Alhamdulillhahirabil'alamin, praise and gratitude the presence of GOD Almighty., As the creator of all life that we see, we hear and we think that always gives grace, His guidance and inayah so I can finish the task introductory social science courses this. Blessings and greetings may remain devoted to the great Prophet Muhammad and his family, friends, and followers remain unchanged until the end yaumil.
Thanks and deep gratitude, the author goes to dear old Dad and mom who has raised and taught me with patience, compassion, prayer and a stream of sweat that flows during this life. Really, Dad and Mom love is the most beautiful gift that can not be replaced by anything else.
On this occasion, the author would also like to thank with sincere heart to all those who have assisted in the completion of this paper may Allah always reciprocate with kindness doubled.
The author realizes that the preparation of this paper is far from perfect, therefore, the authors expect criticism and constructive suggestions for the improvement of all parties in the future. Finally, hopefully the good deeds that have been given by all parties to the author, gets just reward from Allah SWT.
Authors hope this paper may be beneficial for all parties.


 a. Background

background of the authors make a paper entitled "economics" is because the author wants more about how important economics economics human terhdap or changing times.
. B. Destination
The purpose of this paper because the authors make to fulfill the task of "introductory social science.


A. Understanding Economics

 Understanding economics can be formulated with a variety of sentences. The following restrictions economics:

    Economics is the science which studies human efforts to meet their needs and improve their welfare.
    Economics is the science that studies the problem of choosing the possible use of limited resources to meet the varied needs of life are endless.
    Economics is the study of how a person or people to choose how to use the scarce resources provided by nature and by the legacy of previous generations.

Of various restrictions on Economics above sentence sounds different though, but the same core meaning.
 Economics can consist of:

    Economics is the science that describes descriptive as it is about the economic life of the region / country for example: economic study of the life of the fishermen on the coast, Japan's economy after World War II, writing about the Indonesian economy after Pelita. etc..
    Applied Economic Science that discusses the application of economic theory a household economy, for instance: Business Economics, Monetary Economics. Management, International Economics, Development Economics, Accounting, Cooperative Economics, Agricultural Economics etc..
    Economic Theory Science that discusses the symptoms that arise as a result of human activity in order to improve the welfare of society. Economic Theory consists of:
    Macro economics examines the overall economic issues, such as: the establishment of the national production, distribution of national income, unemployment and inflation as well as the effects etc..
    Micro Economics studied part of economic theory in more depth, starting from the domestic life of individuals, domestic production, the owners of capital and production factors equal to the market price formation.

B. Why Study Economics?
As we know economics study of human efforts to meet the needs of life and improve their welfare. In effect studied by Economics limited to material well-being, which is associated with the objects and services.
Inside there is a part of life in the community of the needs that can not be filled with objects and services, such as: the need to live safely and peacefully, needs love, needs to interact etc.. These needs highly associated with psychiatric not always be filled with goods and services.
 Henceforth, material welfare-related goods and services will be called prosperity. In this case can be said to be a prosperous society where all needs can be met appropriately. In respect of the quantity of prosperity that can be measured by the number of goods and services that can be generated and used to make ends meet.
 In accordance with the population growth and the development of science and technology, the type and amount of demand is always increasing. To compensate for the development of production of goods and services needs to be improved continuously. Economics in this case is necessary to overcome the problems associated with efforts to create community prosperity.
Except for the foregoing, economics also gives instructions on how the division of revenues derived from the production of goods and services fairly and equitably. Thus economics is studied in an effort to increase wealth and income distribution in society.
According to Case and fair (in the principles of Microeconomics 2003) there are four main reasons to study Economics ie: learning frame of mind, to understand people, to understand global issues, and the knowledgeable voters. :
1. Studying frame of mind. Perhaps this is the reason that is important in the study of Economics. One good way of studying Economics is examining three fundamental concepts namely: opportunity cost, marjinalisme, and efficient markets
· Opportunity cost (opportuinity cost) is what we sacrifice when we choose or make a decision. Opportunity costs arise because resources are scarce or limited.
· Marjinalisme: In emphasizing the cost and make the crucial decisions that extra attention marjinalisme sacrifice if results improved one unit
· Efficient Market: In the economic activities of "profit" is a very important thing. Every economic actors will seek to engage in economic activities as efficiently as possible as to how to keep costs down but still produce a quality so high selling price, so that ultimately can bring big returns.
2. Understanding society: Another reason to learn economics is to understand people better. Decisions in the past and now have an impact on the economic life of the community. The state of the physical environment, welfare, and the type of proof is the product of an economic system.
3. Understanding global issues: International events often have an impact on the economy. Some claim that economic considerations dominate international relations. To be sure the politicians put the economic well-being of their people are top preoritas. An important issue that gap poor country with rich countries sharply
4. Being knowledgeable voters: Understanding Economics is important to be a knowledgeable voter or scientifically capable of delivering economy. When participating in the political process and the educational process, we will provide us with a sound or idea considering the problems that require a basic understanding of economics.

C. Welfare and Issues
Described above that Economics is the science that is studied in order to meet the need to achieve welfare and prosperity. Indicators of well-being needs are met appropriately. However, to achieve welfare and prosperity is not an easy thing, because it is full of issues that must be addressed.
a) The current economic problems
Nowadays all countries and peoples of the world must face the core economic issues that limited goods and services as a means of satisfying human needs in line with the infinite.
In general, the countries in the world especially the developing and poor countries facing economic problems following:
1. Population problem:
Most countries in the world face the problem of population or demographic problems of rapid population growth, even a population boom that was not offset by growth in production and employment so that the macro impact on the social and economic fields. Indonesia in the field of population also faces the fundamental problem: including high population growth, population density and uneven. The problem of course is impacting on many areas, particularly the social and economic fields.
2. Unemployment and Inflation:
Unemployment problem occurs in many countries, especially the poor and developing countries, including Indonesia, of course. Population growth is not matched by the provision of employment opportunities is the dominant factor for the occurrence of unemployment besides other factors such as: the low quality of human resources, lack of investment, human laziness, weakening confidence in the overseas etc.. High unemployment as a measure of lower production and result in the minimum number of items, and even shortages of products that people need, of course this will have an impact on the rising prices of goods in general, we know with inflation. Any country in the world will try to stabilize its economy mainly through the efforts of controlling inflation rate.
3. Growth and pollution:
A country's economic growth will always be accompanied and caused by the growth of production. Production growth is characterized by the growth of some sectors of production: ekstraktip, agriculture, industry, trade and services. Growth in the production sector, particularly the industrial sector, agricultural and ekstraktip greatly affect the quality of the environment, so we often see the negative impact of the growth of this sector cause pollution on land, sea and air are very annoying creatures on the quality of growth.
4. Poverty and health issues:
The low production, low employment, high labor force, high unemployment will result in a lower income individuals and communities who of course will result in high rates of poverty.
Poverty would be adversely affects the ability to maintain their health. This condition occurs in many developing countries, especially in poor countries.
5. Energy crisis:
Energy is a very important part for the economy, particularly the industrial sector. Existence and productivity of a country's industry is largely determined by the ability to provide energy in particular as a source of energy. Ability to provide this energy is determined by a country's natural and natural resources held in particular oil, coal and gas. Many developed countries allocate considerable funds to meet energy needs

b) Political Economy
Political economy can be defined state policy in the field of economics. Economic policy of a country is generally directed at anticipating and overcoming economic problems it faces, of course taking into account the scale preoritas. In the end a country's economic policies aimed at creating economic stability in order to create a country kemahmuran.
Four criteria are generally used to determine economic policy, among others:

    Efficiency: In economics economy efficiency means producing what society and the state with the lowest possible costs to produce a quality product.
Justice: Justice means equitable sharing and distribution in accordance with their rights and obligations. The state will attempt to distribute wealth equitably in accordance with their rights and obligations.
    Growth: a country's economic policies will always be aimed at sustainable economic growth.
With the economic growth is expected the percapita income growth and the creation of prosperity evenly.
    Stability: All countries expect stability, particularly in the economic field. Stability has measure a country's ability to cope rintangam and economic upheavals in particular. Stability of a country's economy is highly dependent on the ability of countries to cope with the rate of inflation or the rate of inflation remains low seek

A country's economic policies can include: monetary policy, fiscal policy, international economic policy, price policy staples etc..


a. conclusion

Core economic problem essentially lies in the limited means to make ends meet. Means in the form of goods and services which are often referred to as a means of satisfying the needs of the very limited human needs are not being limited. The existence of natural resources can be biotic and abiotic, biotic natural wealth especially if taken continuously then finally get out, so it was likely a time when the world will actually experience a crisis due to the scarcity of even running out of mining.
In accordance with the population growth and the development of science and technology, the type and amount of demand is always increasing. To compensate for the development of production of goods and services needs to be improved continuously. Economics in this case is necessary to overcome the problems associated with efforts to create community prosperity.
b. suggestion
Author of a paper that has been made, there may be mistakes and shortcomings of the writing or the good of his words, the authors are looking forward to your comments and suggestions from readers, in order to provide motivation or advice to improve this paper later.


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