader must be able to invite and make compromises. As a diplomat, a leader must be able to represent the team or organization.
A leader must be able to solve the problem.
According to Henry Mintzberg, The role of leader is:
The role of relationships between individuals, in this case functions as an exemplary leader, team builder, coach, director, mentor consultation.
The role of informal function as a monitor, disseminator of information and spokesman.
The role of the decision maker, serves as an entrepreneur, disturbance handling, resource allocation, and negotiator.
Principle, as a paradigm consists of several main ideas based on personal motivation and attitude as well as having a strong influence to establish himself or organization. According to Stephen R. Covey (1997), the principle is part of a condition, the realization and the consequences. Perhaps the principle of creating trust and run as a compass / instructions that can not be changed. The principle is a central or primary source of the life-support system display with 4 dimensions such as safety, guidance, thoughtful gesture, and force.
Heart Serving (Leadership Character) Servant leadership starts from within us. Leadership requires a transformation of the heart and character changes. True leadership starts from within and then move out to serve those they lead. This is where the importance of character and integrity of a leader to be a true leader and is accepted by the people they lead. Return how many we see leaders who claim representatives or public officials, it has no integrity at all, because of what was said and promised in the election campaign when it is not the same as that done when it sits comfortably in his chair.
At least according to Ken Blanchard and his colleagues, there are a number of traits and values that emerge from a leader who has a heart to serve, namely: The ultimate aim of a leader is to serve the interests of those they lead.
The orientation is not for personal interest or faction but instead they lead the public interest. Whether this is a lofty dream or did we not have a leader like this, a clear leader who put the interests of the public is very rare to find in this republic. A true leader would have a desire to build and develop those they lead so many leaders in the group grow.
This is in line with the book written by John Maxwell entitled Developing the Leaders Around You. The success of a leader depends on its ability to build up the people around him, because of the success of an organization is dependent on the potential of human resources within the organization. If an organization or community has many members with leadership qualities, organization or nation will grow and become stronger.
Servant leaders have love and concern for those they lead. Love is manifested in the form of awareness of the needs, interests, dreams and expectations of those they lead.
The fourth characteristic of a leader who has a heart that serving is accountability (accountable). The term means accountability is responsible and reliable. This means that all the words, thoughts and actions can be justified to the public or to any member of his organization.
Servant leader is a leader who will listen. Want to hear every needs, dreams and expectations of those they lead.
A. Leadership
The leader is the core of the management. This means that the management goal would be achieved if there is a leader. Leadership can only be carried out by a leader. A leader is someone who has the leadership skills, have the ability to influence the stance / opinion of the person or group of people without asking the reasons. A leader is someone who is actively making plans, coordinating, conducting experiments and lead the work to achieve the goal together.
Leadership is the activity of influencing the behavior of others to cooperate to achieve certain goals. The definition contains two very important basic understanding of leadership, namely Influencing the behavior of others. Leadership in the organization are directed to influencing the people they lead, to want to do as expected or directed by people who lead it.
The motivation of people to behave there are two kinds of extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. In the event that there needs to be a factor extrinsic motivation beyond that person who encouraged him to behave certain. In that kind of leadership is that external factors. Moderate intrinsic motivation to behave in a certain impetus that comes from within oneself. So there is a kind of awareness of their own accord to do something, such as improving the quality of work.
In the process of guiding leadership, give direction, affecting the feelings and behavior of others, facilitate and mobilize others to work together toward desired goals. All that is done must be perceived as leaders by others in the organization as a relief to those people to be able to improve the quality of its performance. In this case the attempt to influence the feelings have a very important role. Feelings and emotions of people need to be touched with the aim to foster new values, eg it must be quality work, or give you the best possible service to the customers it is a must that noble, and so forth. With the new values will be owned by the growing awareness of people more qualified to do. In science education is included in the affective area.
B. The views Leadership
A lifelong learning
Not only through formal education, but also outside of school. For example, learning through reading, writing, observation, and listening. Having experience both good and bad as a learning resource.
A leader is not served but to serve, because the principle is based on the principle of serving the leader with a career as a primary goal. In providing services, should be a principled leader on good service.
Bringing positive energy
Every person has the energy and spirit. Using positive energy based on sincerity and a desire to support the success of others. For the positive energy needed to build a good relationship. A leader must be able and willing to work for long periods of time and the condition was not specified. Therefore, a leader must be able to demonstrate a positive energy, such as;
Believe in others
A leader trusting others including staff subordinates, so they have the motivation and retain good jobs. Therefore, the trust must be followed with care.
Balance in life
A leader must be able to balance his duties. Oriented to the principles of humanity and self balance between work and exercise, rest and recreation. The balance also means the balance between life world and the hereafter.
See life as a challenge
The word 'challenge' is often interpreted negatively. In this case the challenge is the ability to enjoy life and all its consequences. Because life is a challenge that is needed, have a sense of security that comes from within oneself. Sense of security depends on the initiative, skill, creativity, willpower, courage, and freedom dynamics.
Principled people who always live in synergy and a catalyst for change. They always overcome his own weaknesses and others. Synergy is a group work and benefit both parties. According to the Webster's New International Dictionary Brolier, Synergy is a group work, which gives the results more effective than working individually. A leader must be able to synergism with each boss, staff, colleagues.
Exercises develop yourself
A leader must be able to renew themselves in order to achieve high success. So he is not only a process-oriented. The process of developing self daalam consists of several components that are associated with:
Understanding of the material;
Extending through the learning materials and experiences
Teaching materials to another person;
Applying the principles;
Monitoring results;
Reflecting on the results;
Adding new knowledge necessary materials;
New understanding, and
Back to being myself again.
Achieving principled leadership is not easy, due to some constraints in the form of bad habits, such as:
Willingness and desire unilateral;
Pride and rejection, and
Personal ambition.
To overcome this problem, it requires training and experience constantly. Training and experience is very important to get a new perspective that can be used as a basis for decision making.
The laws of nature can not be avoided in the process of personal development. Intellectual development of a person is often faster than his emotional development. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to achieve a balance between the two, so it will be the controlling factor in intellectual ability. Training begins from studying the emotional hearing. Listening means forward, opening up, and willing to understand other people. This exercise can not be enforced. Auditory training step is to ask, give reasons, to reward, threaten and encourage. In the training process, a person need to control themselves, followed by fulfilling the desire of people.
Developing personal power would be more beneficial than relying on outside forces. Power and authority aims to legitimize leadership and should not to create fear. The increase in knowledge, skills and attitudes are needed to create a berpinsip leader because a leader should not only smart intellectually, but also emotionally (IQ, EQ and SQ).
C Fundamental Things You Need To Leadership
Management implemented in an organization or institution that is in the early stages of implementation was driven by the leadership of the organization very concerned with the quality and determined to make his organization was always and continuously improve the quality Kiner his desk, whether it be in the form of products or services. Leadership for the MMT requires mastery of basic capital in the form of seven fundamental organization of life concerns.
a. Organization:
Why is there an organization they lead and for what? The answer to this fundamental question that needs to be controlled very well by all the people who hold the reins of leadership of an organization. Without mastering the answer is either doubtful whether they will be able to direct others in the organization to the intended purposes.
b. V i s i:
What kind of organization would be the organization in the future? The people who hold leadership needs to have foresight about the organization they want to develop it into an organization that is how, the what and how to function, which is capable of producing goods and services what and how, and to be presented to who? This vision should have a long-term, say 10 years or 25 years can both, in order to facilitate quality improvement efforts sustainable performance.
c. M i s i:
Why do we exist in this organization? What tasks should we do? The answer to these questions related to the above vision. How that vision will be realized? Principal tasks are to be done by the organization in order to shape the future vision of the organization or earlier can be realized. The formulation of the organization's mission should also be well understood and clearly by those who hold leadership so that they can provide the right direction and clear to others.
d. The values
The principles of what is believed to be the truth which serves as a guide in carrying out the organization, and wish that others in the organization are also adopting these principles. For example, quality, customer focus, discipline, stewardship are values that should be embraced by those who hold leadership MMT.
e. Wisdom
Formulations is to be submitted to the people in the organization as a direction so that they know what to do in providing services and goods to the customer. The people who hold leadership must be able to formulate such policies so that people can present quality as desired by the organization.
f. Organizational goals
Is the things that need to be achieved by the organization in the long term and short term in order to allow the people in the organization fulfill its mission and realize their vision. The goals of the organization need to be formulated concretely and clearly.
g. Methodology:
Is the formulation of the selected ways outlined in the action towards realizing the vision and achieving the goals of the organization. This methodology is limited to the major lines that need to be done and not the technical details of the work.
The seven very basic things that need to be mastered in the implementation of MMT and it will be included in formulating strategic plans for quality. Without the ability to formulate it specifically seventh and communicating it to the people in the organization, it is difficult for people to realize that quality as desired.
D. Management Leadership
Leadership is more geared to the working groups that have a task or function, respectively, do not focus to the individual. This will result in growth of developing cooperation in groups. Individual motivation will be the task of everyone in the group, so the working group be a source of motivation for each member in the group. Because boss always assess the performance of the group, not the individual, then ma! Each group will try to spur cooperation as well as possible, if necessary by pulling at less true friend works.
Management Leadership does not always make their own decisions in all things, but just do it in things that would be better if he were to decide. The rest is handed over authority to the group-to-group under his supervision. This is done primarily to matters pertaining to how to execute technical work. People who are in the working groups that have received training and day-to-day doing a job that is better know how to do the work and therefore become more competent to make the decision of the leadership.
Every effort to improve the quality of performance, whether it is in those resulting produce goods or services, essentially always necessary to change ways of working. So desirable for better quality do not fear the face of change, a chapter without changes will not be an increase in the quality of performance. Change can be created by the leader, but it does not necessarily have to always come from the leader, because the leader- limited capabilities. Therefore, leaders need to stimulate the emergence of creativity actually figure among the people they lead in order to create new things that if it would result in better quality performance. A leader should not impose old ideas that have been proven to not be able to produce a quality performance as expected for. Every new idea is intended to produce something that is more qualified than any origin should be welcomed. The people in the organization should be made not be afraid to be creative, and the proven yield good idea should be given recognition and awards.
A leader always crave renewal management, because he knows that only the renewal will be produced better quality. Therefore she must always encourage everyone in the organization to undertake bold innovations, be it the working procedure as well as the goods and services produced. Of course all of that is done through a process of testing and rigorous evaluation before widespread adoption in organizations. Instead leadership should not retain the old work habits that have been proven to not produce quality as expected if the organization and its customers by the pe.
Management always seek the cooperation within the team, group, or within organizational units. The programs start from the planning stage through to implementation and evaluation is carried out through cooperation, rather than pro-gram alone the individual. The existence of a working system that is based on cooperation within teams, groups or units that should always be thinking of the leaders of Management. Essentially a follower of the participation of all people in activities appropriate to the ba-kat, interests and abilities of each person. People are the most important asset in the organization and therefore every person should be optimally utilized for the benefit of attainment of organizational goals.
Management Leaders always be proactive preventive and early-tisipatif. Management is not only the leader who began taking acting reactive su-dah action when problems occur. Leaders are proactive always act to prevent the emergence of future-lah and difficulties in the future. Each plan of action has been contemplated as a result and the consequences that will arise, and then contemplated how to eliminate the things that are negative, or at least trying to minimize it.
The fourth characteristic of a leader who has a heart that serving is accountability (accountable). The term means accountability is responsible and reliable. This means that all the words, thoughts and actions can be justified to the public or to any member of his organization.
Servant leader is a leader who will listen. Want to hear every needs, dreams and expectations of those they lead.
A. Leadership
The leader is the core of the management. This means that the management goal would be achieved if there is a leader. Leadership can only be carried out by a leader. A leader is someone who has the leadership skills, have the ability to influence the stance / opinion of the person or group of people without asking the reasons. A leader is someone who is actively making plans, coordinating, conducting experiments and lead the work to achieve the goal together.
Leadership is the activity of influencing the behavior of others to cooperate to achieve certain goals. The definition contains two very important basic understanding of leadership, namely Influencing the behavior of others. Leadership in the organization are directed to influencing the people they lead, to want to do as expected or directed by people who lead it.
The motivation of people to behave there are two kinds of extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. In the event that there needs to be a factor extrinsic motivation beyond that person who encouraged him to behave certain. In that kind of leadership is that external factors. Moderate intrinsic motivation to behave in a certain impetus that comes from within oneself. So there is a kind of awareness of their own accord to do something, such as improving the quality of work.
In the process of guiding leadership, give direction, affecting the feelings and behavior of others, facilitate and mobilize others to work together toward desired goals. All that is done must be perceived as leaders by others in the organization as a relief to those people to be able to improve the quality of its performance. In this case the attempt to influence the feelings have a very important role. Feelings and emotions of people need to be touched with the aim to foster new values, eg it must be quality work, or give you the best possible service to the customers it is a must that noble, and so forth. With the new values will be owned by the growing awareness of people more qualified to do. In science education is included in the affective area.
B. The views Leadership
A lifelong learning
Not only through formal education, but also outside of school. For example, learning through reading, writing, observation, and listening. Having experience both good and bad as a learning resource.
A leader is not served but to serve, because the principle is based on the principle of serving the leader with a career as a primary goal. In providing services, should be a principled leader on good service.
Bringing positive energy
Every person has the energy and spirit. Using positive energy based on sincerity and a desire to support the success of others. For the positive energy needed to build a good relationship. A leader must be able and willing to work for long periods of time and the condition was not specified. Therefore, a leader must be able to demonstrate a positive energy, such as;
Believe in others
A leader trusting others including staff subordinates, so they have the motivation and retain good jobs. Therefore, the trust must be followed with care.
Balance in life
A leader must be able to balance his duties. Oriented to the principles of humanity and self balance between work and exercise, rest and recreation. The balance also means the balance between life world and the hereafter.
See life as a challenge
The word 'challenge' is often interpreted negatively. In this case the challenge is the ability to enjoy life and all its consequences. Because life is a challenge that is needed, have a sense of security that comes from within oneself. Sense of security depends on the initiative, skill, creativity, willpower, courage, and freedom dynamics.
Principled people who always live in synergy and a catalyst for change. They always overcome his own weaknesses and others. Synergy is a group work and benefit both parties. According to the Webster's New International Dictionary Brolier, Synergy is a group work, which gives the results more effective than working individually. A leader must be able to synergism with each boss, staff, colleagues.
Exercises develop yourself
A leader must be able to renew themselves in order to achieve high success. So he is not only a process-oriented. The process of developing self daalam consists of several components that are associated with:
Understanding of the material;
Extending through the learning materials and experiences
Teaching materials to another person;
Applying the principles;
Monitoring results;
Reflecting on the results;
Adding new knowledge necessary materials;
New understanding, and
Back to being myself again.
Achieving principled leadership is not easy, due to some constraints in the form of bad habits, such as:
Willingness and desire unilateral;
Pride and rejection, and
Personal ambition.
To overcome this problem, it requires training and experience constantly. Training and experience is very important to get a new perspective that can be used as a basis for decision making.
The laws of nature can not be avoided in the process of personal development. Intellectual development of a person is often faster than his emotional development. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to achieve a balance between the two, so it will be the controlling factor in intellectual ability. Training begins from studying the emotional hearing. Listening means forward, opening up, and willing to understand other people. This exercise can not be enforced. Auditory training step is to ask, give reasons, to reward, threaten and encourage. In the training process, a person need to control themselves, followed by fulfilling the desire of people.
Developing personal power would be more beneficial than relying on outside forces. Power and authority aims to legitimize leadership and should not to create fear. The increase in knowledge, skills and attitudes are needed to create a berpinsip leader because a leader should not only smart intellectually, but also emotionally (IQ, EQ and SQ).
C Fundamental Things You Need To Leadership
Management implemented in an organization or institution that is in the early stages of implementation was driven by the leadership of the organization very concerned with the quality and determined to make his organization was always and continuously improve the quality Kiner his desk, whether it be in the form of products or services. Leadership for the MMT requires mastery of basic capital in the form of seven fundamental organization of life concerns.
a. Organization:
Why is there an organization they lead and for what? The answer to this fundamental question that needs to be controlled very well by all the people who hold the reins of leadership of an organization. Without mastering the answer is either doubtful whether they will be able to direct others in the organization to the intended purposes.
b. V i s i:
What kind of organization would be the organization in the future? The people who hold leadership needs to have foresight about the organization they want to develop it into an organization that is how, the what and how to function, which is capable of producing goods and services what and how, and to be presented to who? This vision should have a long-term, say 10 years or 25 years can both, in order to facilitate quality improvement efforts sustainable performance.
c. M i s i:
Why do we exist in this organization? What tasks should we do? The answer to these questions related to the above vision. How that vision will be realized? Principal tasks are to be done by the organization in order to shape the future vision of the organization or earlier can be realized. The formulation of the organization's mission should also be well understood and clearly by those who hold leadership so that they can provide the right direction and clear to others.
d. The values
The principles of what is believed to be the truth which serves as a guide in carrying out the organization, and wish that others in the organization are also adopting these principles. For example, quality, customer focus, discipline, stewardship are values that should be embraced by those who hold leadership MMT.
e. Wisdom
Formulations is to be submitted to the people in the organization as a direction so that they know what to do in providing services and goods to the customer. The people who hold leadership must be able to formulate such policies so that people can present quality as desired by the organization.
f. Organizational goals
Is the things that need to be achieved by the organization in the long term and short term in order to allow the people in the organization fulfill its mission and realize their vision. The goals of the organization need to be formulated concretely and clearly.
g. Methodology:
Is the formulation of the selected ways outlined in the action towards realizing the vision and achieving the goals of the organization. This methodology is limited to the major lines that need to be done and not the technical details of the work.
The seven very basic things that need to be mastered in the implementation of MMT and it will be included in formulating strategic plans for quality. Without the ability to formulate it specifically seventh and communicating it to the people in the organization, it is difficult for people to realize that quality as desired.
D. Management Leadership
Leadership is more geared to the working groups that have a task or function, respectively, do not focus to the individual. This will result in growth of developing cooperation in groups. Individual motivation will be the task of everyone in the group, so the working group be a source of motivation for each member in the group. Because boss always assess the performance of the group, not the individual, then ma! Each group will try to spur cooperation as well as possible, if necessary by pulling at less true friend works.
Management Leadership does not always make their own decisions in all things, but just do it in things that would be better if he were to decide. The rest is handed over authority to the group-to-group under his supervision. This is done primarily to matters pertaining to how to execute technical work. People who are in the working groups that have received training and day-to-day doing a job that is better know how to do the work and therefore become more competent to make the decision of the leadership.
Every effort to improve the quality of performance, whether it is in those resulting produce goods or services, essentially always necessary to change ways of working. So desirable for better quality do not fear the face of change, a chapter without changes will not be an increase in the quality of performance. Change can be created by the leader, but it does not necessarily have to always come from the leader, because the leader- limited capabilities. Therefore, leaders need to stimulate the emergence of creativity actually figure among the people they lead in order to create new things that if it would result in better quality performance. A leader should not impose old ideas that have been proven to not be able to produce a quality performance as expected for. Every new idea is intended to produce something that is more qualified than any origin should be welcomed. The people in the organization should be made not be afraid to be creative, and the proven yield good idea should be given recognition and awards.
A leader always crave renewal management, because he knows that only the renewal will be produced better quality. Therefore she must always encourage everyone in the organization to undertake bold innovations, be it the working procedure as well as the goods and services produced. Of course all of that is done through a process of testing and rigorous evaluation before widespread adoption in organizations. Instead leadership should not retain the old work habits that have been proven to not produce quality as expected if the organization and its customers by the pe.
Management always seek the cooperation within the team, group, or within organizational units. The programs start from the planning stage through to implementation and evaluation is carried out through cooperation, rather than pro-gram alone the individual. The existence of a working system that is based on cooperation within teams, groups or units that should always be thinking of the leaders of Management. Essentially a follower of the participation of all people in activities appropriate to the ba-kat, interests and abilities of each person. People are the most important asset in the organization and therefore every person should be optimally utilized for the benefit of attainment of organizational goals.
Management Leaders always be proactive preventive and early-tisipatif. Management is not only the leader who began taking acting reactive su-dah action when problems occur. Leaders are proactive always act to prevent the emergence of future-lah and difficulties in the future. Each plan of action has been contemplated as a result and the consequences that will arise, and then contemplated how to eliminate the things that are negative, or at least trying to minimize it.
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