1.1 Background

We already know, that this world especially abundant waste in Indonesia, some contaminated waste, both industrial waste and household waste (residential).
Waste settlement may occur due remnants.
Industrial waste, from the production to the settlement (population or household).
Residential waste can also be caused by plants and animals defecate carelessly places, such as: on the street, on the sidewalk, and anywhere at will.
Waste is also predicted by many experts to prove that the waste that much water pollution is waste residential communities, such as food wrappers, detergent wrapper and sebagianya.
Waste so much impact on residential communities for growth, especially for human beings, such as diarrhea, typhoid and even some are fever, coughing up blood due to virus derived from untreated waste properly.
Waste of human settlements already is one thing that must be handled properly. Because it source of all the problems that exist in the surrounding communities. With the government has implemented one of the things to prevent the proficiency level by making environmental regulations around the community.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1.2.1 What is the impact of waste on water pollution?
1.2.2  how to cope with the waste?
1.3 Research Methods
This study used qualitative methods (data collection) to get an overview of waste in Indonesia.
1.4 Purpose of Research
To bring awareness to us the importance of protecting and maintaining the environment,
In order for students to learn things about the waste that can provide information to the public so as not to carelessly dispose of waste in place.


1.5 Systematics Research
- Theme
- Formulate Title
-  goal
- Finding references
- Sifting through the data
- Managing Data
- Develop outline
- Develop outline
1.6 Benefits of Research
If waste pollution has not happened, so we try not to make waste settlement
If the community and the waste it has happened, then we should be able to handle it properly.


2.1 Definition
Waste is waste materials resulting from an activity and production processes, both at the scale of household, industrial, mining, and so on.
2.2 Types of Waste
• Liquid waste, such as sewage causes an increase in oxygen demand on the receiving water leading to a severe decrease of oxygen that affects the entire ecosystem.
• Solid Waste
• Waste Gas and particle
• Toxic waste is waste that contains toxins that are harmful to the environment
Toxic wastes consist of:
- Waste is waste that is explosive through reaction and high pressure which can quickly damage the environment.
- Waste is waste that is flammable when adjacent to the fire, flame, friction  others will flame flammable or flammable, and when it has been kept burning long time.
- Reactive wastes are wastes that cause a fire due to release of organic waste  not stable in high temperatures.
Industrial bins to dispose of a variety of pollutants in waste water such as heavy metals, organic , oil, nutrients and solids. The waste water has thermal effects, especially those issued by power plants, which can also reduce oxygen in the water.

2.3 Impact of Waste on Water Pollution
      The impact of water pollution caused by waste, among others:
• Reduced the amount of oxygen used by bacteria to process waste decomposition.
• Inorganic waste into the river, can result in blocking sunlight thereby inhibiting photosynthesis of aquatic plants and algae, which result in oxygen.
• Detergent is very difficult to be described by the bacteria so it will remain active for long periods of time in the water, pollute the water, and merasuni various aquatic organisms.
• The use of detergents is also massively increase the phosphate compound on the river or
lake which stimulates the growth of algae and water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes).
• Plants take water off due to plant decay prose will precipitate and cause silting.
• Materials decay of aquatic plants will precipitate and cause silting.
• The growth of algae and water hyacinth uncontrolled  lake water surface covered thereby blocking the entry of sunlight and lead to inhibition of photosynthesis.
2.4 Efforts to Prevent Waste and
2.4.1 preventive measures
• Do not throw trash into the river
• Do not use excessive detergent
• Do not carry out industrial effluents containing Pb, Hg, Zn because it can contaminate the environment /
2.4.2 Curative Measures
• manage waste
• Disposing of waste in place
• Do not throw trash into the river


3.1 Conclusion
      From the description and discussion before it could be concluded as follows:
The impact of a negative impact on human waste. Can cause disease, flooding, lack of clean water, and others.
To prevent waste settlement made include:
Do not throw garbage into the river
Not doing industrial effluents containing Hg, Zn because it can contaminate the environment.
Make laws on water pollution.
4.2 Suggestions
After reading the readers of this paper, the authors suggest a few things:
• Do not throw litter
• manage waste properly
• Able to cope well waste


Mintarjo, Sri. 2007. Air Meluap Timbullah Bancana. Pakar Raya Pakarnya Pustaka. Klaten.

Trafford, Caren. 2010. Dunia Penuh Sampah.

Al-Mujahid, Riezwan. 2 Desember 2012. Pengertian Limbah.

Suryadi, Pandi. 20 Januari 2011. Dampak Pencemaran Air oleh Limbah. .


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