1. INTRODUCTION

1.1 The Background of Study
Tense is used to show the relation between the actions or state described by the verb and the time, which is reflected in the form of the verb. (Wishon,1980:185). Furthermore, Grain (2006) states that Tense specifies whether the verb refers to action in the past, present, and future. So, we must study tense carefully in sentences because it is the important element when we are speaking and writing some languages
There are four kinds of tenses in English that show past time such as the Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, and the Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Sometimes people consider that past tenses are easy but in fact, they are quite difficult to understand in some of languages. As what Jimmy (2009) states that The Past Tense with the use of verb and time signal is one of the problems in tenses. Sometimes the students place verb and time signal past tense in present tense question or on the other hand. This is because they lack in understanding the functions of tenses.
As we know English is one of international languages used almost in around the world. So we should have English proficiency both in written and spoken. Language has a structure and tenses in used in grammar. Every language in the world is different from each other; it has its own characteristic. Leech (2009) states that Language used in articles of magazine also has to present good English grammar and clear messages, so the readers can understand the language in the articles.
There are many people which have studied about past tenses. For example Riddle and Hinkell (1997 : 37) in Communication Featured, they examine the use of past tense
in various writing conventions in English such as giving background information or referring to events with past association. For example, in giving background information: The school was an all Girls school and there were around a thousand students. However, it may still be true that the school is an all girls School and there are a thousand students. In describing past association: “My first teacher was a great teacher.” Your first teacher may well still be a great teacher, however the event is associated with a past temporal reference and so ‘was’ is more appropriate than ‘is’. This use of past tense is associated as much with conventions as with a temporal reference to past time.
Heyer (2006) in Writing Article of Marketing states that past tense usually refers to past time. Will Baker (2006) in Developmental patterns of past tense, A student will be able to add “ed” to a regular verb but it will take them some practice to reach a point where they do it automatic ally without thinking about the rules.
Therefore, I choose past tenses as my topic and explain how to use of them in order to make readers understand about grammar. In this paper past tense will be studied through two profiles articles found in Hello Magazine issued January 2004 and May 2007.

1.2 The Scope of Study
In this paper, I limit the discussion on past tense with their functions in sentences found in two articles of “KYLIE MINOGUE’S BODY LANGUAGE” in Hello magazine 218, January 2004, and “MARK WAHLBERG’S SHOOTER” in Hello magazine 257, May 2007.
1.3 The Objective of Study
By writing this paper I want to describe the forms of Past Tenses and their usages in sentences found in the articles of Hello Magazine.
1.4 The Significance of Study
The significances of the study are:
1. To make the readers know more details about Past Tense through the articles of Hello Magazine.
2. To know the use of Past Tense found in the articles of Hello Magazine
3. To enlarge the readers’ knowledge in Past Tense
4. To be used as a literature for further study

1.5 The Method of Study
In writing this paper, the writer conducts the library research that is by reading the kinds of books as references which have connection to the topic being discussed. The writer take the information from the internet and take two articles in hello magazine as down samples purposively, according to Heyer (2006) that writing purposively means having or showing a definite intention. The writer gets forty five past sentences found in the articles of hello magazine as my data. For example It was quite an interesting day. The writer uses some steps in analyzing the data. Such as Reading, collecting, identifying, classifying and analyzing based on Grain’s theory.


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