Often we hear the
words of this one, which is "CORRUPTION", corruption us, maybe
sometimes we do not realize it. Corruption
bias occurs at home, school, community, and the highest and in government. Those
who engage in corruption sometimes considers trivial things done that. This
is very worrying, because after all, if an organization is built on corruption
will damage it. From
the fact above can be two possibilities of corruption, namely: 1. The
method used by educators not in accordance with reality, so that the lessons
can not be optimally digested by the students. 2. We
often take them for granted even lazy to learn this, because of the lack
moyivasi myself, so often assumed "to learn what" but it is very
important to know in order to know the right and our duty to this country. 1.2
PURPOSE To discuss crime in violation of Indonesian law and for the learning
process, knowledge in the field of law and citizenship 1.3 PROBLEM FORMULATION
How corruption affects economic development in Indonesia?
strategies can be done to minimize the corruption? How do I deal with
corruption? CHAPTER II
DISCUSSION A. 2.1 K0RUPSI Understanding
Corruption Corruption comes from the Latin meaning corupto cartumpenyang;
rotten or damaged. Corruption
is bad behavior by public officials who do tadak fair or not legal for yourself
In terms of the legal corruption has meaning: a. Against the law b. power c. Enrich themselves d. According
to the State financial harm legal perspective, the notion of gambling
corruption described in Law No. 31 of 2001 concerning the eradication. B. Understanding
Corruption In Law is a criminal offense referred to in legislation governing
corruption. Definition
of "corruption" more emphasis on making adverse public interest or
the general public or personal or group interests. Corruption,
Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) · Corruption is the obligation not to distort our
rights. ·
Collusion is an honest deeds, such as giving pelican that they work smoothly,
but give it for hidden-senbunyi. ·
Nepotism is put the person in or occupy a position in the family. From
the point of view of law, corruption broadly covers the following elements; ·
act against abuse of authority · legal · Adverse State finances or economy of
the State C. Negative
impact Brought Corruption. Corruption
democracy indicates a serious challenge to development. In
the political realm, it undermines democracy and good governance (good
governance) by subverting formal processes. Corruption
in elections and in legislative bodies reduces accountability and
representation in policymaking; corruption in the court system to stop the rule
of law, and corruption in public administration produces an imbalance in
community service. In
general, corruption erode institutional capacity of government as procedures
are disregarded, resources are siphoned off, and officials appointed or
elevated position not because of performance. At
the same time, corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and such
democratic values as trust and tolerance. Corruption
also complicates economic development by creating economic distortions and
inefficiencies are high. In
the private sector, corruption increases the cost of the loss of trade due to
illegal payments, management fees in negotiations with corrupt officials, and
the risk of cancellation of the agreement or because of the investigation. Although
there are states that corruption reduces costs (commercial) with ease
bureaucracy, the emerging consensus concluded that the availability of bribes
causing officials to create new rules and new obstacles. Where
corruption is causing inflation trade costs, corruption also disrupt
"trade court". Companies
that have a connection protected from competition and as a result retain
companies that are not efficient. Corruption
caused distortion (chaos) in the public sector by diverting public investment
into community projects where bribes and wages are more readily available. Officials
may increase the complexity of the project to hide corrupt practices, which
ultimately results in more chaos. Corruption
also reduces the fulfillment of safety requirements, environmental, or other
regulations. Corruption
also reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure, and adding
pressure on the government budget. Economic
experts gave the opinion that one of the factors of economic underdevelopment
in Africa and Asia, especially in Africa, is a form of corruption that led to
the displacement billing rental investment (capital investment) abroad, instead
of investing into the country (hence the mockery often
true that African dictators who have bank accounts in Switzerland). In
stark contrast with Asian dictators, like Suharto, who often take a piece of
everything (asking for a bribe), but rather provide conditions for development,
through infrastructure investment, law and order, and others. Experts
from the University of Massachusetts estimates that from 1970 to 1996, capital
flight from 30 sub-Saharan countries totaled U.S. $ 187 billion, exceeds the
amount of foreign debt they own. (The
result, in terms of the development (or lack of development) has created a
model in economic theory by Mancur Olson). In
the case of Africa, one factor is political instability, and also the fact that
the new government is often sealed the old government assets are often derived
from corruption. It
gives encouragement for officials to accumulate their wealth abroad, out of
reach of expropriation in the future. General
Welfare State political corruption exist in many countries, and provide a major
threat to its citizens. Political
corruption means that government policies often favor a bribe giver, rather
than broad popular. Another
example is how politicians make laws that protect large corporations, but the
disadvantage of small firms (SME). Politicians
of "pro-business" is just restore aid to large companies that
contribute greatly to their election campaigns. For
the Poor Corruption, of course, far-reaching, especially for the lives of the
poor in the villages and towns. At
first, corruption led National Development Budget and Spending less in number. To
replenish the construction budget, the central government raised income
countries, one example of the increasing fuel prices. The
Government does not consider the effect of an increase in the fuel; prices of
staples such as rice increases; increasingly expensive cost of education, and
unemployment increases. Without
realizing it, the poor have to deposit 2 times to the corruptors. First,
the poor pay their obligations to the state through taxes and levies, such as
land taxes and levies clinic. However,
by the state are not aware of their rights, because "his money for the
poor" has been drained for the benefit of officials. Second,
efforts to raise revenue through higher fuel prices, poor back
"deposit" for the benefit of the corrupt state, though with a pretext
to subsidize the poor. Though
the state should ask the criminals to restore the people's money that they are
corrupt, not the reverse, in fact add to the burden of the poor. The
phenomenon of corruption occurred from officials at the Center (Jakarta), to
officials at the village or hamlet. Officials
no longer have concern for the poor people who continue to suffer. Acting
without guilt and shame continue to hurt people. Even
when the president is fighting demons of corruption, the House of Representatives
asking precisely lightly Serap Aspirations Fund. This
is a proof and a sign that corruption is a culture, not a disgrace. Government
is supposed to be the people's mandate to promote the development and welfare
of its people precisely like "Between There and Gone". I
own the public confused and had goose bumps goose bumps when almost every
morning on the news electronic media and print media writing and broke many
officers were detained for alleged corruption. Even
in our beloved city, is still fresh in our memory that is corruption within the
Department of Health Medical Devices Promal through procurement. D. In
Political Corruption Case bribe to pass the Civil Servants (PNS) such a thing
is an example of the most common koupsi annually. They
both sell rice lading, garden, or home just to bribe the ordinary for him to
pass a civil servant. Only
people who are still sensible wants to do it. Of
people with very all for others and themselves, they are not aware that it was
his salary from his own money and in other cases that are hot in the community
talking about the waste of budgetary funds dpr members in the House of
Representatives was allegedly a lot of corruption and misappropriation of
funds. This
was evidenced by the efforts House Speaker Marzuki Alie who will come to the
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Marzuki
the arrival of the alleged fraud Banggar space renovation budget worth Rp. 20 billion.
House Speaker Marzuki Alie plans to come to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Marzuki to report suspected corruption related budget Banggar room renovation worth Rp 20 billion.
"Want to report about the projects indicated the House that problematic," Marzuki said in a text message as reported by AFP on Friday (01/20/2012).
House Speaker Marzuki Alie plans to come to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Marzuki to report suspected corruption related budget Banggar room renovation worth Rp 20 billion.
"Want to report about the projects indicated the House that problematic," Marzuki said in a text message as reported by AFP on Friday (01/20/2012).
Marzuki Commission
will come around 15:00 pm with a number of staff and the Secretary General of
the Parliament House Nining Indra Saleh. "Yes ma'am Secretary
together," he explained.
As is known in the House a number of projects have a budget with a fantastic figure. Projects that include renovation of toilet Rp 2 billion, finger print procurement, renovation of the parking lot Rp 3 billion, USD 1.59 billion procurement calendar, board 'welcome to the House of Representatives' Rp 4 billion and most highlighted is the renovation space Banggar almost 800 square meters Rp 20.4 billion. E. Consequence of Corruption 1. Reduced confidence in the government. 2. Reduced government authority in society. 3. Decline in state revenues. 4. Law is no longer respected. 2.2 TOWARD corrupt criminal punishment punishment against those who commit acts of corruption. a. Can the death penalty to those who died criminalized unlawful or detrimental to the State (the economy). b. Lifetime imprisonment or imprisonment for 4 years and a maximum of 20 years. c. Additional criminal seizure of movable or immovable goods acquired from corruption. CHAPTER III CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion From the discussion about corruption, it can be concluded that: 1. Corruption is bad behavior that is not legal and not fair to enrich themselves 2. Corruption assessed from any angle he remains a 3 violations. Corruption leads to a lack of income and lack of confidence in the state government.
As is known in the House a number of projects have a budget with a fantastic figure. Projects that include renovation of toilet Rp 2 billion, finger print procurement, renovation of the parking lot Rp 3 billion, USD 1.59 billion procurement calendar, board 'welcome to the House of Representatives' Rp 4 billion and most highlighted is the renovation space Banggar almost 800 square meters Rp 20.4 billion. E. Consequence of Corruption 1. Reduced confidence in the government. 2. Reduced government authority in society. 3. Decline in state revenues. 4. Law is no longer respected. 2.2 TOWARD corrupt criminal punishment punishment against those who commit acts of corruption. a. Can the death penalty to those who died criminalized unlawful or detrimental to the State (the economy). b. Lifetime imprisonment or imprisonment for 4 years and a maximum of 20 years. c. Additional criminal seizure of movable or immovable goods acquired from corruption. CHAPTER III CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion From the discussion about corruption, it can be concluded that: 1. Corruption is bad behavior that is not legal and not fair to enrich themselves 2. Corruption assessed from any angle he remains a 3 violations. Corruption leads to a lack of income and lack of confidence in the state government.
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