Leadership is a process of influence or an example by the leader to the followers in an effort to achieve organizational goals . Natural way to learn leadership is to " do it in the workplace " with practices like apprenticeship on an artist , a craftsman , or practitioner . In this connection, the expert is expected as part of his role in the teaching / instruction .
The characteristics of a Leader
Most people still tend to say that the effective leaders of properties or have certain traits that are very important for example , the charisma , the foresight , the power of persuasion , and intensity . And indeed , when we think about the heroic leaders like Napoleon , Washington , Lincoln , Churchill , Sukarno , General Sudirman , and so we must recognize that such traits rub off on them and have them use to achieve their desired goals .
Leader traits characterized as follows :
1 . Be honest with yourself and others. Be honest with yourself strengths and weaknesses and attempt to correct it .
 should sincerely empathize with subordinates .
3 . Curious and approachable so that people feel safe in submitting feedback and new ideas in an honest , straightforward and full of respect for the leader .
4 . Be transparent and able to respect and learn from their competitors in the leadership situation or business conditions in general .
5 . Have intelligence , meticulous and strong to be able to work in a professional scientific in his post .
6 . Have self-respect and personal discipline , so that they can have a sense of personal
responsibility and the personal behavior .
7 . Having the ability to communicate , the spirit of " team work " , creative , confident , innovative and mobility .
Various types and Leadership Style :
1 . Authoritarian Leadership
 Style / Authoritarian leadership style is the focus of all decisions and measures taken of himself in full . Any division of duties and responsibilities held by the authoritarian leader , while the subordinates only carry out the tasks that have been given .
2 . Leadership Style Democratic / Democratic
Democratic leadership style is a style of leadership that gives authority to his subordinates widely . Every problem always include a subordinate as a whole team . In a democratic leadership style leaders give a lot of information about the duties and responsibilities of their subordinates .

3 . Free Leadership Style / Laissez Faire
This type of leader is only involved a small quantity d where the subordinates who are actively setting goals and resolving problems encountered .

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