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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the analysis Language fills every part of our life; it gives words to our thought, voice to our idea and expression to our feelings. It is the most fundamental means of human communication. As human being, one interacts with others by communication. They use language as a main tool of communication to express his thought, emotions and desire to other people by using sounds, gestures and signals. We use language everyday; we can express everything in our mind by using language. Then we know how important language is. Bloomfield (1933: 3) says that language plays a great part in our life. Thus, Sapir (1921: 8) says that language as purely human and non instinctive method of communicating idea, emotions and desires by mean of voluntarily produced symbols. These symbols then produced by the so called “organ speech” in the process of speech production. Language is absolutely used to communicate. When using a word and combination of words either in spoken and written, the main aim is to indicate something or some relations or even some ideas, and it can be shown or called as its meaning. Furthermore, Finocchiaro (1974:3) writes that languages are a system of arbitrary vocal symbol, which permits all people in a given culture to communicate and interact.

English is a West Germanic language that developed in England during Anglo-Saxon era. It is spoken by more than 400 million people’s native speaker and approximately is spoken by 600 million people as a second language. English is so widely spoken language, so it has often been referred to as “World language”. That the main reason why English is the language most often studied as a foreign language. Books, magazines, newspapers written in English are available in many countries around the world including Indonesia and it is also the most commonly used in the science. Indonesia is one of the countries in Asia continent consisting a lot of islands which are separated by seas and island that has many tribes as well as their languages. One of it is Mandailing language. Some scholars are of the opinion that Mandailing is not Batak based on language and behavior; Mandailing is not as harsh as Batak. Mandailing language and Batak Toba language are more or less similar in grammar and vocabulary but they are undeniably different in dialect. The differences, however, seem apparently easy to recognize. Mandailing language is spoken by about one million people in North Sumatera especially in Mandailing, Natal, and its surroundings. Anyhow, outside those areas, many Mandailing people could not speak Mandailing language fluently although they are Mandailingness due to the fact that, in their daily communication, they get much influence from other languages used in their surroundings.
Furthermore, a part from the speakers of Mandailing language, this language has its own linguistic aspects that need to be recognized despite probability of its identical characteristics with other local languages in Indonesia. Certainly, a number of linguistic aspects could be found if they are brought into analysis, and it will be very complex and complicated to be conducted in a small study as proposed in this thesis. One of the linguistic aspects that is considered to have significance to analyze is the grammatical aspect pertaining to the uses of question words. It is attempted to show clear distinction about how the question words works in Mandailing language. Then, to achieve the ultimate results of study, it should be seen from the uses of question words in other languages like English. As regards, it will be more effective if this study is brought into contrastive analysis that could generate more differences than similarities in its entity. Eventually, in conducting contrastive analysis, as verified by Naibaho (1996: 1), the study should be linked with the comparison of two or more languages (or more sub-systems of languages) in order to determine the differences and similarities found between them. This study, therefore, will be quite reasonable if Mandailing language is contrasted with English language and specified in seeking the uses of question words in line with the formations of interrogative sentences and the positions of question words in building sentences in such types.
1.2 Problem of the analysis
This study refers to the problems of drawing question words as found both in Mandailing language and English; the problems appear in formation the interrogative sentences concerning the position of question words especially when generating questions in both different languages.

1.3 Scope of the analysis
This study is concentrated on elaborating the similarities and dissimilarities between English and Mandailing Language Question Words. This is attempted through the analysis of grammatical aspects that draw the certain types of questions in both languages including Wh- Question, Yes- No question, and Question Tag,
1.4 Object of the analysis
English and Mandailing Language Question Words are determined to be the object of analysis in this study. The analysis is expected to give proper distinction to the similarities and dissimilarities between the two languages.
1.5 Method of the analysis
In writing this thesis, the writer uses qualitative descriptive. Bodgan and Bicklen (1982) in Sugiyono (2009: 21) argue that qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected are in form of words or pictures rather than number. In collecting data, the writer uses library research. The writer collects the data from books related to English and Mandailing Language question words. The data then analyzed based on contrastive analysis. Naibaho Jawasi (2006: 1) says that contrastive analysis is the method of analysis whereby the differences and similarities of two or more language (or sub-system of language) are made explicit. In this thesis, to emphasize the analysis, the writer collects, selects and classifies the data based on their type. Only then, the differences and similarities are found.
1.6 Significance of the analysis
The significance of this study is to give extra knowledge and new horizon to the readers, researchers, and students especially in using Question words in Mandailing language, and to provide sufficient knowledge for those who want to learn Mandailing language. 1.7 Review of related literature To make a good analysis of Question Words English and Mandailing language, the writer has read some relevant books closely related to this case. Saurmauli (2004) has done a contrastive analysis in her thesis entitled A Contrastive Analysis between English and Batak Toba Language Interrogative Sentences. She finds the differences in the formation and use of interrogative sentences in English and Batak Toba language. Another type of a contrastive analysis is conducted by Salim (2003) in his thesis entitled A Contrastive Analysis between English and Mandarin Language Interrogative Sentences. He finds the differences in the formation and use of interrogative sentences in English and Mandarin language. Ridwan.T.A (1998: 17) says that a contrastive analysis refers to correspondences between aspects of language, which is being contrasted. Naibaho Jawasi (2006: 1) adds that a contrastive analysis is the method of analysis whereby the differences and similarities of two or more language (or sub-system of language) are made explicit.


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