After not work - it does; feeling of helplessness that was really really bad yes - face Academic Potential Test (TPA) on Thursday (28/02), I ventured to draw up some tips to deal with it. Most do not make it later if  this test again, I can read for yourself the list.
• Problems landfill is not designed to answer all of them. We take the basic math problem as an example. 90 questions, 60 minutes. 1 means about 40 seconds. What kind of genius that can work on any matter within 40 seconds? Read 20 seconds because aja already own. So, the strategy is in the 20 seconds we've read about that set, this problem is easy or not. If difficult, yes live others. TPA was because 250 seeds, so do not worry about running out.
• Do the easy questions first. This may be old trick, but real has to be practiced. Usually the fore-front in the more difficult and more time-consuming, so try starting from the back. I can not stress this more, guys.
• For the math section, memorize multiplication, fractions, percentages, powers, and a simple decimal. It helps very fitting  know, it could be faster. I have had  its files that can be directly studied (UPDATE: if can not download from there, could use alternative link).
• Buy books landfill, but to be able to imagine true about the TPA, troubles multiply three times. OTO Bappenas was not about to make a point. I already review some books that i bought to get ready yesterday.
• To conquer the problems of Indonesian, often read in the newspaper columns. You know, those on the editorial pages. Problems reading / discourse is mainly taken from there. If find any strange words, immediately consult a dictionary Indonesian.
• Try to remember some key terms in the field of statistics. It comes out in a few numbers Indonesian questions. For example: variance, standard deviation, and the like.
• For some synonyms or antonyms matter, can help if we first translated into other languages, English, for example. Yesterday no matter who ya like, but I forget, for example. The point, of because, I first translated into English, the new find antonyms / synonyms. Sometimes it can be much easier.
• Leave time to "shoot". Clear. See point number one. There's no value minus anyway.
• If you have the time and more funds, better try to join a real test in the OTO Bappenas. Questions hard to imagine that the landfill will not own. Best means passable follow aja real test. Gw friend there who come like this, and they feel better prepared to become. If not wrong it cost around £ 350,000.
• Do not be influenced by others. If we look at other people's work on fitting, so he could've answered more questions. Can make minder and mental mess. No need to care, got our own.
• Consider participating tutoring for landfill. friend said, pretty helpful guidance like this model because there is taught a pattern to answer the question landfill.

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