1.1 Background

With the presence of the internet is currently . Internet frequently used by students today, especially social networking. Due to the use of social networking learners can easily communicate short distance and long distance.
      The development of modern technology and increasingly sophisticated to benefit students, but on the other hand can also have negative impacts, especially for students of Information and communication contained in social networking beneficial for the development of science, but there is also the mental damage among students.
      With the social networking that can affect both sides and the bad sides of social networking users among students. Then be able to draw my attention to do research as well as analyze the positive and negative effects of social networking for students.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Of background details before the problem can be formulated in statement:
1.What is the internet and social networking?
2.Bagaimana influence of social networking to students?
3.What positive and negative effects of social networking for students?
1.3 Objectives

            The purpose of writing this paper are as follows:
1.For know what the internet and social networking
2.For determine how the influence of social networking to students
3.For know what positive and negative effects of social networking for students.
1.4 Method of Writing
            Writing method used in this paper is to look at the facts, and Internet resources.

1.2 Systematics Writing

1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Formulation
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Method of Writing
1.5 Systematics Writing
3.2 Contents
3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Advice



 Internet and its development, the Internet itself is derived from the International Networking, which means that the two or more computers linked together then form a computer network to include millions of computers in the world (international), which interact with each other and exchange information.
the internet is a tool that is very effective and efficient to exchange information remotely and at close range, such as in an office environment, where education, or relevant agencies.
Increasing number of users access the internet very reasonable indeed once.
Currently the Internet is not only used as a means of communication or a means of finding information, but also many used as a means for social networking l like e-mail and facebook and now used for business to make money. Internet access tariff rates were now also cheaper when compared to a few years ago. Especially for the students at this time many who uses the social networking. Fact with the social networking that's what makes drop student interest, because many victims are addicted have using social media
Social networking is a social structure made up of the nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) are woven with one or more specific types of relationships such as values, visions, ideas, friends, offspring, etc..
Social network analysis looked at the relationship of social networking as nodes and ties. Vertices are the individual actors within the networks, while the bond is the relationship between the actors. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. Research in a variety of academic fields has shown that social networking network operates at many levels, from families up to the state, and plays an important role in determining how to solve the problem, run the organization, as well as an individual's degree of success in achieving its goals.
In its simplest form, a social media network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied.
The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. This concept is often depicted in a social network diagram that embodies vertices as dots and ties as the connecting line.
Influence Teen Network for :
v (Positive Impact of Social Networking)
· Not infrequently also however social networking appears like language new language, miapah, cungguh, enelan, and others that do not exist in the Indonesian dictionary. Social networking is now followed by a lot of teenagers. Lots of people say that if it does not create an account or do not have a social network account such as facebook or twitter or ordinary plebeian called kamseupay. And social networks can make people exist or popular, it can be seen in the number of friends or followersnya.
· The effect increases with the times smartphones like Blackberry and Iphone, the easier teens access the site social networking sites social networking Quite often become the main place to vent
.people event or place that is not popular in the real world can be popular among social networking because it might frequently update the status and others. Someone will feel popular and he did not want to make friends with people who are not popular. We can also see the influence of friends, the higher the level of popularity of the many who knew him.
· Avoiding Stress, Means promotion, Ducted hobby of writing, place vent (upset), Information Sharing, Meet old friends, to have a lot of friends,.
· Children and adolescents can learn to develop technical and social skills that are needed in today's digital era. They will learn to adapt, socialize with the public and managing a network of friends.
· Expanding the network of friends. Thanks to social networking sites to be more easily befriend children with other people all over the world. Although most of which they've never met in person.
· Children and young people will be motivated to learn to develop themselves through friends they met online, as they interact and receive feedback from each other.
-Social networking sites make children and teenagers become more friendly, caring and empathy. For example, give them attention when friends birthday, comment on photos, videos and status of their friends, keep a friendly relationship, although not able to meet physically.

v. (Negative Impact of Social Networking)
· Forget to pray
· Frequent occurrence of fraud Prone
· Disputes or misunderstandings (sarcastic)
· Easily find pornography case
· The spread of personal data
· The lack of attention to family
· Reduced time to learn
· Disruptive eye health
· Spend the money and credit
· Lack of socialization with the surrounding environment does not matter
· Children and teenagers being lazy to learn to communicate in the real world. Level of understanding language also be disturbed. If the child is too much communication in cyberspace
· Social networking sites will make children and adolescents more selfish. They become aware of the environment around them, because most of the time spent on the internet. This can lead to a lack of empathy in the real world.
 For children and adolescents, there are no rules of spelling and grammar on the social networking site. This makes them more difficult to distinguish between communicating on social networking sites and in the real world.
· Social networking sites are fertile ground for predators to do

crime. We will never know if someone new we recognized our children on the internet using real identity or not.
v (Overcoming the Dangers of Social Networking Efforts)
Limiting open social networking as much as possible should be aware of social networking functions used esteem for others, do not be sarcastic or vilify another person on a social network have to be able to set the time, when the time to learn and when to have fun.


A. Conclusion

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the Internet provides great benefits for the students but on the other hand, the Internet becomes a medium of information that is not easily  for di limit.
So clearly the impact of the Internet can be determined by the user itself.
Keep striving for reaching their dreams Do not consider yourself perfect and popular when your followers or friends on social networks, do not discriminate humans distinguish Although there have not just focused virtual world virtual worlds will look at the world around and do not forget to socialize. Social networking can also cause people to forget the worship we must be good because it divides time between the virtual world and the real world. Social networking can also be harmful to human health, especially the eyes and can harm the body such as forgetting to eat or otherwise. The conclusion we can draw is that social networking has many benefits but it can not be denied social networks also have a wide range of hazards and other consequences as many boys and girls open social networking sites during school hours.

B. Suggestion
· Further increase of faith and piety, respectively.
· There should be awareness of all parties.
· Parents give more scrutiny when children are using the internet.
· Must be prudent in using the internet
· Avoid sites that are not worth seen by students
· Never give personal information to strangers.

· Parents should always supervise, advise, and assist children to recognize the characteristics of information technology services are used.
Do not just always give facilities to children without any supervision. Parental attention is needed by a child. Do not let a child fall simply because of lack of attention from parents



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