Writing "EFFECT
1.1 Background
In the age when starting college is a good time to full activity. Weighing obligation to learn and move, making students more liked everything fast-paced and practical so forget the importance of health, such as eating fast food is incomplete nutritional content even more fat.
According to some doctors, if the content is high in calories and cholesterol and low in fiber and not balanced with physical activity or exercise usually will cause fat easily formed in the body that can cause a variety of diseases and the threat of obesity.
Once the disease is present, then we realized that there is something wrong with the lifestyle. One of the most influential is the diet. Therefore, we must be able to manage your diet is healthy and balanced. Setting a healthy diet and balanced needs to be balanced with exercise and adequate rest. Through setting a good diet, disease progression can be prevented.
Based on this, this made to the public, especially the students learn more about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet for good survival benefit, its influence
2.1 Healthy and Balanced Diet.
2.1.1 Definition
In a large Indonesian dictionaries, pattern is defined as a system, how to work or attempt to do something (MONE, 2001). Thus, a healthy diet can be interpreted as a way or attempt to engage in healthy eating.
Andi (2011) suggests a healthy diet is a way or effort in setting the amount and type of food for a specific purpose such as to maintain the health, nutritional status, prevent or help cure penyakit.1
While a healthy and balanced diet that is referred to in this regular diet in which foods contain nutrients that amount in accordance with the nutrition your body needs.
2.1.2 Nutritional Substances
Eating a balanced diet is an essential fundamental is recommended for everyone. Where the intake of nutrients consumed determines nutritional health aspects of each individual.
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Nutrients are:
Carbohydrates are needed by the body, because it is a substance that has an important role as a major energy source to support day-to-day activities of the human body. Carbohydrates contained in food:
Important presence for always taking one source of starchy foods at each meal. For example: rice, potato noodles, yams, cassava, and others. When the body has insufficient carbohydrates, the earliest symptoms are most easily found the body feel more tired than usual due to lack of power.
Sugar can be found in foods,
such as: sugar, brown sugar, sugar cubes, syrup, honey and sweet cakes. But need to watch out, the
pattern of sugar consumption should be limited. Review because the sugars do not
contain other nutrients except carbohydrates. Thus most of the sugar will only
lead to obesity on the body.
Many who do not know, that fat is an energy source as well, but because the shape is more time consuming and difficult to be absorbed by the body. Fat is a substance which acts as the body's energy reserves. Excessive fat can make the body become obese. Fats found in oils, margarine, coconut milk, chicken skin, duck skin and other animal fats.
Protein function for body growth and replace damaged tissue in the body. Obviously protein is an absolute requirement of substances needed by the body every day. Protein found in: Fish, chicken, meat, eggs, milk, tofu, and nuts.
Vitamins & Minerals
As already known, vitamins and minerals has a function to help expedite the performance of the body. Vitamins and minerals are found in many vegetables and fruits.
Fiber has many functions for the body, among other things:
Help lower blood glucose
Help lower blood fats
Launched defecation
2.1.3 Benefits
Healthy and balanced diet is very beneficial to the body, such as taking care of your body to stay healthy and can increase endurance. Besides a healthy and balanced diet can also improve concentration and brain performance. Diet devastating for human health and affect the performance of the body in performing daily activities. Unhealthy eating patterns will have a negative impact to the body of one of the body causing performance in carrying out daily activities.
2.2 Unhealthy Eating.
2.2.1 Examples of Unhealthy Eating.
Skipping breakfast
Many people are still not aware of the importance of breakfast. Maybe for some people, breakfast means just filling food into the stomach.
Though its function is not only limited to keep the stomach is not empty, but also to increase energy and concentration in the brain and body. We eat breakfast also helps to not eat too much during the day.
Eating before bed
No studies that can prove that eating before bed can cause a person's weight gain, but eating too much or eating spicy foods, fatty foods and drink caffeine at least 3 hours before bedtime can reduce the quality and duration of sleep should we get. As a result, the next day we woke up with a limp, limp and uninspired. Experts say that eating fatty foods before bed can make the stomach work slower so the food is still left in the stomach when we sleep. While eating spicy foods before bed can make the stomach We seemed to "burn" time before bed.
Eating while doing other activities
Besides looks disrespectful, but eating while talking on the phone, playing video games or worse, unconsciously watching TV can make eating more. If you do this, do not be surprised if we continue to grow the number of scales. Eating s other activities, will make calorie counts We ignored eat. Moreover, if we eat a favorite snack. Usually more difficult to stop the number of calories that enter the body continues.
Lack of drinking water
Water is very important to the life of every living creature on earth. But that is not known by many people is a dangerous lack of drinking water. Lack of drinking water it can make the body's metabolic process is interrupted, for example, is the body needs water to burn calories, if you drink less water, automatic combustion process does not go smoothly. Instead, drink lots of water every day. Experts recommend drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to maintain health. If we've been happy to drink soda, coffee or other drinks, it would be nice if we got rid of all of it and replace it with drinking water. Familiarize yourself to drink a glass of water after waking from sleep.
Eat less vegetables and fruits
Meals with vegetables or fruit flavor can not be classified in the category of vegetables and fruits. Examples are candy, popcorn, banana chips, etc.. The experts recommend to eat at least 5 fruits or vegetables per day. If you do not like to eat fruits and vegetables, we can make it interesting juices. Do not forget the body requires vitamin that comes from vegetables and fruits, because it is pity of our body.
2.2.2 Due to Unhealthy Diet and Balanced
Progress made in developing countries, including Indonesia, causing many changes, both in lifestyle and diet for the population. Lifestyle changes from simple to fast-paced or instant cause a lot of people take advantage of technological advances in the present. For example, for the time efficiency're always going to drive a motorcycle. As a result a lot less body motion.
In addition, the busyness faced by students as well cause they just sat studying, completing assignments, and deal with stress. Thinking of almost instantaneous cause many people glanced fast food or junk food consumed remedy. These changes can easily lead to many degenerative diseases at a young age, which is very detrimental to the future generation.
2.3 Effect of Healthy and Balanced Diet for Health
Diet is very influential for health, with a healthy diet and a balanced student can move well and have a strong immune system. In addition, students can have a high concentration of nutrients it needs as it needs are met in a timely manner. Thus, stamina and brain performance will be increased so that, a student can perform daily activities well.
2.4 Application of a healthy and balanced diet.
Healthy and balanced diet is very necessary to apply in daily life. In this case, guidance is needed for the creation of a healthy and balanced diet which is expected.
RI health department says that healthy eating guidelines for the general public that is often used is the guideline Four Five Perfect Health, Food Triguna, and most recently introduced guidelines are 13 basic message Nutrition Seimbang.2
Understanding triguna food is daily food should contain:
carbohydrate and fat as energy substance
protein as builder substances
vitamins and minerals as a regulator.
Guidelines 13 Basic Balanced Nutrition Messages convey messages to prevent nutritional problems and reach balanced nutrition in order to produce quality human resources are reliable. An outline of the messages as described by the Director General of Community Health, MOH (1997), among others:
1. Eat a varied diet, which contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber in the number and proportions are balanced according to the needs of each group (infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, adults and elderly).
2Departemen Health, 13 Basic Balanced Nutrition Book (London: Department of Health, 1996), page 3.
Benny A. Kodyat, for example, argues:
There is no one type of food that contains all the nutrients, which can make a person to live a healthy life. Therefore, everyone needs to consume diversity of food. Eating varied food is very beneficial to health. Because of lack or scarcity of certain nutrients, on one type of food, will be complemented by a similar nutrients from food others.3
Thus, each array diversity of foods in a balanced diet will complement each other. Eat a wide variety of foods will ensure the adequacy of sources of energy substances, substances builders, and regulators for one's needs.
2. Eat food to meet energy needs. Energy and energy can be obtained from food sources of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Energy needed for basic metabolism (such as to generate body heat and work organs) and for daily activities such as studying, working and exercising. Excess energy will result in obesity, while a lack of energy can lead to nutritional deficiencies such as
3. Eat a carbohydrate source half of its energy needs. Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and sugary foods should be consumed by observing the principle of timely, accurate and precise indication of the amount.
3Benny A. Kodyat, General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition for Youth (New York: General Community Health Development, 1995), page 9.
This food should be eaten during the day when we will or are doing the activity and amount does not exceed 3-4 tablespoons of sugar / day.
Complex carbohydrates should be consumed with food is a source of other nutrients such as protein, fats / oils, vitamins and minerals. Should be 50-60% of the energy needs derived from complex carbohydrates.
4. Limit your intake of fats and oils to a quarter of the energy adequacy. Excessive consumption of fats and oils, particularly fat / saturated oils of animal, can be at risk of obesity or dyslipidemia in people who have a tendency in this direction. Dyslipidemia or increased levels of fat (cholesterol or triglycerides) in the blood is a factor for the occurrence of coronary heart disease and stroke. Consumption of fats / oils is recommended not to exceed 20% of the total kaori and keep in mind that these nutrients also has its own role as a source of essential fatty acids and also helps the absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins.
5. Use iodized salt. The use of iodized salt can prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD). However, excessive use of salt is also not recommended because salt contains sodium can increase blood pressure. Salt intake should not exceed 6 grams or 1 teaspoon per day.
6. Eat food sources of iron. Foods such as green vegetables, nuts, liver, eggs and meat contain a lot of iron and should be consumed in amounts sufficient to prevent nutritional anemia.
7. Give only breast milk until the baby is 4 months old. To be able to breastfeed properly, breastfeeding mothers should increase the number and quality of food nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. Complementary feeding (PASI) should only be given after the age of infants over 4 months and the gift must age, body growth and intellectual development.
8. Make a habit of eating breakfast. Had breakfast with foods that will meet the diverse nutritional needs of the body to maintain freshness and increase productivity in the work. In children, eating breakfast will facilitate learning so that concentration can be further improved student achievement.
9. Drink clean water, safe and sufficient in number. Drinking water should be clean and free of germs. Drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day so that your metabolism running smoothly we can remember the water as a solvent is needed nutrients for metabolic purposes. consumption of water can prevent dehydration and will reduce the risk of infection and kidney stones.
10. Do a physical activity or regular exercise. Activities that will help maintain a normal body weight while increasing the freshness of the body, improving blood flow and prevent osteoporosis especially in the elderly.
11. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and cigarettes together other illicit drugs should be avoided as it can lead to the risk of various degenerative diseases, vascular and cancer.
12. Eat foods that are safe for health. The food is not contaminated, it does not contain bacteria or other parasites, do not contain harmful chemicals and processed foods properly so that nutrients and flavor not shelf, a safe food for health.
13. Read the labels on packaged foods. Labels on food packaging must contain an expiration date, the nutrients and active ingredients used. Consumers are cautious and pay attention to the label will be spared from damaged food, food is not nutritious and dangerous. In addition, consumers can assess whether or not the food is halal (MOH Director General of Public Health, 1997
3.1 Conclusion
From the research, the authors concluded that keeping the diet to stay healthy and balanced is very important especially among students who have a solid enough physical activity. This is because if we do not maintain our health diet and disease will be distracted very easily invade our bodies. Maintain a healthy diet can be done by consuming foods rich in nutrients, consumption of whole grains, eating in a decent size, eat regularly, balance your eating choices every day, and make changes gradually.
3.2 Advice
The authors suggest to the readers especially students to pay more attention to your diet and improve your diet regularly due to a less healthy diet to maintain a healthy and balanced so that activities run smoothly. So from now on let us change our diet to be healthy and balanced so that the quality of our self and the people of Indonesia can be better.
Many who do not know, that fat is an energy source as well, but because the shape is more time consuming and difficult to be absorbed by the body. Fat is a substance which acts as the body's energy reserves. Excessive fat can make the body become obese. Fats found in oils, margarine, coconut milk, chicken skin, duck skin and other animal fats.
Protein function for body growth and replace damaged tissue in the body. Obviously protein is an absolute requirement of substances needed by the body every day. Protein found in: Fish, chicken, meat, eggs, milk, tofu, and nuts.
Vitamins & Minerals
As already known, vitamins and minerals has a function to help expedite the performance of the body. Vitamins and minerals are found in many vegetables and fruits.
Fiber has many functions for the body, among other things:
Help lower blood glucose
Help lower blood fats
Launched defecation
2.1.3 Benefits
Healthy and balanced diet is very beneficial to the body, such as taking care of your body to stay healthy and can increase endurance. Besides a healthy and balanced diet can also improve concentration and brain performance. Diet devastating for human health and affect the performance of the body in performing daily activities. Unhealthy eating patterns will have a negative impact to the body of one of the body causing performance in carrying out daily activities.
2.2 Unhealthy Eating.
2.2.1 Examples of Unhealthy Eating.
Skipping breakfast
Many people are still not aware of the importance of breakfast. Maybe for some people, breakfast means just filling food into the stomach.
Though its function is not only limited to keep the stomach is not empty, but also to increase energy and concentration in the brain and body. We eat breakfast also helps to not eat too much during the day.
Eating before bed
No studies that can prove that eating before bed can cause a person's weight gain, but eating too much or eating spicy foods, fatty foods and drink caffeine at least 3 hours before bedtime can reduce the quality and duration of sleep should we get. As a result, the next day we woke up with a limp, limp and uninspired. Experts say that eating fatty foods before bed can make the stomach work slower so the food is still left in the stomach when we sleep. While eating spicy foods before bed can make the stomach We seemed to "burn" time before bed.
Eating while doing other activities
Besides looks disrespectful, but eating while talking on the phone, playing video games or worse, unconsciously watching TV can make eating more. If you do this, do not be surprised if we continue to grow the number of scales. Eating s other activities, will make calorie counts We ignored eat. Moreover, if we eat a favorite snack. Usually more difficult to stop the number of calories that enter the body continues.
Lack of drinking water
Water is very important to the life of every living creature on earth. But that is not known by many people is a dangerous lack of drinking water. Lack of drinking water it can make the body's metabolic process is interrupted, for example, is the body needs water to burn calories, if you drink less water, automatic combustion process does not go smoothly. Instead, drink lots of water every day. Experts recommend drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to maintain health. If we've been happy to drink soda, coffee or other drinks, it would be nice if we got rid of all of it and replace it with drinking water. Familiarize yourself to drink a glass of water after waking from sleep.
Eat less vegetables and fruits
Meals with vegetables or fruit flavor can not be classified in the category of vegetables and fruits. Examples are candy, popcorn, banana chips, etc.. The experts recommend to eat at least 5 fruits or vegetables per day. If you do not like to eat fruits and vegetables, we can make it interesting juices. Do not forget the body requires vitamin that comes from vegetables and fruits, because it is pity of our body.
2.2.2 Due to Unhealthy Diet and Balanced
Progress made in developing countries, including Indonesia, causing many changes, both in lifestyle and diet for the population. Lifestyle changes from simple to fast-paced or instant cause a lot of people take advantage of technological advances in the present. For example, for the time efficiency're always going to drive a motorcycle. As a result a lot less body motion.
In addition, the busyness faced by students as well cause they just sat studying, completing assignments, and deal with stress. Thinking of almost instantaneous cause many people glanced fast food or junk food consumed remedy. These changes can easily lead to many degenerative diseases at a young age, which is very detrimental to the future generation.
2.3 Effect of Healthy and Balanced Diet for Health
Diet is very influential for health, with a healthy diet and a balanced student can move well and have a strong immune system. In addition, students can have a high concentration of nutrients it needs as it needs are met in a timely manner. Thus, stamina and brain performance will be increased so that, a student can perform daily activities well.
2.4 Application of a healthy and balanced diet.
Healthy and balanced diet is very necessary to apply in daily life. In this case, guidance is needed for the creation of a healthy and balanced diet which is expected.
RI health department says that healthy eating guidelines for the general public that is often used is the guideline Four Five Perfect Health, Food Triguna, and most recently introduced guidelines are 13 basic message Nutrition Seimbang.2
Understanding triguna food is daily food should contain:
carbohydrate and fat as energy substance
protein as builder substances
vitamins and minerals as a regulator.
Guidelines 13 Basic Balanced Nutrition Messages convey messages to prevent nutritional problems and reach balanced nutrition in order to produce quality human resources are reliable. An outline of the messages as described by the Director General of Community Health, MOH (1997), among others:
1. Eat a varied diet, which contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber in the number and proportions are balanced according to the needs of each group (infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, adults and elderly).
2Departemen Health, 13 Basic Balanced Nutrition Book (London: Department of Health, 1996), page 3.
Benny A. Kodyat, for example, argues:
There is no one type of food that contains all the nutrients, which can make a person to live a healthy life. Therefore, everyone needs to consume diversity of food. Eating varied food is very beneficial to health. Because of lack or scarcity of certain nutrients, on one type of food, will be complemented by a similar nutrients from food others.3
Thus, each array diversity of foods in a balanced diet will complement each other. Eat a wide variety of foods will ensure the adequacy of sources of energy substances, substances builders, and regulators for one's needs.
2. Eat food to meet energy needs. Energy and energy can be obtained from food sources of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Energy needed for basic metabolism (such as to generate body heat and work organs) and for daily activities such as studying, working and exercising. Excess energy will result in obesity, while a lack of energy can lead to nutritional deficiencies such as
3. Eat a carbohydrate source half of its energy needs. Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and sugary foods should be consumed by observing the principle of timely, accurate and precise indication of the amount.
3Benny A. Kodyat, General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition for Youth (New York: General Community Health Development, 1995), page 9.
This food should be eaten during the day when we will or are doing the activity and amount does not exceed 3-4 tablespoons of sugar / day.
Complex carbohydrates should be consumed with food is a source of other nutrients such as protein, fats / oils, vitamins and minerals. Should be 50-60% of the energy needs derived from complex carbohydrates.
4. Limit your intake of fats and oils to a quarter of the energy adequacy. Excessive consumption of fats and oils, particularly fat / saturated oils of animal, can be at risk of obesity or dyslipidemia in people who have a tendency in this direction. Dyslipidemia or increased levels of fat (cholesterol or triglycerides) in the blood is a factor for the occurrence of coronary heart disease and stroke. Consumption of fats / oils is recommended not to exceed 20% of the total kaori and keep in mind that these nutrients also has its own role as a source of essential fatty acids and also helps the absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins.
5. Use iodized salt. The use of iodized salt can prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD). However, excessive use of salt is also not recommended because salt contains sodium can increase blood pressure. Salt intake should not exceed 6 grams or 1 teaspoon per day.
6. Eat food sources of iron. Foods such as green vegetables, nuts, liver, eggs and meat contain a lot of iron and should be consumed in amounts sufficient to prevent nutritional anemia.
7. Give only breast milk until the baby is 4 months old. To be able to breastfeed properly, breastfeeding mothers should increase the number and quality of food nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. Complementary feeding (PASI) should only be given after the age of infants over 4 months and the gift must age, body growth and intellectual development.
8. Make a habit of eating breakfast. Had breakfast with foods that will meet the diverse nutritional needs of the body to maintain freshness and increase productivity in the work. In children, eating breakfast will facilitate learning so that concentration can be further improved student achievement.
9. Drink clean water, safe and sufficient in number. Drinking water should be clean and free of germs. Drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day so that your metabolism running smoothly we can remember the water as a solvent is needed nutrients for metabolic purposes. consumption of water can prevent dehydration and will reduce the risk of infection and kidney stones.
10. Do a physical activity or regular exercise. Activities that will help maintain a normal body weight while increasing the freshness of the body, improving blood flow and prevent osteoporosis especially in the elderly.
11. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and cigarettes together other illicit drugs should be avoided as it can lead to the risk of various degenerative diseases, vascular and cancer.
12. Eat foods that are safe for health. The food is not contaminated, it does not contain bacteria or other parasites, do not contain harmful chemicals and processed foods properly so that nutrients and flavor not shelf, a safe food for health.
13. Read the labels on packaged foods. Labels on food packaging must contain an expiration date, the nutrients and active ingredients used. Consumers are cautious and pay attention to the label will be spared from damaged food, food is not nutritious and dangerous. In addition, consumers can assess whether or not the food is halal (MOH Director General of Public Health, 1997
3.1 Conclusion
From the research, the authors concluded that keeping the diet to stay healthy and balanced is very important especially among students who have a solid enough physical activity. This is because if we do not maintain our health diet and disease will be distracted very easily invade our bodies. Maintain a healthy diet can be done by consuming foods rich in nutrients, consumption of whole grains, eating in a decent size, eat regularly, balance your eating choices every day, and make changes gradually.
3.2 Advice
The authors suggest to the readers especially students to pay more attention to your diet and improve your diet regularly due to a less healthy diet to maintain a healthy and balanced so that activities run smoothly. So from now on let us change our diet to be healthy and balanced so that the quality of our self and the people of Indonesia can be better.
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