Analysis Difficulty Students In Problem - Solving Problem In Highlights Stoichiometry
Analysis Difficulty Students In Problem - Solving Problem In Highlights StoichiometryCHAPTER IINTRODUCTION
A. background
Educational challenges in the future is quite serious , in addition to providing graduates who have high intellectual in the era of globalization . Education should also be able to solve the nation's problems disintregasi . In this regard , the Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 4 Paragraph 1 stated that , education was held in a democratic and fair and not discriminatory to uphold human rights , religious values , cultural values and progress of the nation .
Chemistry as one part of the Natural Sciences ( IPA ) is a combination of the result of human activity in the form of ideas , knowledge , and organized various concepts about the nature of the experience gained through a series of scientific process . The process is , among others, education , attitudes , and scientific value to the students as well as love and admire the power of God Almighty .
Chemistry was introduced to students in high school ( SMA ) and by the majority of students still regarded as a relatively hard material studied thoroughly . Kean and Middlecam , in Suherman (2003 : 01 ) , says that chemistry is one of the hardest lessons for many high school and college students .
In other parts Winarti (2001 ) argues that the phenomenon of learning chemistry during this assumption seems there are some students that chemistry is a very difficult subject . This opinion is supported by the results of research Wildfire et al , cited by Muntari ( 2004 : 15 ) states that most high school students learning chemistry is a difficult subject to learn in school because the chemical is abstract , and the chemistry is not just theoretical count as well .
Based on data from the initial observation results obtained on chemical subjects in SMA 1 Suela that the low level of understanding of students' learning outcomes achieved by the subject stoichiometry of the school year 2006/2007 has not yet reached the level of mastery that is the average value of the class XA to the XC class was 47.2 , 50.6 , and 44.2 or overall average score was 47.3 . The low results of this study indicate that students still have not mastered the chemistry concepts well , students consequently have difficulty in applying the concepts in solving problems of chemical stoichiometry particular subject .
One effort that can be done to address student difficulties in solving the problems of chemical stoichiometry particular subject is to trace the students' ability level at each sub- subject . Thus we can determine the principal / sub subjects which students have difficulty .
Based on the above description , the researcher intends to conduct research under the title " analysis of the level of difficulty the student in completing the questions on the subject of stoichiometry class X SMA Negeri 1 Suela district. Suela East Lombok Academic Year 2007/2008 " .
B. problem Formulation
Based on the background of the above issues will be examined in this study can be formulated as follows :
Knowing the location of student difficulties in solving stoichiometry problems .
How big is the percentage of students' difficulties in solving the problems in each sub- stoichiometric subject .
C. Research Objectives
The objectives of this research are :
To find the location of student difficulties in solving stoichiometry problems .
To determine the percentage of students' difficulties in solving the problems in each sub- stoichiometric subject .
D. benefits of Research
From the results of this study are expected to provide the following benefits :
1 . Benefits generally
Could enrich knowledge about the type - the type of learning difficulties experienced by students of class X SMAN 1 Suela in studying chemical stoichiometry particular subject .
2 . Specifically Benefits
Analysis Difficulty Students In Problem - Solving Problem In Highlights StoichiometryCHAPTER IINTRODUCTION
A. background
Educational challenges in the future is quite serious , in addition to providing graduates who have high intellectual in the era of globalization . Education should also be able to solve the nation's problems disintregasi . In this regard , the Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System Article 4 Paragraph 1 stated that , education was held in a democratic and fair and not discriminatory to uphold human rights , religious values , cultural values and progress of the nation .
Chemistry as one part of the Natural Sciences ( IPA ) is a combination of the result of human activity in the form of ideas , knowledge , and organized various concepts about the nature of the experience gained through a series of scientific process . The process is , among others, education , attitudes , and scientific value to the students as well as love and admire the power of God Almighty .
Chemistry was introduced to students in high school ( SMA ) and by the majority of students still regarded as a relatively hard material studied thoroughly . Kean and Middlecam , in Suherman (2003 : 01 ) , says that chemistry is one of the hardest lessons for many high school and college students .
In other parts Winarti (2001 ) argues that the phenomenon of learning chemistry during this assumption seems there are some students that chemistry is a very difficult subject . This opinion is supported by the results of research Wildfire et al , cited by Muntari ( 2004 : 15 ) states that most high school students learning chemistry is a difficult subject to learn in school because the chemical is abstract , and the chemistry is not just theoretical count as well .
Based on data from the initial observation results obtained on chemical subjects in SMA 1 Suela that the low level of understanding of students' learning outcomes achieved by the subject stoichiometry of the school year 2006/2007 has not yet reached the level of mastery that is the average value of the class XA to the XC class was 47.2 , 50.6 , and 44.2 or overall average score was 47.3 . The low results of this study indicate that students still have not mastered the chemistry concepts well , students consequently have difficulty in applying the concepts in solving problems of chemical stoichiometry particular subject .
One effort that can be done to address student difficulties in solving the problems of chemical stoichiometry particular subject is to trace the students' ability level at each sub- subject . Thus we can determine the principal / sub subjects which students have difficulty .
Based on the above description , the researcher intends to conduct research under the title " analysis of the level of difficulty the student in completing the questions on the subject of stoichiometry class X SMA Negeri 1 Suela district. Suela East Lombok Academic Year 2007/2008 " .
B. problem Formulation
Based on the background of the above issues will be examined in this study can be formulated as follows :
Knowing the location of student difficulties in solving stoichiometry problems .
How big is the percentage of students' difficulties in solving the problems in each sub- stoichiometric subject .
C. Research Objectives
The objectives of this research are :
To find the location of student difficulties in solving stoichiometry problems .
To determine the percentage of students' difficulties in solving the problems in each sub- stoichiometric subject .
D. benefits of Research
From the results of this study are expected to provide the following benefits :
1 . Benefits generally
Could enrich knowledge about the type - the type of learning difficulties experienced by students of class X SMAN 1 Suela in studying chemical stoichiometry particular subject .
2 . Specifically Benefits
As a chemistry teacher with information about the difficulties
experienced by students in solving problems on the subject of
stoichiometry .
For students the information can be used as a basis to transform itself in improving learning , especially in the study of stoichiometry .
For further research , such information can be used as a reference to explore new rationale to further develop and improve the quality of teaching , especially in SMA Negeri 1 Suela .
E. Assumptions
Assumptions research is something that is believed to be the truth by the researcher who will serve as the things used for a beachhead for researchers in conducting research ( Arikunto , 2002: 22 ) .
1 . theoretical assumptions
Theoretical assumptions in this study is the difficulty level of the students in solving the questions on the subject of stoichiometry , ie the inability of students in solving stoichiometry problems include laws underlying chemical calculations , relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass , empirical formula and molecules , the mole concept , molar mass , molar volume , kemolaran , and chemical equations .
2 . assumptions methodical
This study will work well and smoothly as supported by the data collection method using a test technique , that is by spreading questions or multiple choice test . The test questions form the subject matter stoichiometry . The test results are taken as data in this study . While technical analysis of the data used is to use a percentage calculation .
3 . assumptions implementation
This research was made possible because it is supported by :
The existence of the sources as a reference .
Researched topic deserves to be investigated .
The problem is studied in the range of researchers .
Facilities and infrastructure required is very supportive .
F. Operational definitions
To avoid misunderstandings in interpreting some of the terms of the title of this study , it is necessary to explain some of the terms contained in this title . The terms are:
1 . analysis
Indonesian dictionary (2003 : 04 ) , analysis is the investigation of an event ( essay , deeds , etc. ) to determine the actual state ( causal , sitting his case , and so on ) . Another opinion also said that the analysis is the study of the problem to determine the answer to something of a problem , and its origin factor ( Dajan , 1986)
Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the analysis is an attempt to investigate the problem to find out the real situation .
2 . difficulty
Difficulty is a difficult situation , something that is difficult ( Indonesian Dictionary , 2003: 1020 ) .According Djamarah (2004. 207) learning difficulties means a condition in which the students can not learn properly, due to threats , disturbances in learning .
Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the difficulty is the inability of students in solving stoichiometry problems .
3 . stoichiometric
According to Basri (2005 ) , the stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry that studies the amount of a substance required and produced in a chemical reaction .
As for another opinion on the definition of stoichiometry is the quantitative relationship between the substances involved in the reaction , both preaksi and reaction products. ( Sukri , 1999: 20 )
Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the stoichiometric amount of a substance that is needed and is produced in a chemical reaction .
G. Scope of Research
The scope of this research include:
1 . location of research
This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Suela district. Suela East Lombok .
2 . subject of research
The subjects were students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Suela Academic Year 2007/2008 .
3 . object of research
Objects in this research is the difficulty in resolving student issues on the subject of stoichiometry .
Analysis Difficulty Students In Problem - Solving Problem In Highlights Stoichiometry
For students the information can be used as a basis to transform itself in improving learning , especially in the study of stoichiometry .
For further research , such information can be used as a reference to explore new rationale to further develop and improve the quality of teaching , especially in SMA Negeri 1 Suela .
E. Assumptions
Assumptions research is something that is believed to be the truth by the researcher who will serve as the things used for a beachhead for researchers in conducting research ( Arikunto , 2002: 22 ) .
1 . theoretical assumptions
Theoretical assumptions in this study is the difficulty level of the students in solving the questions on the subject of stoichiometry , ie the inability of students in solving stoichiometry problems include laws underlying chemical calculations , relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass , empirical formula and molecules , the mole concept , molar mass , molar volume , kemolaran , and chemical equations .
2 . assumptions methodical
This study will work well and smoothly as supported by the data collection method using a test technique , that is by spreading questions or multiple choice test . The test questions form the subject matter stoichiometry . The test results are taken as data in this study . While technical analysis of the data used is to use a percentage calculation .
3 . assumptions implementation
This research was made possible because it is supported by :
The existence of the sources as a reference .
Researched topic deserves to be investigated .
The problem is studied in the range of researchers .
Facilities and infrastructure required is very supportive .
F. Operational definitions
To avoid misunderstandings in interpreting some of the terms of the title of this study , it is necessary to explain some of the terms contained in this title . The terms are:
1 . analysis
Indonesian dictionary (2003 : 04 ) , analysis is the investigation of an event ( essay , deeds , etc. ) to determine the actual state ( causal , sitting his case , and so on ) . Another opinion also said that the analysis is the study of the problem to determine the answer to something of a problem , and its origin factor ( Dajan , 1986)
Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the analysis is an attempt to investigate the problem to find out the real situation .
2 . difficulty
Difficulty is a difficult situation , something that is difficult ( Indonesian Dictionary , 2003: 1020 ) .According Djamarah (2004. 207) learning difficulties means a condition in which the students can not learn properly, due to threats , disturbances in learning .
Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the difficulty is the inability of students in solving stoichiometry problems .
3 . stoichiometric
According to Basri (2005 ) , the stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry that studies the amount of a substance required and produced in a chemical reaction .
As for another opinion on the definition of stoichiometry is the quantitative relationship between the substances involved in the reaction , both preaksi and reaction products. ( Sukri , 1999: 20 )
Based on the opinion of the above it can be concluded that the stoichiometric amount of a substance that is needed and is produced in a chemical reaction .
G. Scope of Research
The scope of this research include:
1 . location of research
This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Suela district. Suela East Lombok .
2 . subject of research
The subjects were students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Suela Academic Year 2007/2008 .
3 . object of research
Objects in this research is the difficulty in resolving student issues on the subject of stoichiometry .
Analysis Difficulty Students In Problem - Solving Problem In Highlights Stoichiometry