1.1 The Background of Analysis
The word literature is derived from the Latin ‘literera’ (letter) which primarily refers to the written or printed words. Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, expresses emotions, an analysis, and advocate ideas. Literature may be classified into three categories: prose fiction, poetry, and drama. Prose fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romances, novels and short stories. Novel is the longest of all literary forms, which more popular because it represents human activities in daily life through the characters and setting. Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. Mind deals with person. Person is character. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, the word ‘character’ defined as person in a play, novel, etc. Every character has mind and action. Action is the behavior form. Behavior deals with judgment. Judgment here means to point the person’s attitude whether it is good or bad. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, the word ‘good’ defined as morally right or acceptable and the word ‘bad’ defined as wicked, immoral. In the novel The Lovely Bones, character Mr. Harvey rapes and kills children. People judged Mr. Harvey’s attitude is immoral, wicked that called bad.
In this thesis, I would like to discuss one of Alice Sebold’s novel’s The Lovely Bones through psychological approach. I choose psychological approach in analyzing this novel because in this novel the author focuses on sense of psychology that is showed by the character Mr. Harvey. The character expresses psychological disorder, he rapes and kills children. The novel draws the character that is suspected as murderer because of his psychological disorder. “Psychological disorder can be defined as a psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impartment in functioning that is not typical or culturally expected response.” (Barlow & Duran, 1995:2) Disorder or behavior that can be associated with distress or impartment is that would be case if the individual with the disorder were extremely upset, or if the disorder were negatively affecting the person’s ability to function. It occurred infrequently or rarely. The character Mr. Harvey in the novel has distress or impartment that occurred infrequently. Mr. Harvey rapes and kills girls. He has been killing girls for a long time and has never been caught for his deeds. Mr. Harvey has the horrible childhood that molded him into a murderer. He has sexual disorder that called pedophilia. In psychology, sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451) because his sexual attraction to children, he rapes and kills girls. Rape is sexual intercourse by use of force, fear between individuals of the same sex or the opposite that can cause biologic effects and psychological effects (Sadoff)
The Lovely Bones is a novel of an American novelist named Alice Sebold that appeared in 2002. The novel draws from the author's personal experiences
1.1 The Background of Analysis
The word literature is derived from the Latin ‘literera’ (letter) which primarily refers to the written or printed words. Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, expresses emotions, an analysis, and advocate ideas. Literature may be classified into three categories: prose fiction, poetry, and drama. Prose fiction or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romances, novels and short stories. Novel is the longest of all literary forms, which more popular because it represents human activities in daily life through the characters and setting. Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. Mind deals with person. Person is character. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, the word ‘character’ defined as person in a play, novel, etc. Every character has mind and action. Action is the behavior form. Behavior deals with judgment. Judgment here means to point the person’s attitude whether it is good or bad. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, the word ‘good’ defined as morally right or acceptable and the word ‘bad’ defined as wicked, immoral. In the novel The Lovely Bones, character Mr. Harvey rapes and kills children. People judged Mr. Harvey’s attitude is immoral, wicked that called bad.
In this thesis, I would like to discuss one of Alice Sebold’s novel’s The Lovely Bones through psychological approach. I choose psychological approach in analyzing this novel because in this novel the author focuses on sense of psychology that is showed by the character Mr. Harvey. The character expresses psychological disorder, he rapes and kills children. The novel draws the character that is suspected as murderer because of his psychological disorder. “Psychological disorder can be defined as a psychological dysfunction associated with distress or impartment in functioning that is not typical or culturally expected response.” (Barlow & Duran, 1995:2) Disorder or behavior that can be associated with distress or impartment is that would be case if the individual with the disorder were extremely upset, or if the disorder were negatively affecting the person’s ability to function. It occurred infrequently or rarely. The character Mr. Harvey in the novel has distress or impartment that occurred infrequently. Mr. Harvey rapes and kills girls. He has been killing girls for a long time and has never been caught for his deeds. Mr. Harvey has the horrible childhood that molded him into a murderer. He has sexual disorder that called pedophilia. In psychology, sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451) because his sexual attraction to children, he rapes and kills girls. Rape is sexual intercourse by use of force, fear between individuals of the same sex or the opposite that can cause biologic effects and psychological effects (Sadoff)
The Lovely Bones is a novel of an American novelist named Alice Sebold that appeared in 2002. The novel draws from the author's personal experiences
from when she was raped during her freshman year at Syracuse University. The novel received a great deal of critical praise and became an instant bestseller. It is the story of a teenage girl about a 14-year-old who, after being brutally raped and murdered by a man named Mr. Harvey. She watches from heaven as her family and friends go on with their lives, while she herself comes to terms with her own death. Mr. Harvey is a sexual predator, a rapist, a serial killer. He is the 36-year-old neighbor who rapes and murders Susie, within minutes of her own home. The main reason why I am interested in choosing Alice Sebold’ The Lovely Bones as the focus of analysis because the novel presents the complexity of human relationship among the members of the family in a household after a death of a daughter that has been raped and killed by a man that has sexual disorder. He has the horrible childhood that molded him into a murderer and cause sexual disorder that called pedophilia. In psychology, sexual attraction to children or very young adolescents called pedophilia (Barlow & Duran, 1995:451) because his sexual attraction to children, he rapes and kills girls. The reason why I choose psychological disorder as my analysis because I want to know deeply about psychology. It is so interesting to study. I could study to understand about people’s mind and action after studying it. In this case, I could know and understand deeply about psychological disorder. U
1.2 The Problems of Analysis Man has to face various problems such social, economic, and psychological problem in his life. One of the psychological problems is psychological disorder. In this case, the psychological disorder is raping and murder. As its title indicates, the analysis in this thesis focuses on psychological disorder. Statements of the problem are as follows: 1. How mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a rapist? 2. How mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a killer? 1.3 The Purposes of Analysis As its statement of problem indicates, the purposes in this thesis are as follows: 1. To find out how mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a rapist 2. To find out how mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a killer
1.4 The Significance of the Study This study expected to provide some significance especially for English literature students and readers in general. They are to contribute reading material or information about psychological disorder particularly for students who deal with as major subject and to enrich knowledge for reader or especially student of English literature in studying literature especially of Alice Sebold’s work. 1.5 The Method of Analysis According to Kirk and Miller (1986:9), there are two kinds of method in analyzing; they are quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative method includes every kind research that based on calculation, number or quantity. In other hand, qualitative method includes every kind research that not based on calculation. In analyzing, I use qualitative descriptive method. This method is a scientific procedure to get conclusion from particular thing to general idea based on the theory. I use Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, as the main source of data. I use some steps in doing this analysis. First, I read whole novel to get deep understanding about the novel. Second, I select the important information about the sexual disorder indication in the novel. Third, I quote the text and make the quotation as the data to support the analysis. Fourth, I would make interpretation based on the data that found in the novel and I collect some books to support my analysis.
Based on Theory of Literature, there are two methods in analyzing a literary work: intrinsic and extrinsic (Wellek, 1955). Intrinsic method approaches the literary works from internal factor, the text. Such as rhythm, rhyme, scheme, form, mood, etc. In the other hand, extrinsic method approaches the literary works from external factors such as biography, autobiography, psychology, philosophy, history, society, religion, etc. Therefore, it is clear enough that I use the extrinsic method in analyzing my thesis. 1.6 The Review of Related Literature In order to get further information, idea, and other dealing with the analyze and to give clearer and better understanding about the term, I use some books related to the subject matter. There are several books as follow: 1. Theory of literature, by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1982) This book provides some explanations about approaching as analyzing a literary work. This book helps me understanding extrinsic approach and literary in general and the distinction between psychology and literature. 2. Literature: an Introduction to Reading and Writing by Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs (1995) This book discusses about literature types. I use this book to get some information about literature and the classification of literature. “Literature may be classified into three categories 1) prose fiction, 2) poetry, 3) drama.” (Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs, 1995)
3. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, by David H. Barlow & V. Mark Durand (1995) The book provides some explanations and analysis about abnormal psychology such as sexual disorder 4. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, by Lexy J.Moleong (2005) This book provides some explanations about qualitative method. This book helps me understanding about qualitative method. 5. Human Sexuality, by Rosemarie Hogan (1980) This book gives some important information about sexuality. 6. Psychology, by Henry L. Roediger III and friends This book gives me some explanations about psychology. 7. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, by Oxford University Sumatera UPress This dictionary helps me finding the meaning of some terms.
1.2 The Problems of Analysis Man has to face various problems such social, economic, and psychological problem in his life. One of the psychological problems is psychological disorder. In this case, the psychological disorder is raping and murder. As its title indicates, the analysis in this thesis focuses on psychological disorder. Statements of the problem are as follows: 1. How mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a rapist? 2. How mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a killer? 1.3 The Purposes of Analysis As its statement of problem indicates, the purposes in this thesis are as follows: 1. To find out how mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a rapist 2. To find out how mental balance could make Mr. Harvey in The Lovely Bones to be a killer
1.4 The Significance of the Study This study expected to provide some significance especially for English literature students and readers in general. They are to contribute reading material or information about psychological disorder particularly for students who deal with as major subject and to enrich knowledge for reader or especially student of English literature in studying literature especially of Alice Sebold’s work. 1.5 The Method of Analysis According to Kirk and Miller (1986:9), there are two kinds of method in analyzing; they are quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative method includes every kind research that based on calculation, number or quantity. In other hand, qualitative method includes every kind research that not based on calculation. In analyzing, I use qualitative descriptive method. This method is a scientific procedure to get conclusion from particular thing to general idea based on the theory. I use Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, as the main source of data. I use some steps in doing this analysis. First, I read whole novel to get deep understanding about the novel. Second, I select the important information about the sexual disorder indication in the novel. Third, I quote the text and make the quotation as the data to support the analysis. Fourth, I would make interpretation based on the data that found in the novel and I collect some books to support my analysis.
Based on Theory of Literature, there are two methods in analyzing a literary work: intrinsic and extrinsic (Wellek, 1955). Intrinsic method approaches the literary works from internal factor, the text. Such as rhythm, rhyme, scheme, form, mood, etc. In the other hand, extrinsic method approaches the literary works from external factors such as biography, autobiography, psychology, philosophy, history, society, religion, etc. Therefore, it is clear enough that I use the extrinsic method in analyzing my thesis. 1.6 The Review of Related Literature In order to get further information, idea, and other dealing with the analyze and to give clearer and better understanding about the term, I use some books related to the subject matter. There are several books as follow: 1. Theory of literature, by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1982) This book provides some explanations about approaching as analyzing a literary work. This book helps me understanding extrinsic approach and literary in general and the distinction between psychology and literature. 2. Literature: an Introduction to Reading and Writing by Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs (1995) This book discusses about literature types. I use this book to get some information about literature and the classification of literature. “Literature may be classified into three categories 1) prose fiction, 2) poetry, 3) drama.” (Edgar V. Roberts & Henry E. Jacobs, 1995)
3. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, by David H. Barlow & V. Mark Durand (1995) The book provides some explanations and analysis about abnormal psychology such as sexual disorder 4. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, by Lexy J.Moleong (2005) This book provides some explanations about qualitative method. This book helps me understanding about qualitative method. 5. Human Sexuality, by Rosemarie Hogan (1980) This book gives some important information about sexuality. 6. Psychology, by Henry L. Roediger III and friends This book gives me some explanations about psychology. 7. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, by Oxford University Sumatera UPress This dictionary helps me finding the meaning of some terms.
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