Sample Thesis Thesis Economic Management
Thesis Sample Management Economics - Hopefully with this thesis all the friends will more easily in preparing the thesis , in order to obtain a Bachelor glass . Actually in making thesis starts from the filing of the title well at the time of filing the title should be what should be the foundation of our fikir , we mastered the science that is made in topok or theme in the discussion of the thesis , ( What you like , you master that is raised so as not to confused in preparing future Economic Management Thesis )
CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThesis Economic Management
A. BackgroundIn an economy that is much more difficult to be competitive in the various spheres of life , including competition in the business world . Many companies are competing to gain market share , so it is trying to spur the company to move forward in improving its business . In addition, with the advancement of technology , companies are also required to be able to keep up with the times so as not to fall behind the others .
In order for companies to grow and develop properly , then the company must be able to anticipate the development of an increasingly competitive economy by doing the right strategy in order not eliminated in the competition . In addition the company also must be able to anticipate future trends in the economy and should be able to compete with other companies engaged in the same field . This was done to maintain the survival and progress of the company .
Companies in the marketing of goods and services are always faced with the question , " why consumers buy certain goods or services ? " Answer can not be explained directly from the observations alone , but required the analysis of consumer behavior in more depth. This will help a lot for marketing managers to understand the " why " and " how " of the consumer behavior , so that the company can develop , pricing, promoting , and memdistribusikan goods well ( Swastha , 2000: 13 ) . With the analysis of consumer behavior , the company will have a broader view and be more aware of new opportunities stemming from unfulfilled consumer needs .
In the current economic development especially in the areas of the cities of Yogyakarta , a city of education , city of culture , and tourism was experiencing fairly rapid growth . As well as from year to year in the city's population has increased , the increase is happening anyway mengkibatkan increasing human needs , both basic needs and secondary needs . From the start the need for housing , daily necessities to the needs of tertiary increasingly rising .
So in a situation like this requires foresight and the company saw a shift change in the desires and needs of consumers make the company overwhelmed in developing strategies to win the competition in the business world as a result of the development of civilization . Where customer satisfaction is preferred so as to obtain the expected profit to finance the company's operations continuity .
The role of drinking water refill greater , as seen by the increasing number of refill drinking water everywhere . So competition among water companies increasingly sharp refill . The increase in population coupled with the increasing needs of life provide jobs or new businesses . One example of a business which has a good prospect in the field of business is selling drinking water refill .
Prevailing market conditions now no longer a seller's market , but it became a buyer's market where sellers are looking for buyers . Consumers in this case is the king who must be served. In general, companies implement business strategies combination of offensive and defensive strategies . Where necessary offensive strategies intended to achieve or acquire new customers , while increasing market share and defensive strategy seeks to reduce the possibility of customer exit and the shift of consumers from the company .
Customer satisfaction strategy causing the competitor must try hard and do a high cost in an attempt to seize a company's customers . The impact of customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty and repeat purchases every company is different . Because consumers are satisfied does not mean they are satisfied , but satisfied consumers will tend to be a loyal customer . Consumer satisfaction is influenced by two main variables , namely Expectations and Perceived Performance , when Perceived Performance Expectations exceeded , then the consumers get satisfaction , ultimately will create consumer loyalty ( Tjiptono , 2000: 41 ) .
There are several factors that can be considered by consumers in assessing a service provided by the company . According to Zeithaml , Berry and Parasuraman (1985 ) cited in Tjiptono (2000 : 27-28 ) identified five dimensions of service quality , namely : Management Economics Thesis1 . Direct evidence ( tangibles )Is the physical facilities , supplies and equipment , employee performance , and means of communication .2 . Reliability (reliability )Is an ability to provide services promised to promptly and satisfactorily .3 . Responsiveness (responsiveness )Is the response or alacrity in helping consumers and provide fast service and responsiveness .
4 . Assurance (assurance )Is an ability to carry out tasks which can spontaneously ensure good performance that adds consumer confidence .
5 . Attention ( empathy )Is the individual attention given by the company to the consumer .
Things to consider in providing services consumer voice is heard , it means that the company should interact with consumers with a view to obtaining feedback ( feed back ) how consumer feedback about the facilities and infrastructure associated with the good service given as a control and measure success .
As for how to get feedback here which can be done by applying systems and suggestions or complaints by purchasing the loyalty surveys complaints or customer dissatisfaction can be taken and the best solution is determined by the company .
With ever increasing water needs , provide opportunities for businesses selling drinking water refill . The birth of a new business venture or it also raises the pros and cons . Both the employers and the mineral water from the consumer side of the business but said although new business but does have its own share of the market . With the business growing , the researchers are interested in studying or analyzing about " SERVICE QUALITY ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN DEPOT OF WATER CONTENT IN TIRTA MULYA " . Thesis Economic Management
B. problem FormulationBased on the description in the background of the problem , the problem is formulated as follows :
How the variables influence the quality of service to customer satisfaction in the depot refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya ?
Which service quality variables that predominantly affects customer satisfaction ?
C. LimitationsLimitation of this research is aimed at consumers who use the products or services of drinking water at Tirta depot located in the area Mulya Sari Glagah .D. Research ObjectivesThe purpose of the study is as follows :
To find out how the effect of each variable service quality on customer satisfaction in the depot refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya .
To identify which service quality variables that predominantly affects customer satisfaction in Tirta Mulya .
E. benefits of ResearchThe benefits of this research are :1 . for the CompanyExpected to help the company to use as a comparison , consideration and determine the next steps , so it can be expected to further increase sales in the future .2 . for ResearchersIs in addition to knowledge of the world and as a learning practitioner before entering the world of business .3 . For Consumer and ReadersAs an additional contribution of literature and materials knowledge regarding marketing activities especially in making purchasing decisions .
CHAPTER IITo Obtain CHAPTER II please download the thesisThesis Economic Management
A. Company HistoryDrinking water refill depot located at Jalan Sari No. Glagah . 86 Yogyakarta was founded by Mr. Mulyadi , on April 30, 2003 , named Tirta Mulya . At first only selling water brand Aqua products but with the demand of consumers Mr Mulyadi dare try to sell a product or refill drinking water obtained from springs Pluneng , in the village of Karang Nongko , Delangu Subdistrict , Klaten . Based on the results of bacteriological examination of water samples refill conducted by Kepmenkes 907/Menkes/SK/VII / 2002 states that the levels of total coliform and faecal coli MPN/100 = 0 , so that drinking water refill Mulya Tirta suitable for consumption by consumers .
The mission and purpose of the company is to provide the best service to customers , increase customer loyalty , increasing sales and increase company revenue .
B. personnelThe number of workers at the depot refill drinking water Tirta Mulya is as much as three employees , whose job is to serve customers who purchase either directly or delivered or ordered by phone . Mulya Tirta company wants its employees to work comfortably , resulting in better productivity . For that several attempts were made to make it happen as well as to provide a base salary company also provides grants in the form of holiday allowance ( THR ) .
C. Water SterilizationHow to sterilize drinking water that is used is as follows :1 . Cooking or boiling waterCooking or boiling water is drinking water sterilization system by heating water to temperatures approaching 1000C , by way of warming is expected bekteri - bacteria , viruses and protozoa would die due to the effects of high temperatures .2 . Ceramic filtersFilter karamik work after water flows through a ceramic that has cracks are very small to large filter contaminants .It features :a. Filter out large particlesb . Reduced bacterial levels in a short timec . Ceramic filters can be reused .The downside :a. Not effective in removing organic contaminants or mostly non-organic contaminants .b . Not being able to kill any kind of bacteria or virusc . Should be frequently cleaned and wiped with disinfectant .
3 . Mineral potWater is poured into a vessel containing a pile of limestone rocks and minerals to increase the water content . The system is not able to eliminate or deadly chemical contaminants , bacteria and viruses .It features :a. No need to install the toolb . Adding elements of magnesium and calcium in the water .The downside :a. Not effective at removing microorganisms , organic and inorganic contaminants .b . Rely on gravity flow of water is too slow and ineffective .4 . Hollow Fiber FiltersProcessing system with hollow fiber technology using fiber vessels with holes measuring 0.1 to 0.2 microns to filter the grains of sand , sediment and other contaminants . Fiber is new and clean also able to filter out bacteria .It features :a. Effectively filter out small particlesb . Reduced bacterial levels in a short time .
The downside :a. Not effective at removing bacteria resilientb . Not effectively remove viruses , organic contaminants , and the majority of non- organic chemical contaminants .c . Easily clogged .5 . Alkaline generatorAlkaline Water Generators use electricity to produce acidic water or alkaline water . Marketers of these systems are generally claimed to drink alkaline water , with the postulate that such water is more easily absorbed body cells and that the acidic water can be used to clean the skin . In fact , it has not been clinically proven , especially on the efficacy of acidic and alkaline water for such purposes .It features water that is claimed to be more easily absorbed by the body cells .The downside :a. Not eliminate bekteri , organic chemicals and non- organic , small particles , bacteria , and viruses .b . In general, poorly supported by strong evidence .6 . distillation distillationIn this method , water is heated to evaporate simultaneously killing bacteria and viruses , and to separate them from the heavy contaminants . Steam is condensed into water again , and then removed from the system into a shelter .
It features :a. reduces chlorineb . Reducing non- organic contaminantsc . Reducing bacteria and virusesd . Reduce organic contaminants bermolekul great .The downside :a. Eliminate the beneficial mineralsb . Should result in high thermal powerc . Potentially lead to water taste blandd . Feels sluggish , less cumbersome and costlye . Not being able to eliminate some certain organic compounds that have a low level of cob ( eg : Choroform ) .7 . Reverse Osmosis ( R.O )The water pressure flowing through the permeable membrane or film is very thin so as to filter out certain sized molecules , but very small molecules can still penetrate . Water that has been through the initial processing of the collected into a holding tank that is generally associated with a separate faucet in addition to the water faucet .It features :a. Reducing non- organic compoundsb . Can reduce some specific organic compoundsc . Reduce parasite .
The downside :a. Requires high water pressureb . Eliminate the beneficial mineralsc . Not guaranteed its effectiveness in eliminating bacteria or virusesd . Slow and wasteful watere . Not guaranteed its effectiveness in eliminating some specific organic compounds .
8 . G.A.C Filter ( Granular Activated Charcoal )In this system , activated carbon particles that serve as a filter of loose contaminants that exist as an absorbent for other contaminants .It features :a. reduces chlorineb . Not eliminate the beneficial minerals .
The downside :a. Because loose , it becomes carbon driveway water that has not been treatedb . Not guaranteed its effectiveness in removing organic contaminantsc . Do not kill bacteria or viruses .9 . Treatment with Carbon / SilverSilver powder is mixed with activated carbon filtration to maintain privilege and control of bacterial carbon with silver .
It features :a. Effectively removes most harmful bacteria in very limited numbersb . Reduces chlorine .The downside :a. Water mixed with silverb . Not effective against most microorganismsc . Cause the entry of contaminants .10 . Cation exchange ( water softening )Water flows through a pathway called the resin bed . Cations in the water is absorbed when the ions of the opposite sex , for example, sodium is released into the water .Privileges can reduce the hardness of water is caused by magnesium and calcium overload.The downside :
Not reduce small particles , organic and non- organic compounds , bacteria , and viruses .
Water mixed with sodium
Useful minerals actually lost it.
11 . Anion exchangeWater flows through the resin bed . Anions in water is absorbed when ions of the opposite sex , for example, chloride is released into the water .Privileges are able to reduce nitrate and sulfate .The drawback is not able to reduce small particles and organic compounds , bacteria , or viruses .12 . Pitcher - Type / Pour -Through FiltersResin or powder activated carbon capture contaminants in the filter running water .Privileges is able to neutralize the taste and improve water clarity .The downside :
Most of them are not designed to reduce organic and inorganic contaminants .
Thesis Sample Management Economics - Hopefully with this thesis all the friends will more easily in preparing the thesis , in order to obtain a Bachelor glass . Actually in making thesis starts from the filing of the title well at the time of filing the title should be what should be the foundation of our fikir , we mastered the science that is made in topok or theme in the discussion of the thesis , ( What you like , you master that is raised so as not to confused in preparing future Economic Management Thesis )
CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThesis Economic Management
A. BackgroundIn an economy that is much more difficult to be competitive in the various spheres of life , including competition in the business world . Many companies are competing to gain market share , so it is trying to spur the company to move forward in improving its business . In addition, with the advancement of technology , companies are also required to be able to keep up with the times so as not to fall behind the others .
In order for companies to grow and develop properly , then the company must be able to anticipate the development of an increasingly competitive economy by doing the right strategy in order not eliminated in the competition . In addition the company also must be able to anticipate future trends in the economy and should be able to compete with other companies engaged in the same field . This was done to maintain the survival and progress of the company .
Companies in the marketing of goods and services are always faced with the question , " why consumers buy certain goods or services ? " Answer can not be explained directly from the observations alone , but required the analysis of consumer behavior in more depth. This will help a lot for marketing managers to understand the " why " and " how " of the consumer behavior , so that the company can develop , pricing, promoting , and memdistribusikan goods well ( Swastha , 2000: 13 ) . With the analysis of consumer behavior , the company will have a broader view and be more aware of new opportunities stemming from unfulfilled consumer needs .
In the current economic development especially in the areas of the cities of Yogyakarta , a city of education , city of culture , and tourism was experiencing fairly rapid growth . As well as from year to year in the city's population has increased , the increase is happening anyway mengkibatkan increasing human needs , both basic needs and secondary needs . From the start the need for housing , daily necessities to the needs of tertiary increasingly rising .
So in a situation like this requires foresight and the company saw a shift change in the desires and needs of consumers make the company overwhelmed in developing strategies to win the competition in the business world as a result of the development of civilization . Where customer satisfaction is preferred so as to obtain the expected profit to finance the company's operations continuity .
The role of drinking water refill greater , as seen by the increasing number of refill drinking water everywhere . So competition among water companies increasingly sharp refill . The increase in population coupled with the increasing needs of life provide jobs or new businesses . One example of a business which has a good prospect in the field of business is selling drinking water refill .
Prevailing market conditions now no longer a seller's market , but it became a buyer's market where sellers are looking for buyers . Consumers in this case is the king who must be served. In general, companies implement business strategies combination of offensive and defensive strategies . Where necessary offensive strategies intended to achieve or acquire new customers , while increasing market share and defensive strategy seeks to reduce the possibility of customer exit and the shift of consumers from the company .
Customer satisfaction strategy causing the competitor must try hard and do a high cost in an attempt to seize a company's customers . The impact of customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty and repeat purchases every company is different . Because consumers are satisfied does not mean they are satisfied , but satisfied consumers will tend to be a loyal customer . Consumer satisfaction is influenced by two main variables , namely Expectations and Perceived Performance , when Perceived Performance Expectations exceeded , then the consumers get satisfaction , ultimately will create consumer loyalty ( Tjiptono , 2000: 41 ) .
There are several factors that can be considered by consumers in assessing a service provided by the company . According to Zeithaml , Berry and Parasuraman (1985 ) cited in Tjiptono (2000 : 27-28 ) identified five dimensions of service quality , namely : Management Economics Thesis1 . Direct evidence ( tangibles )Is the physical facilities , supplies and equipment , employee performance , and means of communication .2 . Reliability (reliability )Is an ability to provide services promised to promptly and satisfactorily .3 . Responsiveness (responsiveness )Is the response or alacrity in helping consumers and provide fast service and responsiveness .
4 . Assurance (assurance )Is an ability to carry out tasks which can spontaneously ensure good performance that adds consumer confidence .
5 . Attention ( empathy )Is the individual attention given by the company to the consumer .
Things to consider in providing services consumer voice is heard , it means that the company should interact with consumers with a view to obtaining feedback ( feed back ) how consumer feedback about the facilities and infrastructure associated with the good service given as a control and measure success .
As for how to get feedback here which can be done by applying systems and suggestions or complaints by purchasing the loyalty surveys complaints or customer dissatisfaction can be taken and the best solution is determined by the company .
With ever increasing water needs , provide opportunities for businesses selling drinking water refill . The birth of a new business venture or it also raises the pros and cons . Both the employers and the mineral water from the consumer side of the business but said although new business but does have its own share of the market . With the business growing , the researchers are interested in studying or analyzing about " SERVICE QUALITY ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN DEPOT OF WATER CONTENT IN TIRTA MULYA " . Thesis Economic Management
B. problem FormulationBased on the description in the background of the problem , the problem is formulated as follows :
How the variables influence the quality of service to customer satisfaction in the depot refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya ?
Which service quality variables that predominantly affects customer satisfaction ?
C. LimitationsLimitation of this research is aimed at consumers who use the products or services of drinking water at Tirta depot located in the area Mulya Sari Glagah .D. Research ObjectivesThe purpose of the study is as follows :
To find out how the effect of each variable service quality on customer satisfaction in the depot refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya .
To identify which service quality variables that predominantly affects customer satisfaction in Tirta Mulya .
E. benefits of ResearchThe benefits of this research are :1 . for the CompanyExpected to help the company to use as a comparison , consideration and determine the next steps , so it can be expected to further increase sales in the future .2 . for ResearchersIs in addition to knowledge of the world and as a learning practitioner before entering the world of business .3 . For Consumer and ReadersAs an additional contribution of literature and materials knowledge regarding marketing activities especially in making purchasing decisions .
CHAPTER IITo Obtain CHAPTER II please download the thesisThesis Economic Management
A. Company HistoryDrinking water refill depot located at Jalan Sari No. Glagah . 86 Yogyakarta was founded by Mr. Mulyadi , on April 30, 2003 , named Tirta Mulya . At first only selling water brand Aqua products but with the demand of consumers Mr Mulyadi dare try to sell a product or refill drinking water obtained from springs Pluneng , in the village of Karang Nongko , Delangu Subdistrict , Klaten . Based on the results of bacteriological examination of water samples refill conducted by Kepmenkes 907/Menkes/SK/VII / 2002 states that the levels of total coliform and faecal coli MPN/100 = 0 , so that drinking water refill Mulya Tirta suitable for consumption by consumers .
The mission and purpose of the company is to provide the best service to customers , increase customer loyalty , increasing sales and increase company revenue .
B. personnelThe number of workers at the depot refill drinking water Tirta Mulya is as much as three employees , whose job is to serve customers who purchase either directly or delivered or ordered by phone . Mulya Tirta company wants its employees to work comfortably , resulting in better productivity . For that several attempts were made to make it happen as well as to provide a base salary company also provides grants in the form of holiday allowance ( THR ) .
C. Water SterilizationHow to sterilize drinking water that is used is as follows :1 . Cooking or boiling waterCooking or boiling water is drinking water sterilization system by heating water to temperatures approaching 1000C , by way of warming is expected bekteri - bacteria , viruses and protozoa would die due to the effects of high temperatures .2 . Ceramic filtersFilter karamik work after water flows through a ceramic that has cracks are very small to large filter contaminants .It features :a. Filter out large particlesb . Reduced bacterial levels in a short timec . Ceramic filters can be reused .The downside :a. Not effective in removing organic contaminants or mostly non-organic contaminants .b . Not being able to kill any kind of bacteria or virusc . Should be frequently cleaned and wiped with disinfectant .
3 . Mineral potWater is poured into a vessel containing a pile of limestone rocks and minerals to increase the water content . The system is not able to eliminate or deadly chemical contaminants , bacteria and viruses .It features :a. No need to install the toolb . Adding elements of magnesium and calcium in the water .The downside :a. Not effective at removing microorganisms , organic and inorganic contaminants .b . Rely on gravity flow of water is too slow and ineffective .4 . Hollow Fiber FiltersProcessing system with hollow fiber technology using fiber vessels with holes measuring 0.1 to 0.2 microns to filter the grains of sand , sediment and other contaminants . Fiber is new and clean also able to filter out bacteria .It features :a. Effectively filter out small particlesb . Reduced bacterial levels in a short time .
The downside :a. Not effective at removing bacteria resilientb . Not effectively remove viruses , organic contaminants , and the majority of non- organic chemical contaminants .c . Easily clogged .5 . Alkaline generatorAlkaline Water Generators use electricity to produce acidic water or alkaline water . Marketers of these systems are generally claimed to drink alkaline water , with the postulate that such water is more easily absorbed body cells and that the acidic water can be used to clean the skin . In fact , it has not been clinically proven , especially on the efficacy of acidic and alkaline water for such purposes .It features water that is claimed to be more easily absorbed by the body cells .The downside :a. Not eliminate bekteri , organic chemicals and non- organic , small particles , bacteria , and viruses .b . In general, poorly supported by strong evidence .6 . distillation distillationIn this method , water is heated to evaporate simultaneously killing bacteria and viruses , and to separate them from the heavy contaminants . Steam is condensed into water again , and then removed from the system into a shelter .
It features :a. reduces chlorineb . Reducing non- organic contaminantsc . Reducing bacteria and virusesd . Reduce organic contaminants bermolekul great .The downside :a. Eliminate the beneficial mineralsb . Should result in high thermal powerc . Potentially lead to water taste blandd . Feels sluggish , less cumbersome and costlye . Not being able to eliminate some certain organic compounds that have a low level of cob ( eg : Choroform ) .7 . Reverse Osmosis ( R.O )The water pressure flowing through the permeable membrane or film is very thin so as to filter out certain sized molecules , but very small molecules can still penetrate . Water that has been through the initial processing of the collected into a holding tank that is generally associated with a separate faucet in addition to the water faucet .It features :a. Reducing non- organic compoundsb . Can reduce some specific organic compoundsc . Reduce parasite .
The downside :a. Requires high water pressureb . Eliminate the beneficial mineralsc . Not guaranteed its effectiveness in eliminating bacteria or virusesd . Slow and wasteful watere . Not guaranteed its effectiveness in eliminating some specific organic compounds .
8 . G.A.C Filter ( Granular Activated Charcoal )In this system , activated carbon particles that serve as a filter of loose contaminants that exist as an absorbent for other contaminants .It features :a. reduces chlorineb . Not eliminate the beneficial minerals .
The downside :a. Because loose , it becomes carbon driveway water that has not been treatedb . Not guaranteed its effectiveness in removing organic contaminantsc . Do not kill bacteria or viruses .9 . Treatment with Carbon / SilverSilver powder is mixed with activated carbon filtration to maintain privilege and control of bacterial carbon with silver .
It features :a. Effectively removes most harmful bacteria in very limited numbersb . Reduces chlorine .The downside :a. Water mixed with silverb . Not effective against most microorganismsc . Cause the entry of contaminants .10 . Cation exchange ( water softening )Water flows through a pathway called the resin bed . Cations in the water is absorbed when the ions of the opposite sex , for example, sodium is released into the water .Privileges can reduce the hardness of water is caused by magnesium and calcium overload.The downside :
Not reduce small particles , organic and non- organic compounds , bacteria , and viruses .
Water mixed with sodium
Useful minerals actually lost it.
11 . Anion exchangeWater flows through the resin bed . Anions in water is absorbed when ions of the opposite sex , for example, chloride is released into the water .Privileges are able to reduce nitrate and sulfate .The drawback is not able to reduce small particles and organic compounds , bacteria , or viruses .12 . Pitcher - Type / Pour -Through FiltersResin or powder activated carbon capture contaminants in the filter running water .Privileges is able to neutralize the taste and improve water clarity .The downside :
Most of them are not designed to reduce organic and inorganic contaminants .
Pitchers only able to process a small volume of water in the
Age filters does not last long , usually about a month or less .
Most of this water treatment method has the potential to improve water quality . However, it should be noted that none of the technology or method is able to eradicate all kinds of contaminants contained in the water, nor efficient in terms of the amount of potable water produced compared to the time or cost of treatment .
D. Water Treatment For Drinking WaterAdequate water consumption should be free from microbial contamination and toxic chemicals . Therefore, by using the water treatment capable of eliminating 99 % of harmful microbes are not lost in the cooking or other processing systems and to minimize the harmful chemical compounds . Some excellent products of water treatment is as follows :1 . Sand FiltersServes to make the water crystal clear , give freshness to the water and can filter out large debris .2 . Filters GAC ( granulated Active Carbon )Serves to absorb toxic chemicals in the water , helping murder alage moss and water , removes organic contaminants and removes color , odor and taste of the water .3 . CTO Carbon BlockFunction eliminates odor , color , flavor water and toxic substances such as chlorine , trihalomethane , absorb some organic contaminants in water .4 . sediment FilterFunction removes dissolved solids in the water up to the size of 01 microns . In addition to soluble solids , bacteria are large ( > 01 microns ) are filtered .5 . Ultraviolet lightsFunction kills bacteria , viruses , protozoa and algae . 99 % of these microbes can be killed , and all kinds of good microbes that can not form a cyst or cysts that can form will die . Sterilization with ultraviolet light technology is a new technology , which was first discovered in 1996 by a scientist named Ashok Gadgil , Lawrence Barkley National Labolatory . This technology has been recognized by the WHO ( World Health Organization ) as the most advanced technology and most secure to use . In this sterilization , all microbes ( bacteria , viruses , protozoa and algae ) died due to the influence of the wavelength emitted by the ultraviolet light .6 . Ozone generatorOzone is a unique oxygen that is used to control bacteria and viruses . Ozone can be generated by an electric spark or ultraviolet light ozone special and basically has the same functionality as the ultraviolet only way it works is different . How to work with a system of ozone is oxygen gas must be mixed with water while working with the system to ultraviolet radiation . Injector and mixing tank is needed in the process of ozonation , because it can optimize the function is ozone itself. Aside from being a disinfectant , ozone also serves as preoxidation used for iron , manganese , and sulfide .
E. Care / Maintenance ToolEach component of the water treatment system has its own way of treatment and this treatment also includes the replacement of each periodic component . How to treat them is as follows :1 . provisionTandon well drained and discarded once every month throughout the water .2 . Pre Sediment Filter and FiltersUsually washing each filter once every two weeks , then each filter is replaced when it is clogged .
3 . GAC ( granulated Active Carbon )Treatment of GAC is done by performing back wash ( backflow ) . Back wash is done usually once a month and GAC media was replaced after two years .4 . Ultraviolet lightsThere is no specific treatment against ultraviolet light , ultraviolet light only needs to be replaced every year or after 9000 hours of usage .5 . OzoneThere is no specific treatment , but always keep the ozone does not run out of oxygen and water flow through .
F. Marketing Mix in Tirta Mulya1 . productProducts offered by Tirta Mulya is drinking water refill and rental gallon . Of the products offered in the form of drinking water refill , sold an average of 60 gallons per day . Neither the purchase came directly or delivered ( booking by phone ) .2 . priceMulya Tirta product pricing set by the company itself and the price offered is the start of a price - Rp.4.000 Rp.3.500 (for orders delivered ) .3 . distribution of GoodsThe raw material is obtained Tirta Mulya Pluneng of springs , in the village of Karang Nongko , Delangu Subdistrict , Klaten . As for distributing the finished product , Tirta Mulya do direct distribution or by ordering through the phone ( delivered ) .4 . promotionPromotion is done Tirta Mulya is by distributing flyers and give bonuses to consumers who have five coupons with one charging free water refills .
A. Population , Sample and Sampling Technique1 . populationPopulation (population ) is a group of people, events or things that have a certain characteristic ( Indriantoro and Supomo , 1999: 115 ) . In this study, the population is consumers who use drinking water refill at Tirta Mulya , the population in this study can be classified into the infinite population .
According to Setiawan (1989 : 71 ) infinite population is defined as the data source can not be determined limits , so it can be expressed in terms of the number of quantitatively . In these circumstances the amount can not be calculated so that only describes a group of objects in quality with characteristics that are common .2 . sampleThe sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population ( Sugiyono , 1999: 73 ) . To get information from each member of the population , researchers must determine the type of sample that could represent a population or a certain amount .
The sample is part of a population whose characteristics will be studied . In this study the number of samples to be examined as many as 100 respondents .2 . Sampling TechniquesSampling techniques in this study using accidental sampling ( accidental sampling ) is a sampling technique based on chance, ie, anyone who by chance met with researchers can be used as a sample , if it is deemed that the person who happened to be found suitable as a source of data ( Sugiyono , 1999: 77 ) .
B. Data Types and Sources of Data
To construct a scientific work necessary data, either primary data and secondary data , which are described as follows :1 . Primary DataThe data is obtained directly from the source, ie data obtained directly from the respondents . In this study the data obtained directly from the consumer who consumes or uses minimal water refill depot at Tirta Mulya Sari Glagah located in the region .2 . Secondary DataIs a source of research data obtained indirectly from the source but through an intermediary medium . Literature such as books , newspapers , magazines , and information relating to the matter under investigation .C. Data Collection TechniquesTo obtain the necessary data and information in the study , used several methods , among others :1 . questionnaireThe questionnaire is to make a list of questions to be filled out by respondents were selected for investigation or as a sample .2 . Library StudiesLiterature study is studying literature books and other readings that can help in solving the problem .3 . interviewTo obtain primary data refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya conducted through direct interviews with corporate leaders and employees of the company.
D. measurement of VariablesFor the measurement of each variable can be categorized in several parts of the variable quality of service that can be divided into five dimensions ( Parasuraman et . Al . , : 1985) cited in Tjiptono (2000 : 27-28 ) :1 . Direct evidence ( tangibles ) , consisting of :a. Tools and equipment are adequate support servicesb . The availability of support facilities ( parking lot , TV , reading , etc. )c . Employees are neat appearance .
2 . Reliability (reliability ) , consisting of :a. The accuracy and speed of service timeb . Conformity promise offeredc . Provision of services that do not discriminate consumers .3 . Responsiveness (responsiveness ) , consisting of :a. Services by phoneb . Alertness of employees in problem solvingc . Giving gifts or coupons to consumers .4 . Assurance ( Assurance ) , consisting of :a. Friendliness and courtesy of employees in serving customersb . Trustworthy and provide a sense of securityc . Reliability and experience of employees .5 . Attention ( empathy ) , consisting of :a. Fast and responsive in resolving consumer complaintsb . Give special attention to each customerc . Able to communicate well with customers .Give a weight value of 1 to 5 to rate the Likert scale on both variables .
Service quality characteristics were weighted as follows :1 . Strongly Agree ( SS ) : the value of five2 . Agree ( S ) : the value of four3 . Neutral ( N ) : the value of three4 . Disagree ( TS ) : the value of two5 . Strongly Disagree ( STS ) : the value of theAs for measuring the characteristics of consumer satisfaction Likert scale was used as follows :1 . Very Satisfied ( SP ) : the value of five2 . Satisfied ( P ) : the value of four3 . Neutral ( N ) : the value of three4 . Not Satisfied ( TP ) : the value of two5 . Very Dissatisfied ( STP ) : the value of one .
E. Data analysis1 . Descriptive StatisticsDescriptive statistics is the science of statistics used to analyze the data by describing or depicting the data as it is without the intention to make a general conclusion applies to ( Suharyani and Imam , 2001: 15 ) .1 . Test Validity and Reliability TestTest validity is to show the extent to which a measuring device that is able to measure what you want to measure, then the formulation of the questionnaire should measure what you want measured ( Umar , 2002: 179 ) the calculation of the validity test using SPSS .Test reliability is an index number which shows the consistency of a measuring device for measuring the same symptoms ( Umar , 2002: 194 ) , with the help of SPSS when alpha coefficient greater than 0.6 then the reliability has been achieved .
2 . Data Analysis ToolsThe method of data analysis used in this study are as follows :a. Multiple Regression AnalysisNamely multiple regression to analyze how much influence among several independent variables . The general form multiple regression equation is as follows :Y = α0 + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + X3 + β3 β4 β5 X4 + X5 + eWhere : Y : Consumer Satisfaction
α0 : Constants
β : partial regression coefficient
X1 : direct evidence ( tangibles )
X2 : The reliability (reliability )
X3 : Responsiveness (responsiveness )
X4 : Assurance ( Assurance )
X5 : Attention ( empathy )b . Test coefficient of determination ( R2 )
The coefficient of determination is a statistical value that can be used to determine whether there is influence between the two variables . The coefficient of determination indicates the percentage of variation of the variables that can be explained by the regression equation generated ( Al - Ghifari , 2001) .
c . Simultaneous Test ( Test F )This test is intended to determine whether the five variables jointly have a significant influence customer satisfaction .Testing measures the regression coefficient is as follows :
CHAPTER VDATA ANALYSISThesis Economic Management
Analysis and discussion will be conducted in this research is the analysis of the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at the depot refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya , as well as to compare the effect of the service quality of service that is more dominant . In this study , analyzed the data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents who have been determined .A. Descriptive AnalysisDescriptive analysis is an analysis that is based on the activities of collecting, processing , and then presents the results of the answers obtained from respondents to make a list of descriptive tables .
B. Validity and Reliability AnalysisValidity and reliability of data used to measure the accuracy and precision of measuring instruments through the grains of the questions asked in the study .
C. Quantitative Analysis1 . Multiple Regression AnalysisRegression analysis was used to analyze whether there is an influence of service quality on customer satisfaction services , and the effect is more dominant than the quality of those services .
CHAPTER VICLOSINGThesis Economic Management
A. conclusionBased on calculations in Chapter V which deals with quality of service ( tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy ) toward customer satisfaction in drinking water refill depot in Tirta Mulya , can be summed up as follows :
1 . Based on Multiple Regression Analysis EquationThe resulting regression equation Y = 2.047 + 0.441 ( X1 ) + 0.113 ( X2 ) + 0.191 ( X3 ) + 0.229 ( X4 ) + 0.235 ( X5 ) . If the variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy is equal to zero , then the value of customer satisfaction by 2.047 . When the quality of the service changed to 1 then the variable tangibles will increase by 0.441 % . Likewise for variable reliability that is equal to 0.113 % . Conversely variable responsiveness , assurance , and empathy showed a positive parameter that is a row of 0.191 % , 0.229 % , and 0.235 % . This means that each additional 1 of these variables will be followed by a rise in the quality of service
2 . Based Test Coefficient of Determination ( R2 )Adjusted R value is 0.961 , indicating that 96.1 % customer satisfaction can be explained by the variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy . The remaining 3.9 % is caused by the influence of other variables not included in the model .
3 . Based on Simultaneous Test ( Test F )ANOVA test can be seen from the value of F at 461.654 > value Ftable 3,942 , is located in the rejection so Ha Ho is rejected or accepted . That means the variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy variables significantly influence consumer satisfaction .
4 . Under the Partial Test (t test )From the test results of the regression coefficient of t obtained tcount tangibles of 4.473 ( X1 ) > 1.661 , reliability ( X2 ) 2.053 > 1.661 , responsiveness ( X3 ) 3.083 > 1.661 , assurance ( X4 ) 4,718 > l1 , 661 , and empathy ( X5 ) 5.325 > 1.661 . Thus variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy variables significantly influence consumer satisfaction .
Thesis Economic Management
B. suggestionBased on the analysis and discussion of the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction , the researchers gave suggestions :1 . Because empathy is evident that the variable has more influence on consumer satisfaction , it is recommended that the company can maintain or even improve these variables . Here the authors suggest companies should not ignore the quality of service such as variable tangibles , reliability, responsiveness , and assurance , but the company will seek to further improve the service quality of the four variables .2 . For further research or adding variables to consider other than tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy that affect customer satisfaction as effective advertising or promotional mix . If you need to research further increase the number of questionnaires distributed or more of the data obtained for the study. Thus it is possible that the results provide a more comprehensive conclusion .
Age filters does not last long , usually about a month or less .
Most of this water treatment method has the potential to improve water quality . However, it should be noted that none of the technology or method is able to eradicate all kinds of contaminants contained in the water, nor efficient in terms of the amount of potable water produced compared to the time or cost of treatment .
D. Water Treatment For Drinking WaterAdequate water consumption should be free from microbial contamination and toxic chemicals . Therefore, by using the water treatment capable of eliminating 99 % of harmful microbes are not lost in the cooking or other processing systems and to minimize the harmful chemical compounds . Some excellent products of water treatment is as follows :1 . Sand FiltersServes to make the water crystal clear , give freshness to the water and can filter out large debris .2 . Filters GAC ( granulated Active Carbon )Serves to absorb toxic chemicals in the water , helping murder alage moss and water , removes organic contaminants and removes color , odor and taste of the water .3 . CTO Carbon BlockFunction eliminates odor , color , flavor water and toxic substances such as chlorine , trihalomethane , absorb some organic contaminants in water .4 . sediment FilterFunction removes dissolved solids in the water up to the size of 01 microns . In addition to soluble solids , bacteria are large ( > 01 microns ) are filtered .5 . Ultraviolet lightsFunction kills bacteria , viruses , protozoa and algae . 99 % of these microbes can be killed , and all kinds of good microbes that can not form a cyst or cysts that can form will die . Sterilization with ultraviolet light technology is a new technology , which was first discovered in 1996 by a scientist named Ashok Gadgil , Lawrence Barkley National Labolatory . This technology has been recognized by the WHO ( World Health Organization ) as the most advanced technology and most secure to use . In this sterilization , all microbes ( bacteria , viruses , protozoa and algae ) died due to the influence of the wavelength emitted by the ultraviolet light .6 . Ozone generatorOzone is a unique oxygen that is used to control bacteria and viruses . Ozone can be generated by an electric spark or ultraviolet light ozone special and basically has the same functionality as the ultraviolet only way it works is different . How to work with a system of ozone is oxygen gas must be mixed with water while working with the system to ultraviolet radiation . Injector and mixing tank is needed in the process of ozonation , because it can optimize the function is ozone itself. Aside from being a disinfectant , ozone also serves as preoxidation used for iron , manganese , and sulfide .
E. Care / Maintenance ToolEach component of the water treatment system has its own way of treatment and this treatment also includes the replacement of each periodic component . How to treat them is as follows :1 . provisionTandon well drained and discarded once every month throughout the water .2 . Pre Sediment Filter and FiltersUsually washing each filter once every two weeks , then each filter is replaced when it is clogged .
3 . GAC ( granulated Active Carbon )Treatment of GAC is done by performing back wash ( backflow ) . Back wash is done usually once a month and GAC media was replaced after two years .4 . Ultraviolet lightsThere is no specific treatment against ultraviolet light , ultraviolet light only needs to be replaced every year or after 9000 hours of usage .5 . OzoneThere is no specific treatment , but always keep the ozone does not run out of oxygen and water flow through .
F. Marketing Mix in Tirta Mulya1 . productProducts offered by Tirta Mulya is drinking water refill and rental gallon . Of the products offered in the form of drinking water refill , sold an average of 60 gallons per day . Neither the purchase came directly or delivered ( booking by phone ) .2 . priceMulya Tirta product pricing set by the company itself and the price offered is the start of a price - Rp.4.000 Rp.3.500 (for orders delivered ) .3 . distribution of GoodsThe raw material is obtained Tirta Mulya Pluneng of springs , in the village of Karang Nongko , Delangu Subdistrict , Klaten . As for distributing the finished product , Tirta Mulya do direct distribution or by ordering through the phone ( delivered ) .4 . promotionPromotion is done Tirta Mulya is by distributing flyers and give bonuses to consumers who have five coupons with one charging free water refills .
A. Population , Sample and Sampling Technique1 . populationPopulation (population ) is a group of people, events or things that have a certain characteristic ( Indriantoro and Supomo , 1999: 115 ) . In this study, the population is consumers who use drinking water refill at Tirta Mulya , the population in this study can be classified into the infinite population .
According to Setiawan (1989 : 71 ) infinite population is defined as the data source can not be determined limits , so it can be expressed in terms of the number of quantitatively . In these circumstances the amount can not be calculated so that only describes a group of objects in quality with characteristics that are common .2 . sampleThe sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population ( Sugiyono , 1999: 73 ) . To get information from each member of the population , researchers must determine the type of sample that could represent a population or a certain amount .
The sample is part of a population whose characteristics will be studied . In this study the number of samples to be examined as many as 100 respondents .2 . Sampling TechniquesSampling techniques in this study using accidental sampling ( accidental sampling ) is a sampling technique based on chance, ie, anyone who by chance met with researchers can be used as a sample , if it is deemed that the person who happened to be found suitable as a source of data ( Sugiyono , 1999: 77 ) .
B. Data Types and Sources of Data
To construct a scientific work necessary data, either primary data and secondary data , which are described as follows :1 . Primary DataThe data is obtained directly from the source, ie data obtained directly from the respondents . In this study the data obtained directly from the consumer who consumes or uses minimal water refill depot at Tirta Mulya Sari Glagah located in the region .2 . Secondary DataIs a source of research data obtained indirectly from the source but through an intermediary medium . Literature such as books , newspapers , magazines , and information relating to the matter under investigation .C. Data Collection TechniquesTo obtain the necessary data and information in the study , used several methods , among others :1 . questionnaireThe questionnaire is to make a list of questions to be filled out by respondents were selected for investigation or as a sample .2 . Library StudiesLiterature study is studying literature books and other readings that can help in solving the problem .3 . interviewTo obtain primary data refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya conducted through direct interviews with corporate leaders and employees of the company.
D. measurement of VariablesFor the measurement of each variable can be categorized in several parts of the variable quality of service that can be divided into five dimensions ( Parasuraman et . Al . , : 1985) cited in Tjiptono (2000 : 27-28 ) :1 . Direct evidence ( tangibles ) , consisting of :a. Tools and equipment are adequate support servicesb . The availability of support facilities ( parking lot , TV , reading , etc. )c . Employees are neat appearance .
2 . Reliability (reliability ) , consisting of :a. The accuracy and speed of service timeb . Conformity promise offeredc . Provision of services that do not discriminate consumers .3 . Responsiveness (responsiveness ) , consisting of :a. Services by phoneb . Alertness of employees in problem solvingc . Giving gifts or coupons to consumers .4 . Assurance ( Assurance ) , consisting of :a. Friendliness and courtesy of employees in serving customersb . Trustworthy and provide a sense of securityc . Reliability and experience of employees .5 . Attention ( empathy ) , consisting of :a. Fast and responsive in resolving consumer complaintsb . Give special attention to each customerc . Able to communicate well with customers .Give a weight value of 1 to 5 to rate the Likert scale on both variables .
Service quality characteristics were weighted as follows :1 . Strongly Agree ( SS ) : the value of five2 . Agree ( S ) : the value of four3 . Neutral ( N ) : the value of three4 . Disagree ( TS ) : the value of two5 . Strongly Disagree ( STS ) : the value of theAs for measuring the characteristics of consumer satisfaction Likert scale was used as follows :1 . Very Satisfied ( SP ) : the value of five2 . Satisfied ( P ) : the value of four3 . Neutral ( N ) : the value of three4 . Not Satisfied ( TP ) : the value of two5 . Very Dissatisfied ( STP ) : the value of one .
E. Data analysis1 . Descriptive StatisticsDescriptive statistics is the science of statistics used to analyze the data by describing or depicting the data as it is without the intention to make a general conclusion applies to ( Suharyani and Imam , 2001: 15 ) .1 . Test Validity and Reliability TestTest validity is to show the extent to which a measuring device that is able to measure what you want to measure, then the formulation of the questionnaire should measure what you want measured ( Umar , 2002: 179 ) the calculation of the validity test using SPSS .Test reliability is an index number which shows the consistency of a measuring device for measuring the same symptoms ( Umar , 2002: 194 ) , with the help of SPSS when alpha coefficient greater than 0.6 then the reliability has been achieved .
2 . Data Analysis ToolsThe method of data analysis used in this study are as follows :a. Multiple Regression AnalysisNamely multiple regression to analyze how much influence among several independent variables . The general form multiple regression equation is as follows :Y = α0 + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + X3 + β3 β4 β5 X4 + X5 + eWhere : Y : Consumer Satisfaction
α0 : Constants
β : partial regression coefficient
X1 : direct evidence ( tangibles )
X2 : The reliability (reliability )
X3 : Responsiveness (responsiveness )
X4 : Assurance ( Assurance )
X5 : Attention ( empathy )b . Test coefficient of determination ( R2 )
The coefficient of determination is a statistical value that can be used to determine whether there is influence between the two variables . The coefficient of determination indicates the percentage of variation of the variables that can be explained by the regression equation generated ( Al - Ghifari , 2001) .
c . Simultaneous Test ( Test F )This test is intended to determine whether the five variables jointly have a significant influence customer satisfaction .Testing measures the regression coefficient is as follows :
CHAPTER VDATA ANALYSISThesis Economic Management
Analysis and discussion will be conducted in this research is the analysis of the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at the depot refill drinking water at Tirta Mulya , as well as to compare the effect of the service quality of service that is more dominant . In this study , analyzed the data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents who have been determined .A. Descriptive AnalysisDescriptive analysis is an analysis that is based on the activities of collecting, processing , and then presents the results of the answers obtained from respondents to make a list of descriptive tables .
B. Validity and Reliability AnalysisValidity and reliability of data used to measure the accuracy and precision of measuring instruments through the grains of the questions asked in the study .
C. Quantitative Analysis1 . Multiple Regression AnalysisRegression analysis was used to analyze whether there is an influence of service quality on customer satisfaction services , and the effect is more dominant than the quality of those services .
CHAPTER VICLOSINGThesis Economic Management
A. conclusionBased on calculations in Chapter V which deals with quality of service ( tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy ) toward customer satisfaction in drinking water refill depot in Tirta Mulya , can be summed up as follows :
1 . Based on Multiple Regression Analysis EquationThe resulting regression equation Y = 2.047 + 0.441 ( X1 ) + 0.113 ( X2 ) + 0.191 ( X3 ) + 0.229 ( X4 ) + 0.235 ( X5 ) . If the variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy is equal to zero , then the value of customer satisfaction by 2.047 . When the quality of the service changed to 1 then the variable tangibles will increase by 0.441 % . Likewise for variable reliability that is equal to 0.113 % . Conversely variable responsiveness , assurance , and empathy showed a positive parameter that is a row of 0.191 % , 0.229 % , and 0.235 % . This means that each additional 1 of these variables will be followed by a rise in the quality of service
2 . Based Test Coefficient of Determination ( R2 )Adjusted R value is 0.961 , indicating that 96.1 % customer satisfaction can be explained by the variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy . The remaining 3.9 % is caused by the influence of other variables not included in the model .
3 . Based on Simultaneous Test ( Test F )ANOVA test can be seen from the value of F at 461.654 > value Ftable 3,942 , is located in the rejection so Ha Ho is rejected or accepted . That means the variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy variables significantly influence consumer satisfaction .
4 . Under the Partial Test (t test )From the test results of the regression coefficient of t obtained tcount tangibles of 4.473 ( X1 ) > 1.661 , reliability ( X2 ) 2.053 > 1.661 , responsiveness ( X3 ) 3.083 > 1.661 , assurance ( X4 ) 4,718 > l1 , 661 , and empathy ( X5 ) 5.325 > 1.661 . Thus variable tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy variables significantly influence consumer satisfaction .
Thesis Economic Management
B. suggestionBased on the analysis and discussion of the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction , the researchers gave suggestions :1 . Because empathy is evident that the variable has more influence on consumer satisfaction , it is recommended that the company can maintain or even improve these variables . Here the authors suggest companies should not ignore the quality of service such as variable tangibles , reliability, responsiveness , and assurance , but the company will seek to further improve the service quality of the four variables .2 . For further research or adding variables to consider other than tangibles, reliability , responsiveness, assurance , and empathy that affect customer satisfaction as effective advertising or promotional mix . If you need to research further increase the number of questionnaires distributed or more of the data obtained for the study. Thus it is possible that the results provide a more comprehensive conclusion .
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