In order to support community -based waste management in Jakarta , Japan Bank for International Cooperation ( JBIC ) in August 2007 until January 2008 did the study and development of community participation in waste management in RW 01 and RW 02 East Village Cempaka Putih , Central Jakarta . Implementation of these activities begins with Training Recycling and Composting Household Waste which was held on October 7, 2007 .

Environmental cadres trained by JBIC in the training amounted to 42 people consisting of volunteers who live in RW 01 and RW 02 ( 31 total cadre ) and who live outside the second RW ( 11 volunteers ) . Number of environmental cadres living in RW 01 are 22 people while in RW 02 totaled 9 people . Seven cadres of them , serving as cadre Uli Cares Foundation . While the environmental cadres who do not live in is made up of both RW Carter ( 4 cadres ) , members of NGOs ( 6 cadres ) , and the Sanitation Department staff ( 1 cadre ) . With the program of JBIC , the total number of cadres environment in RW 01 and RW 02 Cempaka Putih Village East to 77 people were at first only 53 people . Cadre composition environment dominated by mothers ( 70 % ) , the remaining men ( 30 % ) .
Environmental cadres have a responsibility to invite the neighbors to maintain the quality of the environment around their homes , especially the problem of cleanliness and recycling bins . Environmental cadres also have an obligation to provide the knowledge and skills of processing garbage to the needy .
To see the real activity of environmental volunteers , after training , monitoring is done on a regular basis . Implementation monitoring is also carried out at once for assistance and guidance to the environment so that when the cadres are having difficulties in their activities can be addressed immediately. Monitoring the activities carried out by ( i ) direct interviews with cadres environment , ( ii ) questionnaires , and ( ii ) regular monitoring visits 3-4 weeks once all the environmental cadres . The researcher also coordinate with relevant stakeholders , such as the Central Jakarta Cleanliness Sub-Department , Environmental teknlogi Center - BPPT , Uli Care Foundation , and the Government of Cempaka Putih Village East .

RW 01 and RW 02 Cempaka Putih Village East is a densely populated residential area with a number of 1,265 families or about 5,060 people. Estimated amount of garbage produced 15 m3 per day . Trash residents dominated by organic waste , 65.55 % . While other waste is dominated by inorganic waste paper bin ( 10.57 % ) and plastics ( 13.25 % )

By some residents and environmental cadres waste it generates disaggregated to then be composted and used craft . Residue was then thrown into the trash bins temat . Bins used by enough people as diverse as plastic bags , tin drum , which cemented tubs , plastic buckets and plastic bags . However, the majority of waste containers used in the form of drums and plastic barrels for easy removable and not permanently in accordance with the environment , mainly the alley that is not too wide and without sidewalks . Composter and garbage containers placed in front of the house or on the edges of the driveway.
Household waste that is not processed into compost and then collected into a wheelie bin every 2-3 days once complex and transported to the Integrated Waste Sites ( TPST ) Rawasari managed by the sanitation department in cooperation with BPPT Jakarta . In the TPST , most of the waste is composted and recycled , and most other indoor TPS put to press and transported to the landfill Bantargebang . Residual waste fraction burned in the incinerator .

RT is one of the most prominent in waste management is RT 04 and RT 08 RW 01 . RT activity in greening the environment was started in 2004 by mothers who are members of the dasa homestead . Therefore , not surprising that in 2005 won 2 level Greening Contest Jakarta . Subsequently in 2006 , greening and hygiene management get in the race award " Green and Clean 2006 " organized by Uli Care Foundation .

From the results of the study note that as many as 53 % had environmental cadres waste sorting and composting of waste every day , while others do it 2-3 days. As many as 89 % of cadres composting environment every day reasonable because the amount of organic waste a bit . While others argued busy .

Composting organic waste such as leaves in the form of trees, ornamental plants waste , fruit peels , vegetable scraps before cooking , and food scraps . The dominant type of waste in the form of waste composted leaves , fruit peels and vegetables .

If seen from the amount of waste composted , the amount of the amount of waste composted in RW 01 is also increasing . At the time before the pilot project running , composted waste is estimated that only 624 liters per month , but after running a pilot project that composted waste to be 984 liters per month . In line with the increase in the number of composting , compost product number is also expected to increase from 156 liters to 246 liters per month .

Inorganic waste management is also important with composting . A total of 42 % claimed to have environmental cadres re-use plastic waste , among others, to pots and crafts . While 21% gathering and gave it to scavengers . But there are still environmental cadres ( as much as 10 % ) are not yet used and inorganic waste dumped directly into the trash as well as other waste residues .

Plastic waste is used as a general pot is a bottle / glass of mineral water and plastic paint cans . While the plastic waste is usually made ​​craft plastics packaging thick and looking good .

One of the environmental cadres , Mr Hendrik ( RT 08/RW 02 ) , has been specifically utilizing plastic paint cans for raw materials composter ordered by Uli Cares Foundation to be distributed in various places in Jakarta . The paint can be designed and colorfully painted so it looks attractive .

Meanwhile , cadres Mom Tri Darmayanti environment ( RT 08/RW 02 ) , has received special training handicraft raw material of plastic packaging Uli Care Foundation . Handicraft products such as handbags , purses , tissue holder, table cloth , carpet , etc. . Tri mothers also get assistance from the sewing machine Uli Care Foundation . Craft products are sold in some malls in Jakarta .

As in Banjarsari ( South Jakarta ) , at the site also has a waste management motivator as Mrs. Bambang Wahono . Was almost the same age of the 70's , but his spirit is still burning .

To promote community -based waste management in Jakarta , they held an event attended by the Governor of DKI Jakarta in early 2008 . At the event , the Governor launched the " Community-Based Solid Waste Management Movement " . Series of events that included visits Jakarta governor and his staff to RW 01 . After that , the governor walked to the complex TPSTs Rawasari within approximately 200 meters . The Governor in reviewing TPST composting and recycling bins and regional scale to Indoor TPS . The visit to various places was followed by a dialogue with Jakarta residents about the environmental problems faced .
Governor Fauzi Bowo said in his speech that involves the participation of cadres and members of the community environment is very effective in reducing the waste so that garbage transportation cost and the more efficient the longer the life of the landfill Bantargebang . In addition , involving the community to process waste to benefit the community itself . Governor admits it took a long time to raise public awareness to process waste independently . Therefore we need community leaders and cadres diligently to foster environmental awareness of the citizens to cultivate their own waste . ***

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Integrated waste treatment facility ( TPST ) Rawasari first built in 2000 with funds from the budget in the Jakarta Government Activities in the Integrated Municipal Waste Management Towards Zero Waste . The activity is intended as a means of providing solid waste management in the Jakarta area .

Rawasari TPST management implemented jointly by the Environmental Technology Center - BPPT ( as a technology research institute ) and Jakarta Cleanliness Department . In 2005 , TPST Rawasari developed by BPPT by expanding composting facility and operations improvement . Subsequently in 2007 , in the machines installed recycling bins so that the performance of TPST Rawasari more complete .

Currently development is also integrated with TPST Rawasari community-based waste management conducted by RW 01 and RW 02 Sub - East Cempaka Putih , Central Jakarta . In the complex there are a few Rawasari waste management facilities are composting hall , various inorganic waste recycling machine , Indoor TPS , and a small incinerator .

Currently , most of the waste that is not processed by the residents of RW 01 and 02 were taken to the TPST Rawasari complex . In TPST , partially composted waste and recyclable , and most other indoor TPS put to press and transported to the landfill Bantargebang . Residual waste fraction burned in a small incinerator .
With the integration of waste management at the community level and in TPST Rawasari , the volume of waste transported to landfill to be reduced , thereby reducing transportation costs and extend the life of landfill waste . In addition , it was found also useful byproducts such as compost , recycled plastic products , paper , etc. . Waste management model that can be replicated in other areas in accordance with local conditions .


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