
National education based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 serves to develop skills and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens who  and shall carry out such functions government held a national education system as set forth in Law No..
20 Year 2003 on National Education System.
Indonesia's education system that has been in the get up from the beginning until now,  still not able to fully address the needs and global challenges for the future, equalization program and increase the quality of their education has been the focus of coaching is still a prominent issue in education in Indonesia.

While the total population of primary school age who are out of the national education system is still very much in number, the education we are still dealing with internal issues that are fundamental and complex, but it is also the Indonesian nation is still facing a number of problems that are chain since basic education to higher education.

The quality of education in Indonesia is still far away, which is expected, therefore, an attempt to build their highly competitive human resources, science and technology vision, as well as moral and civilized is not an easy job, in  strategic participation of the various components, namely: early education in the family, effective control of the society, and the importance of the implementation of the educational system and the distinctive quality of education by the State.

B. Problem Formulation

The formulation of the issues to be discussed are as follows:

1. Understanding what the Education System?

2. What are the components of Education System?

3. Understanding what the National Education System?


C. Purpose

The purpose of this paper is as follows:

1. Students are able to understand the education system.

2. Students are able to understand the various components of the education system.

3. Students are able to understand the reality of the National Education System that is currently running.

D. Benefits of Writing

1. To know the meaning of Education Systems.

2. To find out the various components in the education system.

3. To know the meaning of National Education System.

D. Writing Methods

method of this paper is to use the literature review, by reviewing books that match the topics the Education System.




A. Understanding the Education System
The term comes from the Greek system "Systema", which means a set of parts or components that are interconnected on a regular basis and is a whole. The term system is used to demonstrate some sense, one of which is the system can be used to demonstrate a set of ideas or ideas that structured and organized so as to form a logical whole.

System is a unit consisting of components or elements or elements as sources that have a functional relationship regularly, not just random, which help each other to achieve a result (product) (Zahara Idris 1987).
Education is  effort to achieve an educational goal. An educational effort involving three main elements are as follows:

    Input element is learners with different characteristics that exist in the learner (talents, interests, abilities, physical condition).
    Element of the business is related  process various things, such as educators, curriculum, school buildings, books, learning methods, and others.
    element results are the result of education which includes learning outcomes (in the form of knowledge, attitudes and skills) after the completion of a specific learning process.

Education is a system that has elements of goals / objectives of education, students, education managers, structure or hierarchy, curriculum and equipment / facilities.
(Deartemen Education and Culture, 1939) [1].

In general terms the education system is the sum total of its parts working together to achieve the expected results based on predetermined needs. Every system must have a purpose, and all the activities of all the components or parts thereof are directed to the achievement of the stretcher. Therefore, the educational process is a system, which is referred to as the education system [2].


Theoretically, an education consisting of the components at the core of the educational process. According P.H. Combs (1982) education component is as follows:

1. Objectives and Priorities

Directing the activities of the system functionalities. This is the information about what is to be achieved by the education system and the order no general purpose of education, the purpose set forth in state law, the national education goals, there are institutional objectives, ie educational level agency goals and objectives of the program, such as S1, S2, S3, and curricular objectives, namely a goal each subject / course. This latter objective is also divided into two, namely the purpose of teaching (instrusional) general and teaching purposes (special instructional).

2. Students

Its function is to learn. Learners are expected to undergo a process of behavioral change in accordance with the objectives system, how old, how , what level of development, demeanor, motivation for learning, and socio-economic parents.

3. Management or Management

Its function is to coordinate, direct, and evaluate the education system. This component originates in the system of values ​​and ideals that are t patterns of leadership in the management of the education system, for example the leader who manages the education system is authoritarian, democratic, or laissez-faire.

4. Structure and Schedule

Its function is to set the time and division, time division exams, graduations, lectures, seminars, lectures  work, teaching and learning activities and field practice program.

    Content and Teaching Materials

Its function is to illustrate the breadth and depth of lessons that must be mastered learners. In addition to directing and pattern different activities in  process, the content of lessons for each subject or subjects, and to the practice field.

5. Teachers and Implementing

Its function is providing teaching materials and organize the process of learning to the learner [3]. In addition, teachers and practitioners also serve as mentors, influences, to foster learner activity and at the same time as the person in charge of the implementation experience in teaching, teachers have official status in foster or volunteer labor and education levels.

6. Study Aids

The point is anything that can be used to achieve educational goals, which serves to facilitate or accelerate educational purposes [4]. For example: movies, books, blackboards, maps.

7. Fasiliatas

Its function is to place the implementation process, and laboraterium buildings and equipment.

8. Technology

Its function is to facilitate and improve the results of the educational process. The definition of technology is all the techniques used so that the education system is run efficiently and pattern in one direction, meaning  lessons with teachers lecturing, the students listen and note: or two-way pattern, meaning that there is a dialogue between the teacher and  participants.

9. Quality Control

Its function is to foster the regulations and standards rules on admission of children / students and faculty, regulatory examinations and assessments.

10. Research

Its function is to improve and develop the knowledge and performance system, first nation Indonesia has not been able to make airplanes and cars, but now the Indonesian nation was clever. Before the 1980s, most universities in Indonesia have not implemented the semester system credit units (SKS), now almost all colleges have to implement it.

11. Cost

Its function is to launch a process of education and guidance on the level of system efficiency, now the cost of education becomes the family, government and the community.


    National Education.

National education is an education system that stands on the foundation and inspired by the philosophy of life of a nation and its purpose is to serve the interests and ideals of the nation's national (according Sunarya 1969). Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture National Education is an attempt to guide the citizens of Indonesia became Pacasila, a personal, based on the Godhead will be able to cultivate conscious society and the environment [5].

National education basics are:

1. Ideal base Pancasila.

Pancasila is the foundation of the state, and the establishment of Pancasila as the basic state is the result of an agreement with the Indonesian nation statesmen at the time of the formation of our country as Ripublik Indonesian State in 1945.

2. Constitutional basis of the 1945 Constitution.

1945 is the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia as a source of law and therefore 1945 is also a source of law for all activities for its citizens, especially in the field of education.

3. Basic Operations:

        No UUPP. 4 Year 1950 jo No. UUPP. 12 of 1954.
        MPR Decree No.. II/MPR/1978 (translation on P-4).
        MPR Decree No.. IV/MPR/1983 (translation of the Guidelines).
        Presidential Decree. 145 of 1965.
        Basic Socio-Cultural.

Education is a process and a tool bequeath culture of the older generation to the younger generation. Therefore, national education is a process and a tool bequeath national culture. Indonesian human values ​​nurtured by their own socio-cultural and human Indonesia heir and successor to these valuessocio-cultural basis should be made in the education process. [6]

2. National Education System.

National education system is one integrated whole of all units and educational activities related to each other striving for national education. The national education system is a supra-system, which is a large and complex system, which also included some parts that are also systems [7].

Units and educational activities there is also the educational systems are composed, and educational systems are incorporated in an integrated manner in the national education system, which together seek to achieve national education goals.

a. The purpose of national education systems,

The purpose of national education system serves to provide direction on all educational activities within education units available. The national education goals, a common goal to be achieved by all units of education, although any educational institution that has its own objectives, but can not be separated from national education goals.

In the national education system, student participants were all citizens, meaning that there is any educational institution should provide an opportunity to give learners the opportunity to all citizens who meet certain requirements in accordance with their specialization, regardless of social status, economic, religious, ethnic and etc. This is in accordance with the 1945 Constitution, Article 31 Paragraph (1) and (2) which reads "Every citizen is entitled teaching", and "that every citizen is obliged to follow the compulsory basic education and government

b. National Educational Goals: Build quality  devout man of God Almighty and to always be able to improve the culture with him as a citizen who has the spirit and the spirit of Pancasila high awareness, noble and virtuous character strong, smart, skilled, can develop and fertilize sikf domokrasi, can maintain a good relationship between human beings and the environment, of sound mind, capable of developing the aesthetic,to establish themselves and society [8].

C. National education functions as follows:

1. Tools to build private, citizen development, cultural development, and the development of Indonesian nation.

2. According to the RI Act 1989 Chapter 2 Article 3'' II National Education serves to develop skills and enhance the life and dignity of the nation Muttu Indonesia in order to achieve the national goals [9].



The education system is the sum of the parts working together to achieve the expected results based on predetermined needs. Every system must have a purpose, and all the activities of all the components or parts thereof are directed to the achievement of the stretcher. Education is a system that has elements of goals / objectives of education, students, education managers, structure or hierarchy, curriculum and equipment / facilities.

National education is an attempt to guide the citizens of Indonesia became pacasila, a personal, based on the Godhead will be able to cultivate conscious society and the environment. And objectives of the national education that build human qualities are cautious Almighty God and always be improving with his culture as Pancasila minded citizens have a high spirit and consciousness, which is noble and virtuous character strong, intelligent, skilled , can develop and nourish, can maintain a good relationship between human beings and the environment, of sound mind, capable of developing the aesthetic,  to establish themselves and their communities.

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