National Education system, we often hear and talk about it, or even criticize. But what exactly is and how it is not necessarily everyone understands correctly. This article is intended to provide a basic understanding of little educational system of our nation, what is essentially, stratum, level, and the track is like, how the scope and purpose.

By definition, the function and purpose of national education of the Republic of Indonesia is to develop the skills and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation. Aimed at developing the potential of students to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.
Education pathways

National education is the pathway includes, basic, medium, high, and nonformal.
The level of Elementary Education is a national education program in Indonesia, which underlies the secondary level. In supporting the implementation of the basic education, government and local governments guarantee the implementation of compulsory education for every citizen over the age of 6 (six) years in the basic education without charging a fee. In this case the government also has a responsibility in terms of management, development, procurement, and coaching. The government through the ministry (MONE), can also be a good partner with the academic award, merit scholarship, etc..

Forms and levels of school education consists of elementary school education (SD) or Madrasah Ibtida'iyah (MI), Junior High School (SMP), and junior secondary school (MTs), as well as other forms of equals.

Secondary education is a national advanced level of basic education, which consists of general and vocational secondary, that is, graduate school / elementary level (elementary and secondary) will be followed by a mid-level. As for the shape, as has been common around us, namely;

1. Senior High School (SMA),

2. Madrasah Aliyah (MA),

3. Vocational School (SMK), and

4. Madrasah Aliyah Vocational (MAK), or other forms of equals.

Higher Education, as the name implies, is the advanced level of knowledge of intermediate level. Includes diploma program, bachelor's, master's, specialist, and doctoral degrees are held by the college. The shape can vary, such as; colleges, polytechnics, colleges, institutes, universities. As a high level, PT duty to enforce education, research, and community service. Higher education can also organizes academic programs, professional, and / or vocational.

In addition to the above national education program, there are levels that are not included in the formal sequence level, ie, non-formal or non-formal education.

Non-formal education or sometimes referred to as the outside lane school, organized for the people who need the education service as a replacement, addition, and / or complement formal education in order to support lifelong. This serves to develop the potential of learners with an emphasis on the mastery of knowledge and functional skills as well as personality development and professional attitude. That is an education geared to instill a certain competence in particular, form a professional staff that has a special ability in accordance with the curriculum and plan educational unit concerned by each service provider.

There are several forms and types of national non-formal education, such as life skills, early childhood, youth, women's empowerment, literacy, skills and job training, equality, and other education aimed to develop the ability of learners.

Non-formal education can be organized by the institute courses, training institutes, study groups, learning centers, and assembly taklim, and similar educational units.

Courses and training programs organized for people who require a stock of knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes for self-development, professional development, work, independent business, and / or continue their education to a higher level.

The results of non-formal education can be appreciated equivalent results after the formal program through equivalency assessment process by agencies appointed by the Government or Local Government with reference to national education standards.

Informal education is education that is done by the family and also the environment or education is the path out of school, form independent learning activities. This pathway results can be recognized with formal and non-formal education after students pass the exam in accordance with national education standards.

In addition to some form of formal, non-formal, and informal above, there are also other forms of education that will be explained definitively. Forms of education are;

Early Childhood Education (ECD), is a program that was held before the basic education level, and can be organized through formal, non-formal and / or informal. Formal pathway is TK and RA or other forms of equals. Non-formal forms are Play Group (KB), Child Care (TPA) and other forms of equals. In the form of informal, family education or training is organized by the environment.

Service education is a professional education program organized by the non-ministerial government department or agency. Works to increase the capacity and skills (human resources) in the execution of official duties for employees and prospective public servants a non-ministerial government department or agency, and can be organized either through formal and non-formal.

Religious education is an education program organized by the Government and / or community of religious adherents, according to the legislation. Can be organized in formal, non-formal, and informal. Religious education can be shaped diniyah, boarding, pasraman, pabhaja novice, and other similar forms.

Distance Education serves to provide educational services to community groups who can not attend face-to-face education or regular. Can be organized in various forms, modes, and supported by means of coverage and service learning and assessment system that guarantees quality of graduate education in accordance with the national standard.

Special Education and Special Services is a program for students who have difficulty in following the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, social, and / or have the potential for intelligence and special talents. Special services program is a program for students in remote or underdeveloped, remote indigenous communities, and / or natural disasters, social disasters, and can not afford economically.
National Education System and Problems Faced

The things above are forms, lines and our national educational strata. The obligations and other regulations have also been regulated by the government. Announcements regarding admission of students or new students, at each level, the government has also implemented a system of the school year. In other fields, such as teaching methods, teaching techniques, competitions, or other announcements that develop in accordance with the basic teaching methods and curricula that have been set by the government. Special to National Examination problems, until recently, was filled with pros and cons. National examinations by some people regarded as less activity wise in determining the assessment of students. But the one hand, the government also requires certain standards for measurement. In this regard, further studies are still needed to discuss the national exam. The emergence of SBC curriculum and national test problems, the high standards of assessment, as well as the percentage distribution of assessment and school self-government, is the most significant issue at this time, because raises many problems for both students and schools.

School education is one vehicle for the primary and secondary levels. As a vehicle to support the implementation of the national education system, human resource that is in it is also highly regarded, which is why a teacher as a professional educational resources are also required to have a high spirit in support of the achievement of our educational continuity, as established by regulations . Advanced learning scholarship is for outstanding teachers who will support professional development education. So the basic competencies needed and competencies also owned another teacher. Teachers are no longer only refers to the techniques and methods of teaching and learning, but extended with a variety of teaching skills appropriate to the context and the times.

As a reflection of Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, the government in this case the ministry of national education, through scholarships to poor students in a variety of policies are also expected to accommodate those who may not be able to participate and engage in units and educational activities. Citizens who have the ability to be also very helpful to set aside some of it has to advance scientific and constant cascade, either by building schools, creating special educational programs, activities, courses, or specific competitions that improve the quality of the scientific community.

Indonesian society as stipulated in the law, is to have the widest possible opportunity to enjoy education nationally. Provisions such as those set by the government through the minister of national education, must be in line with the Constitution 45 and community needs in the field of science. Implementation of educational activities by community members in teaching and learning is a form of synergy to promote the system and Indonesia's national education goals, so the number of basic needs in education can be further suppressed. That would be in line with the wishes of the government and society at large to create a national program that is sensitive to development.

Provisions of the applicable national education system, always follow the developments and changes in the rules given by the government. It also refers to the specific needs of both analysts and critics as well as from the government. In supporting the development of better, the resources within government and society must always look for the development and motivation in the field of science and sustainable continuous basis, so as to create order adequate national education program, both current and future.


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