According to Wikipedia , Minimum Wage is a minimum standard that is used by employers or industry players to provide wages to employees , employees or laborers or work in a business environment . Government set wages through the Minister of Manpower No. . 05/Men/1989 dated May 29, 1989 on Minimum Wage . Wages are conducted every year through a long process . At first Regional Wage Council ( DPD ), which consists of bureaucrats , academics , workers and businessmen held a meeting , and formed a survey team down the field to find out the prices of the requirements needed by the employees , the employees and workers . After a survey of several cities in the province which is considered representative , figures obtained Living Needs ( KHL ) - formerly called the Minimum Living Needs ( KHM ) . Based KHL , DPD proposes regional minimum wage ( UMR ) to the Governor for approval . Components used for decent living as a basis for determining the minimum wage based on the needs of workers living single ( not married ) .
In the business world , is a reasonable wage as a form of compensation for the contribution of a given worker or workers to the company . So when companies recruit workers / laborers are expected workers / laborers will be running a series of jobs to produce goods or services that support the business activities that generate profits for the company . The benefits can be used by companies to provide compensation in the form of wages to workers / laborers . This is in line with the definition of wages in uu no 13 of 2003 in Article 1, Section 30 of the workforce , which reads :
" Wages are the rights of workers / laborers received and expressed in terms of money as compensation from the employer or the employer to the worker / laborer is determined and paid under an employment agreement , agreements , or regulations , including allowances for workers / laborers and their families for a job and / or services that have been or will be done " .
Employee's contribution to the company by running job can then be referred to as performance or can also be referred to as productivity .
The better performance and productivity, then it should workers / laborers receive better wages than the workers / laborers are low performance and productivity .
Government as an independent party , issued a Regional Minimum Wage ( UMR ), which aims to regulate the remuneration system should be given by a company to the workers . From the name alone is known that the minimum wage is different in each region . It is because of differences in the social culture of each region .
It has been said above that the wage bill is based on the minimum wage is very related to a person's productivity . According to the National Productivity Council ( NCC ) is defined as a philosophical stance that has always had the view that quality of life should be better today than yesterday and tomorrow better than today which basically must meet the elements of effective , efficient and quality .
 Productivity is influenced by factors both macro level , the micro as well as for each individual . At the macro level there is a factor of political stability and security , the condition of resources ( human , natural and energy ) , the implementation of the government , such as the conditions of transport and communication infrastructure , and social and cultural . At the micro level , internal factors include human resources , technology , management and capital structure . In addition to internal factors are also external factors include government policies , political, social , economic , defense and security . At the individual level there is a mental attitude factors ( culture productive ) , education , skills , competence and appreciation of the performance .
Measure of productivity is usually based on the results of the Input ( I) divided by output ( O ) .
Input and output in productivity has a straight or a comparable relationship , ie, the greater the smaller the input and the output of greater productivity and vice versa . Besides productivity can also be described as follows :
Productivity ( P ) rise when the Input ( I) down , Output ( O ) remains
Productivity ( P ) rise when the Input ( I) down , Output ( O ) up
Productivity ( P ) rise when the Input ( I) fixed , Output ( O ) up
Productivity ( P ) rise when the Input ( I) ride , Output ( O ) up but the amount of increase in output is greater than the increase in inputs .
Productivity ( P ) rise when the Input ( I) down , Output ( O ) Input drop down but the number is smaller than the decline in output .
Input in the form of worker expertise in managing the company's resources to produce an output in the form of goods or a product that is worth selling will strengthen the company's competitiveness in the trade market competitive as it is today . Companies that have exist in the market will certainly spread its wings to expand to be able to have an impact on expanding employment . Can generally be broken down as follows :
Gains or profits for shareholders and investors . Employment and wages for workers . Goods and services of quality to the consumer . Taxes and other revenues for the State and Local Government.

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