Expert Radiography is one of the professions that directly or indirectly participate in efforts toward welfare and mental physical spiritual material for the Indonesian people . Therefore , all matters related to the profession Experts Radiography always oriented to the demands of society .
Expert Radiography is a profession that does service to the public , the profession is not solely for work for a living , but is the work of the trust , in which case the trust of the public who require professional services , believe in sincerity of heart , believe in loyalty and trust professional abilities .

The existence of an abundance of members of the community , requires every member of the profession in order to offer services in an honorable manner , with a fully realized that the members of the profession in addition to taking responsibility of personal honor , also bear responsibility in the practice of the profession honor his service .
And besides that, also with full awareness that the service is part of an effort to improve community health status .
Therefore Expert Radiography Profession Member deems it necessary prepare formulations for clues in hopes of being moral ties for members - members . Radiology Professions and members are fully aware that just because the guidance of God Almighty member radiography profession Experts devotion to duty in the interests of humanity , the nation and the state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution .
General Liability
Each expert radiography profession in carrying out the work is not justified distinction of nationality , ethnicity , skin color , sex , religion , politics and social status of his client
    Each expert radiography profession in carrying out the work always wear professional standards
    Each expert radiography profession Indonesia in carrying out the work , do not do anything that warranted consideration of personal gain are affected
Each expert radiography profession Indonesia in carrying out the work , always sticking to the oath of office and code of ethics and professional standards Radiography Expert

Liabilities to profession
Radiography experts must maintain and uphold the good name of the profession
    Radiography experts just do the job radiography , imaging and radiotherapy at the request did not leave the doctor with procedures outlined
Radiography is not justified experts tell other people not to do the job Expert radiography , imaging and Radiotherapy .
Experts not allowed to determine diagnosis Radiography Radiology and Radiotherapy dose planning.
Liabilities to Patients
Each expert radiography profession in carrying out the work have kept the atmosphere and environment with the values ​​of the culture , customs, and religions of the patient , patient's family and the community at large .Each expert radiography profession in carrying out the work required by the sincere and honest to patients by providing the best service to them . If he is unable or find it difficult , he is obliged to consult with the expert peers or other experts .
Each expert radiography shall keep everything well known from the work of his profession or other areas of the state of the patient , because patients who have been willing to trust him to be examined
Each expert Radiography shall implement policies regulations outlined by the Government in the field of health
Each expert Radiography in the interest of patients at all times cooperate with other relevant experts and perform tasks quickly, accurately and respectable and confident in the ability of the profession
Each expert Radiography shall foster a good working relationship between the profession with other professions in the interest of public service
Obligations Against Ourselves
Each expert Radiographs should maintain good health and safety of themselves to the dangers of radiation and the illness .
Each expert Radiography constantly trying to improve the ability of the profession either individually or together with the road following the development of science and technology , improving the skills and experience for the benefit of service to the community.


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