1.1 Background
Physical education is one of the important education for all students because it can provide a positive competitive experience and encourage the success of all students who in turn will increase the motivation of students in the activity - physical activity and the benefits of the most important is to improve the skills and fitness of each students so that the students can receive lessons in school as well. Therefore, physical education is very important effect on the activities of students in receiving lessons in school. Because if students do not have a good body fitness then the students receive lessons in the school does not receive lessons well too. Basketball is one who can provide the skills and fitness to every student. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. Fans who come from all ages have felt that basketball is a sport that, competitive, educate, entertain, and healthy. Skills - skills such individual shots, bait, dribel, and rebound, as well as teamwork to attack or defend, is a prerequisite for success in playing this sport. Although the game is a form of 5 5 opponents basketball game the most popular, as long as it has been developed a variety of games and game-related entertaining basketball fans to help develop their skills and knowledge base. Type of game or games are played depending on the equipment available, the skill level of players and number of participants. Whether for the purpose of having - fun or play, playing basketball can make life more meaningful and provide lifelong enjoyment for fans who choose "determined" and play this sport. In order to become a good basketball player, formerly students should know the basic techniques of playing basketball, the rules in playing basketball, and many more things related to basketball. In addition it is also necessary to know the history of a student basketball game that to this day basketball can be one of the most popular sports in the world.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. How Basketball history?
2. What are the events - important events in the history of Basketball?
3. What are the rules in playing Basketball?
4. What are the techniques Basketball games?
5. What are the professional techniques in the game of Basketball?
6. How the pattern of attacks in Basketball?
7. What are the tools - the equipment used to play Basketball?
8. What is the amount of time, the referee, and the number of players in playing Basketball?
9. What size Basketball court?
10. How's Basketball history entry to Indonesia?
1.3 Purpose of
1. To know the history of Basketball.
2. To find events - important events in the history of Basketball.
3. To rules in playing Basketball.
4. To know the basic techniques in the game of Basketball.
5. To find professional techniques in the game of Basketball.
6. To determine the pattern of attacks in Basketball.
7. To find a tool - a tool used equipment to play Basketball.
8. To determine the amount of time, the referee, and the number of players in playing Basketball.
9. To determine the size Basketball court.
10. To know the history of Basketball entry into Indonesia.
1.4 Benefits of Writing
Benefits of this paper is that the students know the history, basic techniques, rules, and equipment in the game of Basketball is still a lot more things associated with that insight Basketball Basketball students about growing wider.
Basketball is a ball sport in groups of two teams each playing each other five people who score points by inserting the ball into the opponent's basket. Basketball is perfect to watch because it can be played in the gym closed and only requires a relatively small field. Additionally, basketball is easy to learn because it forms a large ball, so it was not difficult for players when bouncing or throwing the ball. In addition to soccer, basketball, too, is a worldwide sport. This sport was first introduced by Prof. Dr.. James A. Naismith
Beginning of the story is the history of basketball, began when a sports teacher from Canada that Dr. James Naismith in 1891 who taught at a college for professional students in the YMCA (a Christian youth container) in Springfield, Massachusetts, have to make a game in an enclosed space to fill time students during the winter break in New England. ideas that promote the establishment of this new sport is the fact that at that time the membership and visitors to the school were increasingly degenerate. The main reason is the boredom of the members in the following exercise. One reason is that gymnastics movements stiff. In addition, the perceived need in the winter to keep exercise interesting increasingly urgent. Dr.. Luther Gulick, head of the sports supervisor at the school is aware of the unfavorable symptoms and immediately contacted Prof. Dr.. James A. Naismith and gave him the task to draw up a new sport that can be played in an enclosed space that can help the students to stay active and fit during the month - in the cold months of winter in Massachusetts. In his welcome was Nasimith formulate an idea that fit the needs of an enclosed space that is a game that is not so hard, there is no element of kick, tackle and interesting and not difficult to learn. The first step, tested it spin of the game Football, Baseball, and Football Lacrose. But none that match the demands. Because in addition to difficult to learn, also the game is still too hard to play on a lighted indoor spaces. Then, Naismith inspired game he's ever played as a child in Ontario. According to the story, some thoughts about this game was rejected because it was considered too violent and not suitable to be played at the rink-rink closed. Naismith then do some experiments about the game he created. From the results of the experiments conducted, Naismith to the conclusion that the new game should use round shaped ball, not tackle, and should eliminate the goal as his target. To tame the ball instead of kicking done by hand and pass the motion dribbling (dribbling) as the peak excitement, the goal is replaced with another target narrow and located on top of the players, so with such a preferential target object does not lie in the power of the shot as it happens at the time of kick, but the shot accuracy. Naismith was originally going to use a wooden box for the target shooting, but since the time of the experiment was that there was only a basket (basketball) peaches empty, then finally shot basket that is being targeted. Naismith hanging baskets - baskets of peaches was as high as 3, 05 m and divided the students into two teams. The goal is to score or put the ball a lot more than the opposing team. The students soon feel that the game is fun, active and entertaining. When the game was introduced to teachers - teachers and school - other schools, its popularity increased and gradually - gradually spread to the outside of the State - the State of the northeastern United States. From the words of the then Naismith created basketball game now known as basketball on December 15, 1891.
Naismith also wrote some basic rules that
put a basket on the wall of a sports arena, and asked the students to start
playing the game he created. Official game basketball first, held on January
20, 1892 at the Naismith.Olahraga Dr.James workplace became immediately famous
throughout the United States. Ardent fans placed around the branches in the
United States. Game by game immediately implemented in cities across the state
of American initially, each team of nine people and no dribble, so the ball can
only move through 1924, the game was demonstrated at the French Olympics. At
the date of June 21, 1923 on the initiative of Dr. Elmer Beny, held a
basketball conference, which was attended by 7 countries. In this conference
formed the governing body of international basketball as the Federation
Internationale de Basketball (FIBA).
FIBA is the international basketball federation. FIBA was founded on June 18, 1932 in Geneva, Switzerland. FIBA now has 213 members. The official language used in this federsi is Russian, French, English, German and Spanish. Each year the FIBA international basketball championship held.
During the first half of the 20th Century, the league - leagues and associations - a new basketball association established to accommodate the growing interest towards the game. During this period of Basketball into a sport that is approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and to be one of the Olympic sports. Then held the tournament - antaruniversitas tournament like the National Invitational Tournament (NIT) and the NCAA tournament. Before the late 1940s, a combined men's Basketball league was formed when the two professional leagues that have flared join forces to create the National Basketball Association (NBA). NBA became the final destination for Basketball players who are skilled, but the association is only intended Basketball players for men. During half of the 20th century, the popularity of basketball and the game continues to grow in the United States and the international arena. League - a professional league formed in various countries around the world, and in the Olympic games was gradually - gradually became better. In 2000, Basketball has really - really be the most popular sport in the world with loyal fans and participants from all over the world.
Some important events in the development of Basketball:
1. 1891: Basketball was created by prof. Dr.. James A. Naismith of YCMA (Springfield College)
2. 1892: For the first time Naismith introduced the game to the public's Basketball (USA)
3. 1894: Prof. Dr.. James A. Naismith and Dr. Luther Gulick for the first time issued regulations Basketball official game.
4. 1895: The word Basketball was officially accepted and incorporated into the English vocabulary.
5. 1896: University of Iowa and the University of Chicago first played the game of Basketball college level.
6. 1913: For the first time held Far Eastern Basketball Championships. On occasion Phillipina team beat China.
7. 1918: U.S. occupation troops and members of the YMCA Basketball game introduced in many European countries.
8. 1919: In the Military Olympics in Joinville, Basketball game is one sport that competed.
9. 1932: For the first time held Basketball Congress held in Geneva Switzerland. The participants are: Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland. The resulting critical decision is the formation of the International Basketball Federation - Federation International de Basketball (FIBA).
10. 1933: For the first time held the World Championship of Basketball Students in the city of Turin - Italy.
11. 1935: In the Congress of the International Olympic Committee, Basketball is accepted as one of the numbers Olympic Games.
12. 1936: For the first time competed in the Olympic Basketball Berlin. Twenty-two countries participated. Champion is the USA, Canada and Mexico.
13. 1938: NIT Tournament was held (won by Temple University).
14. 1939: The first NCAA Tournament is held (won by the University of Oregon).
15. 1949: NBA league was formed when two struggling Basketball join.
16. 1972: Released Law - Law Title IX in the United States that provide greater opportunities for women to compete in interscholastic sports and universities, such as Basketball.
17. 1976: NBA and ABA, the two main male Basketball league in the United States, merge into one league (NBA).
18. 1985: NCAA implemented a long time to shoot and the three-point line (6.02 m).
19. 1992: for the first time NBA players allowed to represent the United States in the Olympics. "The Dream Team" (Dream Team) easily beat all competitors to win the gold medal.
20. 1996: American Basketball League (ABL), the league's first female professional Basketball, began to be held. The League withdrew because of bankruptcy and closed in 1999.
21. 1997: Women's National Basketball Association (WBNA) started to operate. This league is financially supported by the NBA, and finally get rid of the ABL.
Regulation Basketball Game
In raw Basketball game, each team has five players on the field. Three points are given for each ball into a line printed on the outside of the three figures, two figures are given by each ball into the print of the three-point line and one point was awarded for each free throw. In the game there are a few rules of Basketball. Game rules are used very dependent rather than rule PERBASI / FIBA. For example, in 1984, the applicable rules of the game are PERBASI Game Rules / FIBA years 1980-1984. The game rules, namely:
Ø The ball may be thrown in any direction by using one or both hands.
Ø The ball can be hit in any direction by using one or both hands, but should not be beaten using fists (punching).
Ø Players may not run while holding the ball. The player must throw the ball from the point where receiving the ball, but if the player is allowed to run at normal speed.
Ø ball must be held in or between the hands. Arms or other limbs are not allowed to hold the ball.
Ø Players are not allowed butting, holding, pushing, hitting, or tackle the opposing players in one way. The first violation of these rules will be counted as an error, the second offense will be liable to a disqualification players offenders to basket ball team entered by the opponent, and if the offense is committed with intent to injure an opponent, then the player will be punished offenders should not come into play throughout the game . At this time, no substitutions allowed.
Ø A mistake was made when the players hit the ball with fists (punching), in violation of Rules 3 and 4, as well as breaking things mentioned in rule 5.
Ø If one party made three consecutive errors, then the error will be counted as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents offense by turning).
Ø Goal occurs when the ball is thrown or hit from the field into the basket, in this case the players who keep the basket does not touch or disturb the goal.
If the ball stops on the edge of the basket or the opposing player moves the basket, then it will not count as a goal.
Ø If the ball out of the action, the ball will be thrown back into and played by the first player to touch it. In case of disagreement about the possession of the ball, then that will throw it into the field. Pitchers were given 5 seconds to throw the ball in his hands. If he holds it longer than time, then possession of the ball will move. If one of the parties do can delay the game, the referee can give them a warning infringement.
Ø The referee has the right to pay attention to the players and the game records the number of violations and notify the referee when the maid successive violations. Referee has the full right to give the player a foul disqualification in accordance with Rule 5.
Ø Referee maid noticed the ball and make a decision if the ball is deemed to have left the field, the change of possession of the ball, as well as timing. Referee helpers the right to determine the legitimacy of a goal and count the number of goals scored.
Ø When the game is 4 quarters each 10 minutes.
Ø The one who gets the most goals will be declared the winner.
Basketball in the play, there are several things to consider. For example, the way in holding a basketball. How to hold true Basketball is a hand gesture forming a large bowl. The ball was in between both hands. Inherent palms beside the ball slightly backwards, fingers outstretched attached to the ball. Thumb is located close to the bodies in the back of the ball facing towards the front center. Both legs forming the horses with one foot in front. Body bent slightly forward and knees relaxed. In catching the ball must be taken to ensure that the ball is in control. Picked up the ball with palms outstretched fingers and wrists relaxed. When the ball between the palms of the hands, fingers immediately attached to the ball and pulled back or follow the direction of the ball.
Basketball in order to play well, one must know the technique - basic techniques in playing Basketball.
The following techniques - basic techniques in Basketball game:
1. Dribble (Dribbling)
Dribbling or bouncing ball (the ball) can be done with an attitude of stopping, walking or running. Way is by bouncing the ball to the floor with one hand. When the ball moves to the top of the palm of the hand attached to the ball and follow the direction of the ball. Press the ball when it reaches its highest point toward the bottom with a bit of elbow straightening the wrist followed by spasticity. Implementation can be done with the right hand or left hand, such as:
a. Low dribble.
Low dribble aims to protect the ball from the reach of the opponent.
b. High dribble.
High dribble attack was to hold fast to the opponent's defense.
c. Slow dribble.
d. Fast dribble
2. Pass the ball (Passing)
· Various passing or pass with two hands:
a. The two hand chest pass: pass or repulsion chest to chest height.
b. The over head pass: pass overhead.
c. The bounce pass: pass reflection.
d. The hand under passa: down swing pass.
· Various pass with one hand:
a. The side arm pass the base ball pass: pass side.
b. The lop pass: pass the stomach.
c. The back pass: gaetan operand.
d. The hand jump pass: operand jump.
· Throw repulsion chest with two hands.
Toss or throw operand is very much done in the game. The throw is very useful for short-range operand with calculations for speed and accuracy and fellow receiver near the ball was not maintained. The throw distance of 5 to 7 meters.
· Pitch side.
Throw handy side operand and the distance being a distance of approximately between 8 to 20 meters, can be done to lightning attacks.
· Pitch over the head with two hands.
Operand is usually used by tall players, to move the ball on the opponent so that surpass the power grab. Operand is also very useful for a quick pass, when that before receiving the ball at the top of the head.
· The throw down with two two-handed.
Throw or operand is a very well done to pass close range especially when opponents on guard one on one.
· The pitch link
Operand relation should be taught after the tosses another master. This operand is used to be able to protect the ball and tackle opponents range especially for shorter throws than its length. The pitch characteristics: the ball is thrown to the right / left, situated above the left ear / right and left receiver on the right-thrower. In addition to the operands mentioned above, there's more variety of operands that in essence is a combination of the above operands.
Shoot the ball into the hoop (Shooting)
Shooting is an attempt to put the ball into the opponent's basket or a basketball hoop for the winning points. In this shooting can be done in two ways, namely by shooting with two hands and shooting with one hand. Lay-up is an attempt to put the ball into a basketball hoop or basket with two steps and jumped in order to gain points. Lay-up is also called the shots fly.
When viewed from the position of his body against the boards can be distinguished:
a. To the board (facing shoot).
b. boards (back-up shoot).
As for how implementation can be done with an attitude of stopping, turning, jumping and running.
1. Attitude to the board with stop:
a. Two-handed shot from the chest (two-handed set shoot)
b. Two-handed shot from the top of the head (two handed over head set shoot)
c. Fire one hand (one hand set shoot).
d. One-handed shot from the top of the head (one hand over head shoot).
2. To the board by jumping attitude.
3. Run to the board with an attitude.
4. Back to the board with a stop gesture.
5. Jump back to the board with an attitude.
4. How to rotate (Pivot)
Pivot is an attempt to save the ball from the reach of the opponent with one foot as a pivot, while the other leg can rotate 360 degrees.
Kind of - kind Pivot, namely:
a. Pivot and then dribble (carrying the ball).
b. Pivot (throwing the ball).
c. Pivot then shooting (fire ball).
· Sporting foot or leg movements (foot work)
Footwork mastery skills in terms of:
a. Could do with a quick start and stop immediately without losing balance.
b. quickly change both in defense and in attack.
5. ball
Dribble can be divided in two:
a. High dribble, to obtain a position close to the basketball opponent.
b. Low dribble, point to infiltrate and disrupt the opponent's defense, and dribble in the face of an opponent.
6. Catch the ball (catching ball)
Catch the ball consists of two different ways, namely:
a. Catch the ball at the top of the head.
b. catch in front of the chest.
Engineering professional basketball game
a. Fade Away.
Fade away is a technique that encourages the body backwards while doing shoot, making it difficult for a defender to block the ball. This technique was quite difficult for new players to learn basketball. When the balance of the body might not be awake bounced and fell backward. NBA players often use this technique is like basketball legend Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
b. Hook Shoot.Hook is a very effective technique when players guarded by people higher than the player. Namely how to shoot from the side with one hand. So the distance between the people who stopped and player bias rather distant. Lately, this technique is often used by Rony Gunawan Satria Muda Britama time in the Final against Garuda Bandung 2009, and achieve the accuracy of 80%.
c. Jump Shoot
The technique takes the high jump, and shot accuracy is good. Ie with jumps and a shot at the wild and difficult to abort.
d. Crossover
Is a way how to dribble with the ball bouncing from left hand to right hand or vice versa. techniques usually have a lot on improvisation by way of bouncing the ball in the gap between the legs (mostly international players already using this technique) or rear legs (most often use this technique is Jamal Crawford - Atlanta Hawks).
e. Slamdunk.
Slamdunk is one of the most popular techniques. Is actually quite simple, just insert the ball directly into the ring and threw hand into the basket. Although simple, but for those with 171 cm height slam like this is almost impossible to do because it does not jump high enough.
Attack Pattern In Basketball
Attack patterns in basketball is a business that is run to break through the opponent's defense so as to produce numbers. Pattern - the pattern of the attack is as follows:
a. Assault-Free
Free attack is an attack without the ball very dependent on mastery of tactics and techniques of physical perfection every member of the team is very high. Although free, but this attack can not be done alone - alone but there must be cooperation with other friends on the basis of passing and running between 2 or 3 players, they really have no understanding.
b. Lightning attack
With lightning attack is with 2 or 3 operands should have a shot. Lightning attack is an attempt to get a shot at the opponent's position had not yet finished his watch. Blitz is a very good weapon to destroy the opponent's defense.
c. Patterned Lightning attack
No blitz da tone patterned some are not patterned. Patterned blitz begins with a situation - a particular situation, for example, from jump ball situation after the throw-in or cover the area at the time survived.
d. Patterned assault
Assault is assault with a patterned set every player who has the task - specific tasks and master the track - movement path. Player and ball movement determined with certainty that the team gained attacks - attacks that regularly and to save energy. Patterned attack unbelievably well done when every player is difficult to penetrate the opponent's guard and effort - an attempt to slow down the game. Can also be used in the event of an attack situation very strong opponent lightning or the second - the second last team gained a narrow victory.
Basic - basic make patterns:
Basic - basic staple attack patterns are as follows:
1. There is a playmaker.
2. There is a safety
3. There is a good shooter or several people concurrently or wavy.
4. There is a covered area when shots fail.
In addition to knowledge of the basic techniques, a Basketball player must know the equipment in the game of Basketball. For example, the players have to wear shoes that support and equipped with appropriate cushioning for movement - the dynamic movement required in the game. They should wear workout clothes that do not restrict movement of which has been governed by the league or association support (shorts and T-shirt uniform, protective, socks, and accessories should be made of rubber and not metal) suitable for movement and activity in the game generally.
Based Game Rules PERBASI / FIBA years 1980 - 1984, fixtures and equipment consists of a Basketball court:
Basketball image
Made of rubber and covered with a kind of a bloated leather, rubber or synthetic. Circumference of the ball is not less than 75 cm and not more than 78 cm, and weighing not less than 600 grams and not more than 650 grams. The ball is pumped in such a way that if it is reflected to the floor from a height of 180 cm will soar no less than 120 cm of not more than 140 cm.
2. Engineering Supplies
o To record the time required at least 2 pieces stopwatch, one for recording and another time for time out.
o Tools for measuring time of 30 seconds.
o Paper score (Scoring Book) to record / record the match.
o Cues - scoring board, mark the individual error numbers 1 through 5, as well as two red flags for teams mistakes.
3. Field
Games rectangular-shaped field with a length of 26 m and width of 14 m as measured from the edge of the boundary line. Size variation is collected by adding or subtracting 2 m length and increase or decrease the size of the width of 1 m. In this field there are several sizes such as: middle, and others that are clear and detailed picture will be described in detail below.
Reflective board
Reflective board is made of 3 cm thick hardwood or from a suitable transparent material. Reflective board a length of 180 cm and a width of 120 cm .. High board, 275 cm from the surface of the floor to the bottom of the board, and is 120 cm perpendicular distance from the midpoint of the field finish line.
Basket consists of the Ring and Jala. The ring of iron hard with diameters of 45 cm orange. Height 305 cm from the surface of the ring floor and surface mounted boardsl with a distance of 15 cm. While the mesh consists of a hanged white added to the ring. 40 cm long nets.
Time, Referee Dan Number of Players Basketball Basketball Game
Number of players in the game of basketball is a team of 5 people in a substitute while the maximum of 7 people, so that each team consists of at most 12 people pemain.Waktu 4 X 10 minute game. In between rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4 rounds there is a break for 10 minutes. If there is the same score at the end of extra time the match should be held until a difference score. In between the two rounds there are additional time off for 2 minutes. Time to throw in the 5 seconds.
Basketball referee determined by the board of the (PERBASI). Number of referees in a basketball game is 2 people. Referee 1 Referee called while the referee called the Umpire 2.
Duties and obligations of the referee:
a. jump ball at the beginning of each round.
b. Inspect and certify all equipment tools matches.
c. Establish the official game clock.
d. Prohibits players use tools that endanger other players.
e. In the event of disagreement, the referee I decide this issue.
f. Inspect and certify figures in the list of numbers at each end of a round.
After the first jump ball carried, it is no longer the term the referee I and II, but the referee's referee and umpire accompanying guides. In between the referee's decision to drop the first and second referee no difference in power. If there is a decision which is opposite but equal then the ball must be held For example, a referee declared the ball out ball to team A but another referee declared the ball to team B but when a referee declared the referee mistakes while others claimed breach the tough decision will apply.
Basketball History in Indonesia
basketball sports one of the most favored by residents of the United States and many people in the world, such as South America, Southern Europe, Lithuania, including the beloved country Indonesia. The beginning of the history of basketball in Indonesia, the inclusion of basketball in Indonesia, since 1984, along with the arrival of Chinese merchants. Basketball has played the Chinese people in the province Tientsien and then spread to the rest of mainland China. Those who trade to Indonesia is wealthy middle class of Americans who choose to exercise it as a group identity China to Indonesia's basketball strengthened facts leading up to and at the beginning of independence basketball clubs in major cities such as Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Semarang , DI Yogyakarta, and Surabaya mostly grown from Chinese schools. The club also went on to one of the Indonesian legend players, Liem Tjien Siong who became known as Sonny Hendrawan (1967 Sonny chosen as Player of the IV Asian Basketball Championships in Seoul, South Korea. Back then, the team was ranked Indonesia -4 under the Philippines, Korea, and Japan). In 1948, when the State of Indonesia held a PON I held in Solo, basketball, has become one of the sports that competed. participate in the activities of several teams, among others: Poro Solo , pore Yogyakarta and Academy Sports Sarangan.Ini prove that basketball quickly socialized and officially recognized the State. Three years later, Maladi as Secretary of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) which later became the Minister of Sports, asked Tony Wen and Wim Latumeten to form a basketball organization. Furthermore, because this year will be held in Jakarta PON-II, then the two men had Maladi also asked to host the match ball remedy initiative Basket.Atas two figures, on October 23, 1951 Indonesian Basketball organization was formed under the name Unity Basketball PERBASI abbreviated throughout Indonesia. In 1955 the name was changed and adapted to the Indonesian vocabulary, become Indonesian Basketball Association remains the same initials ie PERBASI.
In the first arrangement PERBASI Board, Tony Wen positions and Wim Latumeten Chairman, Secretary. Soon after the formation PERBASI, these organizations join forces and become a member KONI and FIBA. However, with the formation of PERBASI, does not mean that the struggle of the Indonesian nation to foster and develop the game of Basketball in ground water becomes lighter. The most prominent challenge comes from the people who founded the China din Indonesian Basketball Bon own, and do not want to join PERBASI.
To answer these challenges, in 1955 PERBASI Basketball Conference held in Bandung, attended by delegates from Yogyakarta, Semarang, Jakarta and most importantly Bandung. in PERBASI The conference is the only parent organization in the Indonesian Basketball sport, so there is no mention Bon Basketball China and so forth. On that occasion also discussed preparations for the congress which pertama.Sejak founded in 1951, has many PERBASI doing activities that are of national, regional and internaisonal, both domestically and abroad. In implementing organizational development, PERBASI adopts a tiered vertically, starting from the level of association, PERBASI Branch, PERBASI Regional Board, to the Board of PERBASI.Di field coaching, PERBASI know different ways. In addition to the matches made through vertical levels of the organization, also known the Inter National Championship Basketball Association. In addition, as the realization of decisions rather than Congress PERBASI to VIII in 1981, it began to be implemented in 1982 Main Basketball Competition which followed the leading clubs in the island of Java. In contrast to other activities, competition is regarded as the beginning of reform in the Indonesian Basketball coaching, because in practice to take shortcuts, without following the vertical path. It is directly aimed at improving achievement in ways that are considered the most rapidly with the development of training and matches regularly and continuously over time.
PERBASI congresses that have been held since its establishment in 1951 until the end of 1983 as follows:
* Congress - I: 1957 in Semarang.
* Congress - II: In 1959 in Malang.
* Congress - III: Will be held in Manado in 1961, but was canceled.
* Congress - IV: 1967 in Jakarta
* Congress - V: 1969 in Surabaya
* Congress - VI: 1974 in Surabaya
* Congress - VII: Year 1977 in Jakarta (along with PON IX).
* Congress - VIII: 1981 in Jakarta (along with PON X).
In international matches Indonesian basketball team has scored some achievements are as follows:
1. In the third Asian Games in Tokyo, Japan Indonesian basketball team managed to appear, although not score highly.
2. In the basketball competition which followed seven Asian countries in Manila, Indonesian men's team managed position 6.
3. At SEA Games 1962, Indonesia men's basketball team managed to occupy the position of which 5 participants from other Asian countries.
4. At the trophy Ganefo 1963, Indonesian men's basketball team ranks 2.
5. In the Pre-Olympics in 1964, Indonesia was ranked 10.
6. At Ganefo trophy back in 1966 Indonesia was ranked 2.
7. In the 1968 Pre-Olympic Games in Mexico, our country men's basketball team ranks fourth after beating Australia.Tahun 1970 was the first time for Indonesia to reduce her daughter's basketball team. Precisely at ABC trophy.
8. At the 1972 Asian basketball competition held in Taipei, Indonesia was ranked 4th.
9. 1980s, Indonesia began to decline basketball accomplishments visible from Indonesia capabilities are only able to occupy the position of a dozen in various competitions.
10. 1990s, Indonesia began a good basketball accomplishments. Marked with the gold medal she won by the men's team and women's basketball team silver at the SEA Games 1991. At SEA Games 1997 Indonesia women's basketball team also won a silver medal back.
11. In 2001 for the first time Indonesian men's basketball team won a silver medal at the Sea Games.
On August 1936, while attending the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Naismith was named as the Honorary President of the International Basketball Federation. Born as a citizen of Canada, Naismith became a U.S. citizen on May 4, 1925.
Naismith died 28 November 1939, less than six months after getting married for the second time.
3.1 Conclusion
Sports that it is good to do but can also be a healthy exercise can improve quality of life for example, many sports athletes are able to survive because of sports. In addition to sports we can bring the nation's name and the name of Indonesia in the eyes of the World, particularly Sport Basketball. In addition, these sports are very fun, but also very healthy.
3.2 Advice
Need to organize a fundraising compulsory sports, one of which Sports Basketball each school so that the potential is there to increase the students could sports science also makes proverbial saying in a healthy body there is a strong body....
FIBA is the international basketball federation. FIBA was founded on June 18, 1932 in Geneva, Switzerland. FIBA now has 213 members. The official language used in this federsi is Russian, French, English, German and Spanish. Each year the FIBA international basketball championship held.
During the first half of the 20th Century, the league - leagues and associations - a new basketball association established to accommodate the growing interest towards the game. During this period of Basketball into a sport that is approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and to be one of the Olympic sports. Then held the tournament - antaruniversitas tournament like the National Invitational Tournament (NIT) and the NCAA tournament. Before the late 1940s, a combined men's Basketball league was formed when the two professional leagues that have flared join forces to create the National Basketball Association (NBA). NBA became the final destination for Basketball players who are skilled, but the association is only intended Basketball players for men. During half of the 20th century, the popularity of basketball and the game continues to grow in the United States and the international arena. League - a professional league formed in various countries around the world, and in the Olympic games was gradually - gradually became better. In 2000, Basketball has really - really be the most popular sport in the world with loyal fans and participants from all over the world.
Some important events in the development of Basketball:
1. 1891: Basketball was created by prof. Dr.. James A. Naismith of YCMA (Springfield College)
2. 1892: For the first time Naismith introduced the game to the public's Basketball (USA)
3. 1894: Prof. Dr.. James A. Naismith and Dr. Luther Gulick for the first time issued regulations Basketball official game.
4. 1895: The word Basketball was officially accepted and incorporated into the English vocabulary.
5. 1896: University of Iowa and the University of Chicago first played the game of Basketball college level.
6. 1913: For the first time held Far Eastern Basketball Championships. On occasion Phillipina team beat China.
7. 1918: U.S. occupation troops and members of the YMCA Basketball game introduced in many European countries.
8. 1919: In the Military Olympics in Joinville, Basketball game is one sport that competed.
9. 1932: For the first time held Basketball Congress held in Geneva Switzerland. The participants are: Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland. The resulting critical decision is the formation of the International Basketball Federation - Federation International de Basketball (FIBA).
10. 1933: For the first time held the World Championship of Basketball Students in the city of Turin - Italy.
11. 1935: In the Congress of the International Olympic Committee, Basketball is accepted as one of the numbers Olympic Games.
12. 1936: For the first time competed in the Olympic Basketball Berlin. Twenty-two countries participated. Champion is the USA, Canada and Mexico.
13. 1938: NIT Tournament was held (won by Temple University).
14. 1939: The first NCAA Tournament is held (won by the University of Oregon).
15. 1949: NBA league was formed when two struggling Basketball join.
16. 1972: Released Law - Law Title IX in the United States that provide greater opportunities for women to compete in interscholastic sports and universities, such as Basketball.
17. 1976: NBA and ABA, the two main male Basketball league in the United States, merge into one league (NBA).
18. 1985: NCAA implemented a long time to shoot and the three-point line (6.02 m).
19. 1992: for the first time NBA players allowed to represent the United States in the Olympics. "The Dream Team" (Dream Team) easily beat all competitors to win the gold medal.
20. 1996: American Basketball League (ABL), the league's first female professional Basketball, began to be held. The League withdrew because of bankruptcy and closed in 1999.
21. 1997: Women's National Basketball Association (WBNA) started to operate. This league is financially supported by the NBA, and finally get rid of the ABL.
Regulation Basketball Game
In raw Basketball game, each team has five players on the field. Three points are given for each ball into a line printed on the outside of the three figures, two figures are given by each ball into the print of the three-point line and one point was awarded for each free throw. In the game there are a few rules of Basketball. Game rules are used very dependent rather than rule PERBASI / FIBA. For example, in 1984, the applicable rules of the game are PERBASI Game Rules / FIBA years 1980-1984. The game rules, namely:
Ø The ball may be thrown in any direction by using one or both hands.
Ø The ball can be hit in any direction by using one or both hands, but should not be beaten using fists (punching).
Ø Players may not run while holding the ball. The player must throw the ball from the point where receiving the ball, but if the player is allowed to run at normal speed.
Ø ball must be held in or between the hands. Arms or other limbs are not allowed to hold the ball.
Ø Players are not allowed butting, holding, pushing, hitting, or tackle the opposing players in one way. The first violation of these rules will be counted as an error, the second offense will be liable to a disqualification players offenders to basket ball team entered by the opponent, and if the offense is committed with intent to injure an opponent, then the player will be punished offenders should not come into play throughout the game . At this time, no substitutions allowed.
Ø A mistake was made when the players hit the ball with fists (punching), in violation of Rules 3 and 4, as well as breaking things mentioned in rule 5.
Ø If one party made three consecutive errors, then the error will be counted as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents offense by turning).
Ø Goal occurs when the ball is thrown or hit from the field into the basket, in this case the players who keep the basket does not touch or disturb the goal.
If the ball stops on the edge of the basket or the opposing player moves the basket, then it will not count as a goal.
Ø If the ball out of the action, the ball will be thrown back into and played by the first player to touch it. In case of disagreement about the possession of the ball, then that will throw it into the field. Pitchers were given 5 seconds to throw the ball in his hands. If he holds it longer than time, then possession of the ball will move. If one of the parties do can delay the game, the referee can give them a warning infringement.
Ø The referee has the right to pay attention to the players and the game records the number of violations and notify the referee when the maid successive violations. Referee has the full right to give the player a foul disqualification in accordance with Rule 5.
Ø Referee maid noticed the ball and make a decision if the ball is deemed to have left the field, the change of possession of the ball, as well as timing. Referee helpers the right to determine the legitimacy of a goal and count the number of goals scored.
Ø When the game is 4 quarters each 10 minutes.
Ø The one who gets the most goals will be declared the winner.
Basketball in the play, there are several things to consider. For example, the way in holding a basketball. How to hold true Basketball is a hand gesture forming a large bowl. The ball was in between both hands. Inherent palms beside the ball slightly backwards, fingers outstretched attached to the ball. Thumb is located close to the bodies in the back of the ball facing towards the front center. Both legs forming the horses with one foot in front. Body bent slightly forward and knees relaxed. In catching the ball must be taken to ensure that the ball is in control. Picked up the ball with palms outstretched fingers and wrists relaxed. When the ball between the palms of the hands, fingers immediately attached to the ball and pulled back or follow the direction of the ball.
Basketball in order to play well, one must know the technique - basic techniques in playing Basketball.
The following techniques - basic techniques in Basketball game:
1. Dribble (Dribbling)
Dribbling or bouncing ball (the ball) can be done with an attitude of stopping, walking or running. Way is by bouncing the ball to the floor with one hand. When the ball moves to the top of the palm of the hand attached to the ball and follow the direction of the ball. Press the ball when it reaches its highest point toward the bottom with a bit of elbow straightening the wrist followed by spasticity. Implementation can be done with the right hand or left hand, such as:
a. Low dribble.
Low dribble aims to protect the ball from the reach of the opponent.
b. High dribble.
High dribble attack was to hold fast to the opponent's defense.
c. Slow dribble.
d. Fast dribble
2. Pass the ball (Passing)
· Various passing or pass with two hands:
a. The two hand chest pass: pass or repulsion chest to chest height.
b. The over head pass: pass overhead.
c. The bounce pass: pass reflection.
d. The hand under passa: down swing pass.
· Various pass with one hand:
a. The side arm pass the base ball pass: pass side.
b. The lop pass: pass the stomach.
c. The back pass: gaetan operand.
d. The hand jump pass: operand jump.
· Throw repulsion chest with two hands.
Toss or throw operand is very much done in the game. The throw is very useful for short-range operand with calculations for speed and accuracy and fellow receiver near the ball was not maintained. The throw distance of 5 to 7 meters.
· Pitch side.
Throw handy side operand and the distance being a distance of approximately between 8 to 20 meters, can be done to lightning attacks.
· Pitch over the head with two hands.
Operand is usually used by tall players, to move the ball on the opponent so that surpass the power grab. Operand is also very useful for a quick pass, when that before receiving the ball at the top of the head.
· The throw down with two two-handed.
Throw or operand is a very well done to pass close range especially when opponents on guard one on one.
· The pitch link
Operand relation should be taught after the tosses another master. This operand is used to be able to protect the ball and tackle opponents range especially for shorter throws than its length. The pitch characteristics: the ball is thrown to the right / left, situated above the left ear / right and left receiver on the right-thrower. In addition to the operands mentioned above, there's more variety of operands that in essence is a combination of the above operands.
Shoot the ball into the hoop (Shooting)
Shooting is an attempt to put the ball into the opponent's basket or a basketball hoop for the winning points. In this shooting can be done in two ways, namely by shooting with two hands and shooting with one hand. Lay-up is an attempt to put the ball into a basketball hoop or basket with two steps and jumped in order to gain points. Lay-up is also called the shots fly.
When viewed from the position of his body against the boards can be distinguished:
a. To the board (facing shoot).
b. boards (back-up shoot).
As for how implementation can be done with an attitude of stopping, turning, jumping and running.
1. Attitude to the board with stop:
a. Two-handed shot from the chest (two-handed set shoot)
b. Two-handed shot from the top of the head (two handed over head set shoot)
c. Fire one hand (one hand set shoot).
d. One-handed shot from the top of the head (one hand over head shoot).
2. To the board by jumping attitude.
3. Run to the board with an attitude.
4. Back to the board with a stop gesture.
5. Jump back to the board with an attitude.
4. How to rotate (Pivot)
Pivot is an attempt to save the ball from the reach of the opponent with one foot as a pivot, while the other leg can rotate 360 degrees.
Kind of - kind Pivot, namely:
a. Pivot and then dribble (carrying the ball).
b. Pivot (throwing the ball).
c. Pivot then shooting (fire ball).
· Sporting foot or leg movements (foot work)
Footwork mastery skills in terms of:
a. Could do with a quick start and stop immediately without losing balance.
b. quickly change both in defense and in attack.
5. ball
Dribble can be divided in two:
a. High dribble, to obtain a position close to the basketball opponent.
b. Low dribble, point to infiltrate and disrupt the opponent's defense, and dribble in the face of an opponent.
6. Catch the ball (catching ball)
Catch the ball consists of two different ways, namely:
a. Catch the ball at the top of the head.
b. catch in front of the chest.
Engineering professional basketball game
a. Fade Away.
Fade away is a technique that encourages the body backwards while doing shoot, making it difficult for a defender to block the ball. This technique was quite difficult for new players to learn basketball. When the balance of the body might not be awake bounced and fell backward. NBA players often use this technique is like basketball legend Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
b. Hook Shoot.Hook is a very effective technique when players guarded by people higher than the player. Namely how to shoot from the side with one hand. So the distance between the people who stopped and player bias rather distant. Lately, this technique is often used by Rony Gunawan Satria Muda Britama time in the Final against Garuda Bandung 2009, and achieve the accuracy of 80%.
c. Jump Shoot
The technique takes the high jump, and shot accuracy is good. Ie with jumps and a shot at the wild and difficult to abort.
d. Crossover
Is a way how to dribble with the ball bouncing from left hand to right hand or vice versa. techniques usually have a lot on improvisation by way of bouncing the ball in the gap between the legs (mostly international players already using this technique) or rear legs (most often use this technique is Jamal Crawford - Atlanta Hawks).
e. Slamdunk.
Slamdunk is one of the most popular techniques. Is actually quite simple, just insert the ball directly into the ring and threw hand into the basket. Although simple, but for those with 171 cm height slam like this is almost impossible to do because it does not jump high enough.
Attack Pattern In Basketball
Attack patterns in basketball is a business that is run to break through the opponent's defense so as to produce numbers. Pattern - the pattern of the attack is as follows:
a. Assault-Free
Free attack is an attack without the ball very dependent on mastery of tactics and techniques of physical perfection every member of the team is very high. Although free, but this attack can not be done alone - alone but there must be cooperation with other friends on the basis of passing and running between 2 or 3 players, they really have no understanding.
b. Lightning attack
With lightning attack is with 2 or 3 operands should have a shot. Lightning attack is an attempt to get a shot at the opponent's position had not yet finished his watch. Blitz is a very good weapon to destroy the opponent's defense.
c. Patterned Lightning attack
No blitz da tone patterned some are not patterned. Patterned blitz begins with a situation - a particular situation, for example, from jump ball situation after the throw-in or cover the area at the time survived.
d. Patterned assault
Assault is assault with a patterned set every player who has the task - specific tasks and master the track - movement path. Player and ball movement determined with certainty that the team gained attacks - attacks that regularly and to save energy. Patterned attack unbelievably well done when every player is difficult to penetrate the opponent's guard and effort - an attempt to slow down the game. Can also be used in the event of an attack situation very strong opponent lightning or the second - the second last team gained a narrow victory.
Basic - basic make patterns:
Basic - basic staple attack patterns are as follows:
1. There is a playmaker.
2. There is a safety
3. There is a good shooter or several people concurrently or wavy.
4. There is a covered area when shots fail.
In addition to knowledge of the basic techniques, a Basketball player must know the equipment in the game of Basketball. For example, the players have to wear shoes that support and equipped with appropriate cushioning for movement - the dynamic movement required in the game. They should wear workout clothes that do not restrict movement of which has been governed by the league or association support (shorts and T-shirt uniform, protective, socks, and accessories should be made of rubber and not metal) suitable for movement and activity in the game generally.
Based Game Rules PERBASI / FIBA years 1980 - 1984, fixtures and equipment consists of a Basketball court:
Basketball image
Made of rubber and covered with a kind of a bloated leather, rubber or synthetic. Circumference of the ball is not less than 75 cm and not more than 78 cm, and weighing not less than 600 grams and not more than 650 grams. The ball is pumped in such a way that if it is reflected to the floor from a height of 180 cm will soar no less than 120 cm of not more than 140 cm.
2. Engineering Supplies
o To record the time required at least 2 pieces stopwatch, one for recording and another time for time out.
o Tools for measuring time of 30 seconds.
o Paper score (Scoring Book) to record / record the match.
o Cues - scoring board, mark the individual error numbers 1 through 5, as well as two red flags for teams mistakes.
3. Field
Games rectangular-shaped field with a length of 26 m and width of 14 m as measured from the edge of the boundary line. Size variation is collected by adding or subtracting 2 m length and increase or decrease the size of the width of 1 m. In this field there are several sizes such as: middle, and others that are clear and detailed picture will be described in detail below.
Reflective board
Reflective board is made of 3 cm thick hardwood or from a suitable transparent material. Reflective board a length of 180 cm and a width of 120 cm .. High board, 275 cm from the surface of the floor to the bottom of the board, and is 120 cm perpendicular distance from the midpoint of the field finish line.
Basket consists of the Ring and Jala. The ring of iron hard with diameters of 45 cm orange. Height 305 cm from the surface of the ring floor and surface mounted boardsl with a distance of 15 cm. While the mesh consists of a hanged white added to the ring. 40 cm long nets.
Time, Referee Dan Number of Players Basketball Basketball Game
Number of players in the game of basketball is a team of 5 people in a substitute while the maximum of 7 people, so that each team consists of at most 12 people pemain.Waktu 4 X 10 minute game. In between rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4 rounds there is a break for 10 minutes. If there is the same score at the end of extra time the match should be held until a difference score. In between the two rounds there are additional time off for 2 minutes. Time to throw in the 5 seconds.
Basketball referee determined by the board of the (PERBASI). Number of referees in a basketball game is 2 people. Referee 1 Referee called while the referee called the Umpire 2.
Duties and obligations of the referee:
a. jump ball at the beginning of each round.
b. Inspect and certify all equipment tools matches.
c. Establish the official game clock.
d. Prohibits players use tools that endanger other players.
e. In the event of disagreement, the referee I decide this issue.
f. Inspect and certify figures in the list of numbers at each end of a round.
After the first jump ball carried, it is no longer the term the referee I and II, but the referee's referee and umpire accompanying guides. In between the referee's decision to drop the first and second referee no difference in power. If there is a decision which is opposite but equal then the ball must be held For example, a referee declared the ball out ball to team A but another referee declared the ball to team B but when a referee declared the referee mistakes while others claimed breach the tough decision will apply.
Basketball History in Indonesia
basketball sports one of the most favored by residents of the United States and many people in the world, such as South America, Southern Europe, Lithuania, including the beloved country Indonesia. The beginning of the history of basketball in Indonesia, the inclusion of basketball in Indonesia, since 1984, along with the arrival of Chinese merchants. Basketball has played the Chinese people in the province Tientsien and then spread to the rest of mainland China. Those who trade to Indonesia is wealthy middle class of Americans who choose to exercise it as a group identity China to Indonesia's basketball strengthened facts leading up to and at the beginning of independence basketball clubs in major cities such as Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Semarang , DI Yogyakarta, and Surabaya mostly grown from Chinese schools. The club also went on to one of the Indonesian legend players, Liem Tjien Siong who became known as Sonny Hendrawan (1967 Sonny chosen as Player of the IV Asian Basketball Championships in Seoul, South Korea. Back then, the team was ranked Indonesia -4 under the Philippines, Korea, and Japan). In 1948, when the State of Indonesia held a PON I held in Solo, basketball, has become one of the sports that competed. participate in the activities of several teams, among others: Poro Solo , pore Yogyakarta and Academy Sports Sarangan.Ini prove that basketball quickly socialized and officially recognized the State. Three years later, Maladi as Secretary of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) which later became the Minister of Sports, asked Tony Wen and Wim Latumeten to form a basketball organization. Furthermore, because this year will be held in Jakarta PON-II, then the two men had Maladi also asked to host the match ball remedy initiative Basket.Atas two figures, on October 23, 1951 Indonesian Basketball organization was formed under the name Unity Basketball PERBASI abbreviated throughout Indonesia. In 1955 the name was changed and adapted to the Indonesian vocabulary, become Indonesian Basketball Association remains the same initials ie PERBASI.
In the first arrangement PERBASI Board, Tony Wen positions and Wim Latumeten Chairman, Secretary. Soon after the formation PERBASI, these organizations join forces and become a member KONI and FIBA. However, with the formation of PERBASI, does not mean that the struggle of the Indonesian nation to foster and develop the game of Basketball in ground water becomes lighter. The most prominent challenge comes from the people who founded the China din Indonesian Basketball Bon own, and do not want to join PERBASI.
To answer these challenges, in 1955 PERBASI Basketball Conference held in Bandung, attended by delegates from Yogyakarta, Semarang, Jakarta and most importantly Bandung. in PERBASI The conference is the only parent organization in the Indonesian Basketball sport, so there is no mention Bon Basketball China and so forth. On that occasion also discussed preparations for the congress which pertama.Sejak founded in 1951, has many PERBASI doing activities that are of national, regional and internaisonal, both domestically and abroad. In implementing organizational development, PERBASI adopts a tiered vertically, starting from the level of association, PERBASI Branch, PERBASI Regional Board, to the Board of PERBASI.Di field coaching, PERBASI know different ways. In addition to the matches made through vertical levels of the organization, also known the Inter National Championship Basketball Association. In addition, as the realization of decisions rather than Congress PERBASI to VIII in 1981, it began to be implemented in 1982 Main Basketball Competition which followed the leading clubs in the island of Java. In contrast to other activities, competition is regarded as the beginning of reform in the Indonesian Basketball coaching, because in practice to take shortcuts, without following the vertical path. It is directly aimed at improving achievement in ways that are considered the most rapidly with the development of training and matches regularly and continuously over time.
PERBASI congresses that have been held since its establishment in 1951 until the end of 1983 as follows:
* Congress - I: 1957 in Semarang.
* Congress - II: In 1959 in Malang.
* Congress - III: Will be held in Manado in 1961, but was canceled.
* Congress - IV: 1967 in Jakarta
* Congress - V: 1969 in Surabaya
* Congress - VI: 1974 in Surabaya
* Congress - VII: Year 1977 in Jakarta (along with PON IX).
* Congress - VIII: 1981 in Jakarta (along with PON X).
In international matches Indonesian basketball team has scored some achievements are as follows:
1. In the third Asian Games in Tokyo, Japan Indonesian basketball team managed to appear, although not score highly.
2. In the basketball competition which followed seven Asian countries in Manila, Indonesian men's team managed position 6.
3. At SEA Games 1962, Indonesia men's basketball team managed to occupy the position of which 5 participants from other Asian countries.
4. At the trophy Ganefo 1963, Indonesian men's basketball team ranks 2.
5. In the Pre-Olympics in 1964, Indonesia was ranked 10.
6. At Ganefo trophy back in 1966 Indonesia was ranked 2.
7. In the 1968 Pre-Olympic Games in Mexico, our country men's basketball team ranks fourth after beating Australia.Tahun 1970 was the first time for Indonesia to reduce her daughter's basketball team. Precisely at ABC trophy.
8. At the 1972 Asian basketball competition held in Taipei, Indonesia was ranked 4th.
9. 1980s, Indonesia began to decline basketball accomplishments visible from Indonesia capabilities are only able to occupy the position of a dozen in various competitions.
10. 1990s, Indonesia began a good basketball accomplishments. Marked with the gold medal she won by the men's team and women's basketball team silver at the SEA Games 1991. At SEA Games 1997 Indonesia women's basketball team also won a silver medal back.
11. In 2001 for the first time Indonesian men's basketball team won a silver medal at the Sea Games.
On August 1936, while attending the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Naismith was named as the Honorary President of the International Basketball Federation. Born as a citizen of Canada, Naismith became a U.S. citizen on May 4, 1925.
Naismith died 28 November 1939, less than six months after getting married for the second time.
3.1 Conclusion
Sports that it is good to do but can also be a healthy exercise can improve quality of life for example, many sports athletes are able to survive because of sports. In addition to sports we can bring the nation's name and the name of Indonesia in the eyes of the World, particularly Sport Basketball. In addition, these sports are very fun, but also very healthy.
3.2 Advice
Need to organize a fundraising compulsory sports, one of which Sports Basketball each school so that the potential is there to increase the students could sports science also makes proverbial saying in a healthy body there is a strong body....
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