CONTOH KARYA TULIS ILMIAH BAHASA INGGRIS Service Quality Education Can Develop In Maximum Potential Students

Service Quality Education Can Develop In Maximum Potential Students 


Various efforts are being made by the government breakthrough today related to searching and developing the potentials that must be mastered by the teacher, who acts as the Human Resources bridging science and technology should be transferred to the students to develop their talents, interests and potential owned learners so that the future it is able to fill this independence with a variety of potential-controlled so that the national education development can be realized perfectly since filled by qualified young generation. In this case that the development of human resources has very important for the success and balance national development has been outlined, the development and improvement of the quality of human resources is a priority that must be considered and designed in such a way and based on careful thought to compensate for the speed of development of science and information technology worldwide.

Education has a vital role to play and is a very appropriate containers in an effort to improve the quality of human resources and should be a priority in an optimal and sustainable, so that the quality of students in basic education which is the foundation for junior high school education really good quality as well as competencies stay ripen after students concerned on the next education level, so that there is continuity clearly visible between the education level of primary school with secondary school education level.

Need a reference where primary school education will determine the success rate when the learners concerned receive additional education in junior high, considering the above, the education at primary school should really be sought as optimal as possible.

A. Background

Underlying conceptual background behind the author takes the theme "Quality Education Services Can Develop In Maximum Potential Students" that is an absolute necessity that the teacher should have a Strategic Plan to develop its competence in order to provide opportunities for learners in their efforts to cultivate talents, interests and skills that must be mastered, so that students have a quality education in line with the objectives set out in the national education development.

B. Purpose and Objectives

As for the intent and purpose The author takes the theme above, is trying to recall that originally challenged the teacher to constantly make changes that will bring innovative of the development of world science and technology, so that teachers are able to offset the moral message contained in the destination development of national education, by means of a maximum effort in improving the quality of education the students so future it is really able to develop his skills into a marketable keakhlian.

C. Legal Basis

1 of Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System.
2 of Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Autonomy.
3 Government Regulation No. 32 Year 2007 on the Division of Authority Between the Central Government and the Autonomous Regions.
4 Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards.
5. Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2005 on the National Movement Acceleration Compulsory basic education 9 Years and Eradication of Illiteracy.
6 Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2004 on the provincial Development Strategic Plan.
7 Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2007 on the Provincial Budget.
8 Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2003 on Pemeriharaan Regional Language Literature and Literacy.
9 West Java Governor Decree on Organization and Work Education Department of West Java Province.
10 Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 Year 2006 on the Content Standard for Primary and Secondary Education.
11. Minister of National Education Regulation No. 23 Year 2006 on Competency Standards for Primary and Secondary education unit.
12. Minister of National Education Regulation No. 24 Year 2006 on the Implementation of the Minister of Education Regulation No. 22 and 23.
13. Law No. 2 of 1989 on National Education System.
14. Act No. 25 of 2000 on National Development Program (PROPENAS) 2000-2004.
15 Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 053 / U / 2001 on Guidelines for Preparation of the Implementation of Minimum Service Standards schooling Elementary and Secondary Education.

D. Who Want Results Achieved.

Through competency of teachers, the quality of education will be seen from the results of learners' achievements, making it easier to engage in cooperation with the parents, and the local government minimal government also remember when the school was able to print the students who have the quality of school it will be a favorite in the community , here addressing that performance of teachers and teacher expertise in a very influential educators to foster confidence in either of the government, as well as in the internal public schools.


The success of national education development is determined by the quality of its teachers and the schools that act as human resources, as a cog success rate of development, including any school in this case it is a device sistemdi decision makers, policy makers, designers, thinkers, planners as well as a leading implementer actors and observers  supervisory control development in the field of education. Given the existence of human resources is a key condition for the success of today's educational development, so that the quality of education should receive special attention from the government constantly and continuously so as to compensate for the advancement of science and technology in line with the national development that was pioneered in this time, which would mean that education if the education system in question has a quality and relevant to today's development, given that it in order to improve the quality of human resources as a whole and continues over time, which of course can not be separated from the policy government with the development strategy that has been designed in such a way that an increase in the quality of education policies and programs to be implemented optimally.

Basically, an increase in the quality of education must begin with improving the quality of education in primary school, given the sekilah basic education is the foundation for the development of secondary education first also on further education, will be sempurnalagi tuaberinisiatif when people send their children starting from kindergarten education -kanak, it will be efektiflagi in its development when the students are in elementary education. Primary education on primary school education is very urgent bentuksatuan existence, in this case a child without taking the basic education schools in question will not be able to continue to secondary education especially at the top level education. The success of learners in education in further education is determined by the standard of competence in basic education, so clearly, the government in this matter to be really observant and perceptive, so always make breakthroughs to develop competencies that must be mastered by the teacher elementary school, it is intended that the ideals that you want to accomplish for improving the quality of education can be realized as stipulated in the national education goals.

Associated with improving the quality of education at primary school level is priritas standard for success level of students in secondary education are also high, there are two things to be done which is a step that must be implemented, namely, the first step is the substance of improving the quality of education and the next step is a strategy to improve the quality of education, the more dipokuskan to pol and primary school development strategy as a whole, further improving the quality of education should be focused on the development of teaching and learning activities in the various components supporting the professionalism of teachers, learning facilities, management education, and physical appearance of the school, as well as community participation.

A. School.

School is an institution or organization in which the system consists of a device that consists of; school leaders, teachers acting as actors and objects as well as the administrative manager of pesrta educates parents who send their children to educational institutions.
The success of an educational institution which in this case is the school can not be separated from the professional ability of the leadership to control devices in it with a commitment to basic tasks and functions, given a good leader is someone who knows the skills possessed by its partners so concerned to know positions where his men should be placed in accordance with its keakhlian, then to that question also can be said as a professional leader. Primary school education, a mission as an educational institution that organizes the learning process which is the foundation for basic age learners, teachers here the task of providing sustenance as basic capabilities that students are ready and worthy to continue their education to secondary education first.

B. Role of the School Community

Speaking of students, can not be separated from the parents of students who acted as subjects of actors, in position when schools involve parents of students, when schools implement policies that must be implemented, and made the parents to understand the school program to be executed then the school will get a lot of the ease with which the procedure when the parents have understood correctly that school programs should be run, then the participation of parents who snagged pinansial contribute bias into the participating actively participate in developing this education in order to run with the maximum, and without significant obstacle. Active participation of parents, strongly support the continuity of the implementation of school programs required to be carried out at least at least six meetings with parents in one year, thus will make it easier for schools in the decisions that will be executed because of the participation community in kafasitas parents of the students who was educated in our schools.

With the ease of the school in the decision-making in the management of school education in the context of decentralization, marked by the school authority in the decision-making that in fact will be more flexibility in optimizing the management of human resources with a priority allocation in accordance with the program to more schools exist to needs- pasilitas supporting school requirements given the maximum available, it may be easier to pentranferan knowledge, skills to get a quality education as expected.

C. Role of Students.
The role of the learner as an individual subject of study is composed of a variety of characters, customs, social environment, how to educate the parents as well Pariatif, with the power of reason and intelligence level is different of course, and this is a reference as well as consideration for the teacher to more familiar presence sebagaiindividu learners with characteristics such as; within existing learners who have the nerve reflex rational function and move the intellectual behavior as social beings, individual learners have the potential and competence despite the limitations, in this case learners as social beings can not be separated dariperilaku good and bad, one the environment is a determinant of behavior for individual learners an experience of a learned ability to hang out, thereby learners is a central point of the target or system design that will be run.

Learners will be is a determinant factor in the developing process teaching, learners are those who want to achieve everything you've aspired to, have hopes and goals to be achieved, through competence in kuasainya, where learners in the learning process point central as a group of individuals who are immature both physically and Rokhani, through guidance, direction and guidance of teachers who implemented continuous and sustainable it will reach the level of maturity in its path with a process that has a skill in addition to through the process of learning the form-shape capability that there by itself would appear, so that participants didikmenguasai natural knack and looks after the learning process in  gradually.

There should be noted as the fulfillment  learners in the implementation of the learning process, with the goal to inform the subject matter complemented by completion of infrastructure, so that informed the subject matter can be clearly understood as harmonized with adequate pasilitas. In this case needs to be considered also the needs of learners such as: (1) The need for physical and Rokhani; (2) Social needs; and (3) the need intellectual.

Thus we as teachers would be easier if the things above into consideration for the implementation of the continuity  learning process carried out so that the learners in the growth and development can proceed normally and achieve the expected goals by both parents, the school also government in line with the national education goals to be achieved. To facilitate knowledge and skills penstranfera also a moral message that will be conveyed to students the teacher should pay attention to the existence of each individual learner, to know better the way things are related to: (1) Background knowledge and level of knowledge; (2) Method of learners; (3) Age Learners; (4) Level of Maturity; (5) The spectrum and scope of interest; (6) socioeconomic environment; (7) Constraints and cultural environment; (8) Inteligenesia; (9) The alignment and attitude; (10) achievement of learning; and (11) Motivation. By knowing the things above, can facilitate teachers to  duties in teaching and educational as well as develop teaching methods that increase the quality of education can be achieved as expected.

D. Role As Teachers as Professionals.

Teachers are an important part that plays a role in the empowerment of learners, given the teacher had a big hand in the implementation process of learning, so teachers have a big hand is obliged to play an active role in putting the people's demands for competencies that must be mastered by the learner, by positioning itself as professionals in the sense that teachers have a responsibility to shape their talents, interests and achievements of learners so that mastering a skill that can be useful in the future later, as a generation of people who have a selling point and ready to be a productive human being as well as appropriate.

Teachers as professionals means that teachers as educators is generally taken to mean that the teaching profession is a job in the field of science and technology with the hallmark of the professional work of teachers is to have a philosophical profession and responsiveness wise with its competence in performing their daily work , with accuracy and precision in determining the pace and attitude when dealing with learners. Teacher by profession have things in size as well as criteria such as:
1 Specials with extensive background theory, in the sense that a knowledgeable teacher, and special  reliable.
The teaching profession is a career organistor coached in the sense that the teacher has the right , with the position code of ethics, as well as the work of a lifetime devotion.
2 Recognized society as a respectable job as well as having a high dedication in the sense that, for teachers to get support from the community, and approved by legal protection, employment status clear and healthy, and have a guarantee of a decent life.

Teaching profession with the criteria, will have consequences which are fundamental to the ongoing pace of educational programs, especially those related to education personnel, it means that the success of the educational program can not be separated from the active participation of society as a whole, both as a source of origin or resources or as an interest in the continued success of students, this should be made in the study by all relevant elements in the success rate the quality of education as set out in the national education goals that have been outlined.

E. Role of Educators and Teachers as Advisors.

Teachers with a functional position, as professional educators and the full confidence of the public dari someone who has a myriad of achievements with a number of technology  teacher in the sense that trust is a storehouse valid until the end of life. A person as a teacher is not enough just to master the subject matter alone, in this case the teacher should be able to maximally  more to show his skill with the figure of the teacher's personality with a mature level of maturity, the teacher must also be able to position themselves as the second parent for learners, friends, friends, interlocutors also fun so that students will feel comfortable when dealing with us in the figure of the teacher.

In everyday in the field not only master teachers and delivering course material alone but the rest is guiding, directing, fostering learners so commendable character, through educating, a teacher can easily gradually instill moral values ​​that can not be separated from ples examples of teachers doing so would be role models for students. At this time the teacher's role as a teacher very clearly visible, it will general impression that teachers tend to only pursue success rate of learners terpokus only on the values ​​of the subject area course, less attention to moral behavior or action learners in life daily. The teacher is a profession that has colors and shades, the eyes of the students, the community or social environment where the teacher resides, in relation to its function as a teacher educator it is a figure of the integrated person, a teacher in the means at the same position as an educator therein as a guide, given the direction, coaching is done by a teacher is part of a series of educational efforts that absolutely must be done.

In the implementation of the learning process that takes place in the field both in school and outside of school, teachers have two functions, namely functions MORI and official functions, essentially in everyday life both within and outside official  is more sensitive to the moral function of teacher status are not biased released preformance daily life, so that teachers in position as mentors and educators also shades of moral functioning form of coloring absolute work as civil servants because pinansial value must be set aside for teachers, teacher as a servant of the State always have to pay attention to things as the following:
1 Call of conscience,
2 Always cherish and love the students,
3 Receive learners with all the shortcomings and weaknesses,
4. sort out where learners.
5. Running duties and functions as a teacher with a sense of responsibility to the fullest and be fully aware of the duties and functions as a teacher.

Education is an effort that should be run by teachers in leading learners generally achieve growth and development of learners towards maturing with a number of science and technology in accordance with the level of education in the travel learners so as learners are able to sort out between right and wrong, good and bad, and have moral values ​​that can be justified so have a stock of skills for future learners themselves. Thus arises the trust of the public that the educational institutions in this school have a sale value as pavorit school, and the school itself is society that came to us when we have a school system that has the quality standards expected by the government's success in the field of education with kuaitas promising.


As the work done by the school in an effort to improve the quality of education is at  by empowering the system with the main task of each and commitment  as initial success rate, of course, can not be separated from the improvement of the quality of education  with continuous power along with  development of world science and technology so as to balance the transfer of knowledge, skills, also moral values ​​that should be applied to the learners.

In connection with the above teachers should have some things that are indeed competencies to be mastered by teachers in delivering knowledge, skills and attitudes to students, such as;
1 Understand and position yourself as a teacher with a maturity that is mature and  power of reason and insight, so that in itself can grow charismatic self.
2 Getting to know the identity of the students with all the disadvantages and advantages with no standard sort of social life learners so that learners feel the natural comfort when dealing with teachers.
3 Having a reliable skill in giving guidance that can put the level of development of learners, both emotional developmental level, interests, talents and specialized skills, as well as academic achievements, physical and social. By knowing the above, the teacher will get easiness in various aspects that can make it easier for learners receive learning materials are applied.
4 Teachers must have a broad knowledge base of the national education goals that have been outlined are merupan standard for educational purposes to be achieved so that the teacher has to inform program design some knowledge, skills and attitude to grow and develop according to the demands and needs of development in the a quality education.
5. Teachers should follow the growth of the world that is rapidly developing science and always inivatif, so that teachers can unknowingly bring learners to actively follow the development of science and technology as a whole.

In connection with the role and function of teachers as well as teachers, educators, counselors, the teachers have a dual role in positioning itself in the field when dealing with learners. Teacher expertise in transferring knowledge, skills and moral values ​​should  developed and trace the learner becomes a skill that must be mastered, teachers should strive to the fullest to create an atmosphere that can make it convenient for students when dealing with us, participants students must have a sense that the teacher is aware parents to two, that the teacher is a friend, and that teacher is someone who is comfortable in talking to so relationships between teachers and learners will look harmunis, and is beneficial to the quality of education in accordance with the  educational purposes national must be achieved.


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